American University Law Review


Mary Beth Tinker recounts her upbringing and her family’s involvement in important issues of their day. Tinker discusses how her family’s commitment to social justice was shaped by her parents religious values, and how this shaped their commitments to civil rights, ultimately leading to their protesting ongoing injustices. In particular, Tinker discusses how she, her siblings, and friends wore black armbands calling for a Christmas Truce in the Vietnam War and how the case that went before the Supreme Court was one of a series of events in her family’s journey for equality.

Recommended Citation

Tinker, Mary Beth, "Reflections on Tinker Tinker Turns 40: Freedom of Expression at School and Its Meaning for American Democracy - April 16, 2009 - Symposium: Foreword." American University Law Review 58, no. 5 (June 2009): 1119-1127.
