Experts in Transition and Human Rights: "The Objective of The Transition is to Recover a Country Where We All Fit"

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date


Conference / Event Title

Foro Transiciones y Derechos Humanos


República Bolivariana de Venezuela Asamblea Nacional & Encuentros por Venezuela

Hosting Organization

Interim Government Chancellery


[keynote speaker] Chilean lawyer Claudio Grossman explained that at this time the concept of transition has become very important in the world. “The issue of transitions entered the radar of the international community, just as genocide and torture entered. This is good news, it has to do with the recognition of common humanity, ”he reviewed.

Grossman stressed that in all transitions there is room for political considerations, but it is also necessary to compensate the victims. “There is room for political considerations, but the truth as a right is essential. In this sense, legitimacy is required to tell the truth… It has to do with the composition of justice and the methodology where the voice of the victims should be ”, he maintained.

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