Content Posted in 2011
$0.77 Does Not Equal $1.00: A Perspective on the Ledbetter Fair Pay Act in a Dukes v. Wal-Mart World, Jessica B. Clarke
1993 Federal Circuit Decisions in the Shadow of the Uruguay Round, Gracia M. Berg and Peter Lichtenbaum
1996 Patent Law Decisions of the Federal Circuit , Michael L. Leetzow, Jeffrey A. Berkowitz, Kenneth E. Horton, Robert L. Burns, Lionel M. Levenue, and Maria L. Maebius
1996: Survey of the Year's Developments in Electronic Cash Law and the Laws Affecting Electronic Banking in the United States, Richard L. Field
1997 Survey of Trademark Decisions by the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit , Julia Anne Matheson and Douglas A. Rettew
2001: A Space Legislation Odyssey - A Proposed Model for Reforming the Intergovernmental Satellite Organizations , Henry Wong
2001 Federal Circuit Trademark Roundup , Andrew Hartman and Lisa K. Koenig
2001 Patent Law Decisions of the Federal Circuit , Jaseph Ferraro
2003 Government Contract Decisions of the Federal Circuit, Douglas L. Patin
2003 Patent Law Decisions of the Federal Circuit, Paul Devinsky and Mark G. Davis
2003 Trademark Law Decisions of the Federal Circuit, Roberta Horton and Catherine Rowland
2005 Trademark Decisions of the Federal Circuit, Stephen R. Baird
2006 Government Contract Decisions of the Federal Circuit, David W. Burgett, William F. Ferreira, Allison D. Pugsley, and Deborah A. Raviv
2007 in Iraq: The Surge and Benchmarks - A New Way Forward? , Darin E.W. Johnson
2007 International Trade Decisions of the Federal Circuit, Munford Page Hall II and Michael S. Lee
2007 Patent Law Decisions of the Federal Circuit, Dean L. Fanelli, Victor N. Balancia, Robert J. Smyth, Carl P. Bretscher, Arthur M. Antonelli, Mark J. Sullivan, and Kent E. Basson
2007 Trademark Law Decisions of the Federal Circuit, Susan M. Kayser and David Jaquette
2008 Government Contract Law Decisions of the Federal Circuit A Review of Recent Decisions of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit: Area Summaries, Sheryl Floyd, William M. Jack, Heather Kilgore Weiner, and Deanna M. Remmes
2008 Patent Law Decisions of the Federal Court A Review of Recent Decisions of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit: Area Summaries, Todd Zubler, Nina Tallon, Jamie Wisz, and Jamaica Szeliga
2008 Trademark Decisions of the Federal Circuit A Review of Recent Decisions of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit: Area Summaries , David M. Kelly and Stephanie H. Bald
2009 Government Contract Law Decisions of the Federal Circuit, Daniel P. Graham, Jon Burd, Tracye Winfrey Howard, Brian Walsh, and W. Barron A. Avery
2009 International Trade Law Decisions of the Federal Circuit, Patrick A. Fitch
2009 Patent Law Decisions of the Federal Circuit, Donald R. Dunner, Bryan C. Diner, Esther H. Lim, Troy E. Grabow, Tina E. Hulse, and Joyce Craig
2009 Trademark Law Decisions of the Federal Circuit, Rebeccah Gan
2010 International Trade law Decisions of the Federal Circuit, Kevin J. Fandl
2010 Patent Law Decisions of the Federal Circuit: "The Advent of the Rader Court", Gregory A. Castanias, Douglas R. Cole, Jennifer L. Swize, Vaishali Udupa, and Tiffany D. Lipscomb-Jackson
2010 Trademark Law Decisions of the Federal Circuit, Susan B. Flohr, Emily J. Barnhart, and John Paul Oleksiuk
5, Amy D. Ronner
60 Years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Towards an Individual Responsibility to Protect, Kathleen Renée Cronin-Furman
Abducting Terrorists Under PDD-39: Much Ado About Nothing New, Douglas Kash
About the Conference, Journal of Gender, Social Policy & the Law
Absurdity and the Limits of Literalism: Defining the Absurd Result Principle in Statutory Interpretation, Veronica M. Dougherty
Academy on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Articles and Essays Analyzing Reparations in International Human Rights Law: Introduction, Claudia Martin and Diego Rodriguez-Pinzon
