The Impact of Criminal Justice Policies on Minority Communities

Document Type


Publication Date


Conference / Event Title

Southeastern Association of Law Schools 2012 Annual Conference

Conference / Event Location

Amelia Island, FL


There has been increasing attention within the legal community on the impact of criminal justice policies, particularly harsh sentencing laws and long-term collateral consequences, on individuals who are convicted and sent to prison. But these laws do not just affect the lives of the individuals who are convicted; they have a broader social and economic impact on the people who remain in the communities that are disproportionately targeted by socalled “tough-on-crime” policies. This panel discusses the devastating, long-term impact of increasingly severe criminal justice policies on the home communities, with a focus on: (1) employment and economic impact; (2) civic engagement and political power; (3) families and children; and (4) policing and public safety.
