
World News

Class Year


Document Type

World News

Publication Date

Fall 2006


An August 2006 report by China’s Zhejiang Provincial Environmental Bureau (“ZPEB”) highlights continuing damage from petrochemical waste, heavy metals pollution, and overfishing to the Zhoushan fishery in the East China Sea. The Zhoushan fishery is among the largest in the East China Sea, and home to more than three hundred fish species, more than eighty shrimp and crab species, and more than 125 varieties of algae. The fishery accounts for ten percent of China’s total annual fish catches and fifty percent of total catches for the Zhe- jiang Province. The ZPEB study indicates that 81 percent of the 20,800 km2 Zhoushan fishery earned a category four pollution rating, with a highest pollution rating of five, up from 53 percent in 2000.
