"One Choice is No Choice At All: Indonesia is Violating the Internation" by Daniel Brezina


Daniel Brezina


This Comment argues that Indonesia is violating Articles 1, 18, 22, 25, and 27 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights by requiring that all political parties adhere to its national ideology of Pancasila. This Comment will introduce the ideology of Pancasila and explain how Indonesia came to require political parties to adhere to the ideology. This Comment will also explain what rights the ICCPR guarantees and introduce the UN Human Rights Committee, which is tasked with monitoring signatories’ compliance with the ICCPR. This Comment will explain how Indonesia’s requirement violates several Articles of the ICCPR, including how the requirement limits Indonesians’ freedom of association and their religious freedom, thus violating their political rights. This Comment then recommends steps that other ICCPR signatories, as well as Indonesia itself, can take to ensure the country’s compliance with the ICCPR, as well as steps that interested parties within Indonesia can take to further demonstrate Indonesia’s violation of the ICCPR.