Academy on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Articles and Essays Analyzing Reparations in International Human Rights Law: Prologue, Claudio Grossman
A ‘Call to Arms:’ A Gender Sensitive Approach to the Plight of Female Child Soldiers in International Law, Priya Pillai
A Case of Clothing and Smell Obsession in a Bisexual Adult Woman Marianne Wesson, Marianne Wesson
A Case of Statutory Misinterpretation: An 1839 Statute of Limitation on a Form of Debt Action Is Being Misapplied to Limit Modern Regulatory Proceedings , Susan S. McDonald
Access to Civil Justice in the United States and the Soviet Union: A Comparative Analysis, John S. Scott
Accident, Exclusivity, and Passenger Disturbances Under the Warsaw Convention, Tory A. Weigand
Accuracy or Fairness: The Meaning of Habeas Corpus after Boumediene v. Bush and Its Implications on Alien Removal Orders, Jennifer Norako
A Clash of the Titans: Judicial Deference to Arbitration and the Public Policy Exception in the Context of Sexual Harassment, Stephen Buehrer
A Comparative Analysis of the Right to Die in the Netherlands and the United States After Cruzan: Reassessing the Right of Self-Determination, Julie A. DiCamillo
A Comparison of Partnership Income Taxation in the United States and Germany: A Study in Differences, Walter D. Schwidetzky
A Conversation With NRDC’s Greg Wetstone, Dave Newman
Acquiring Innovation, Xuan-Thao Nguyen and Jeffrey A. Maine
A Critical Introduction, Daniel D. Bradlow
ACTA's Constitutional Problem: The Treaty That Is Not a Treaty (Or An Executive Agreement), Sean Flynn
Adam and Steve vs. Adam and Eve: Will the New Supreme Court Grant Gays the Right to Marry?, Toni Lester
Adapting to Sea Change: Managing Marine Resources in the Face of Climate Uncertainties, Stephen T. Hesse
Addressing Perceptions of Procedural Unfairness in Compulsory Unitization by Appointing Neutral Experts, Gideon Wiginton
Addressing the Unintended Consequences of an Enhanced SEC Whistleblower Bounty Program, Ted Uliassu
A Decade of the Development of Gender Crimes in International Courts and Tribunals: 1993 to 2003, Kelly D. Askin
A Developing Trend: Laws and Policies on Internal Displacement, Jessica Wyndham
Adjudication According to Codes of Judicial Conduct, Jennifer Gerarda Brown
Adjudication According to Codes of Judicial Conduct, Jennifer Gerarda Brown
Administrative Driver's License Suspension: A Remedial Tool That is Not in Jeopardy , Jennifer E. Dayok
Administrative Law Judges' Removal "Only For Cause": Is That Administrative Procedure Act Now Unconstitutional?, Jerome Nelson
Advancing the Right to Adequate Housing of Desperately Poor People: City of Johannesburg v. Rand Properties, Lilian Chenwi
A Failure of Conscience: How Pakistan’s Devastating Floods Compare to America’s Experience During Katrina, Oded Cedar
A False Sense of Security: Lessons Learned from the United Nations Organization and Conduct Mission in East Timor, Jennifer Toole
A Feminist Critique of Mandatory Arrest: An Analysis of Race and Gender in Domestic Violence Policy, Miriam H. Ruttenberg
A Festschrift in Honor of Seymour J. Rubin, Claudio Grossman, Tom Farer, Andreas J. Jacovides, Herman Schwartz, Bennett Boskey, William Diebold, and Christina M. Cerna
A Few Lines, David G. Epstein
Affirmative Action, A Look at South Africa and the United States: A Question of Pigmentation or Leveling the Playing Field?, Lundy R. Langston
Affirmative (Re)Action: Anything but Race , Katheryn K. Russell
Affirming Brahimi: East Timor Makes the Case for a Model Criminal Code, Megan A. Fairlie
A Framework for the Examination of States of Emergency Under the American Convention on Human Rights, Claudio Grossman
A Fraudulent Sense of Belonging: The Case for Removing the 'False Claim to Citizenship' Bar for Noncitizen Voting, Anne Parsons
African Environmental Information Network: Improving Enforcement and Compliance Within Africa, Shelly Dill
Aftermath of Central Bank of Denver: Private Aiding and Abetting Liability under Section 10(b) and Rule 10b-5, David J. Baum
