"Editor's Note" by Juliette Jackson and Bailey Nickoloff


Dear Readers,

For more than two decades, the Sustainable Development Law and Policy Brief (SDLP) remains true to its mission of providing innovative solutions to some of the most important legal issues related to environmental law, energy law, and natural resources law. We are honored to be the Editors-in-Chief during these unprecedented times in our history, as we witnessed a historical presidential election and now enter the third year of the COVID-19 global pandemic. Despite these unparalleled times, the SDLP staff brought our readership another great issue.

In this issue, our authors provide an in-depth analysis into current regulations and the potential direction and solutions these regulations may take in the future. From ocean pollution, to the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA), to tiny homes, and wildlife management, the challenges addressed in this issue have a rather narrow focus, but potentially broad impacts on our environment, both domestically and globally. The Keylon article outlines the impacts of NEPA in the time of the Trump Administration and how the Biden Administration has taken steps to restore NEPA regulations to pre-Trump standards. Keylon also takes it one step further and poses ways in which the Biden Administration can strengthen NEPA standards that would go beyond the pre-Trump standards. The Chu article describes society’s addiction to plastic and the damage it reaps on the health of our planet and the health of humans. Chu discusses these problems by calling on local, state, and federal governments to address the issues of plastics and waste, while simultaneously encouraging individuals to use their voice to enact change. Both articles provide hopeful and possible solutions by building on already-existing frameworks.

We would like to thank all the article and feature authors for their insights and dedication to raising important legal issues. Also, we would like to thank the professors, executive board, staff, and publisher of SDLP for making this publication possible. SDLP is a team endeavor, and a team has never been more important than in the times of COVID-19, so everyone’s work is appreciated. Finally, we would like to thank our readers, whose involvement and investment in SDLP are the reasons that we have been able to create this publication for more than twenty years.