A Gendered Update on Women Law Deans: Who, Where, Why, and Why Not?, Laura M. Padilla
A Hedgehog on the Witness Stand-What's the Big Idea?: The Challenges of Using Daubert to Assess Social Science and Nonscientific Testimony, Maxine D. Goodman
A Helpless America? An Examination of the Legal Options Available to the United States in Response to Varying Types of Cyber-Attacks from China, Daniel M. Creekman
A Home of One's Own: The Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988 and Housing Discrimination Against People with Mental Disabilities, Arlene S. Kanter
A House of Fools: The Child Custody Protection Act, Christopher M. Law
A Hydrogeological Approach to Transboundary Ground Water Resources and International Law, Gabriel Eckstein and Yoram Eckstein
Air France v. Saks: An Accidental Interpretation of the Warsaw Convention, Kathryn M. Nutt
Airing the Dirty Laundry: The Application of the United States Sentencing Guidelines to White Collar Money Laundering Offenses, Jonathan H. Hecht
A Just World Under Law: A View From the South, B.S. Chimni
A Look at the Compulsory License in Investment Arbitration: The Case of Indirect Expropriation, Christopher Gibson
Alternate Exit Strategies for International Private Equity, Robert D. Stillman
Alternative Dispute Resolution in Commercial Intellectual Property Disputes , Scott H. Blackman and Rebecca M. McNeill
Alumni Profile, Julie A. Gryce
Alumni Profile, Julie Gryce
Alumni Profile, Julie Gryce
Alumni Profile, Lynn Burke
Alumni Profile, Lynn Burke
Alumni Profile, Lynn Burke
Alumni Profile, Vanessa Molina
Alumni Profile, Courtney Moran
Alumni Profile, Jessica Lynd and Lindsay Roberts
Alumni Profile, Jerald Hess
Alumni Profile, Jerald Hess
Alumni Profile, Jerald Hess
Alumni Profile, Emily Wann
Alumni Profile, Emily Wann
Alumni Profile, Emily Wann
Alumni Profile, Natalie Palomino
Alumni Profile, Natalie Palomino
Alumni Profile, Natalie Palomino
Alumni Profile, Emily Creighton
Alumni Profile, Josh Kruskol
Alumni Profile, Human Rights Brief
Alumni Profile, Inbal Sansani
Alumni Profiles, Sarah Mazzochi and Kaitlin Brush
Always at the Margin: Inequitable Conduct in Flux, Randall R. Radler
American Indian Land Rights in the Inter-American System: Dann v. United States , lnbal Sansani
Americanization of Discovery: Why Statutory Interpretation Bars 28 U.S.C. § 1782(a)'s Application in Private International Arbitration Proceedings, Jenna M. Godfrey
American University International Law Review 19, no. 5 (2003):, Vincen-Joel Proulx
Amnesty in the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986: Policy Rationale and Lessons from Canada, Juan P. Osuna
A Moral Justification for Comprehensive Safety Testing of Industrial Chemicals, Ted Schettler
A Mother Should Not Have to Adopt Her Own Child: Parentage Statutes for Children of Lesbian Couples in the Twenty-First Century, Nancy D. Polikoff
Analyzing Prison Sex: Reconciling Self-Expression with Safety, Brenda V. Smith
An Analysis of the Development and Adoption of the United Nations Convention Recognizing the Rights of Individuals with Disabilities: Why the United States Refuses to Sign this UN Convention, Tracy R. Justesen and Troy R. Justesen
An Appraisal of the Model Business Corporation Act's Appraisal Rights Provisions, Mary Siegel
An Assessment of the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal, David P. Hackett
A Nation Scared: Children, Sex and the Denial of Humanity, Dana M. Northcraft
Ancient Works, Modern Dilemmas: The Dead Sea Scrolls Copyright Case, Lisa Michelle Weinstein
An Empirical Study of Agency Interpretations of Agency Rules, Richard J. Pierce Jr and Joshua Weiss
An Environmental Agenda for the Future: Preserving the Environment and Strengthening the Economy, Liz Klein
A New Lesson Plan for Educational Institutions: Expanded Rules Governing Liability Under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 For Student and Faculty Sexual Harassment, Anne-Marie Harris and Kenneth B. Grooms
A New Look at the History of Title VII Disparate Impact Doctrine, Susan Carle
A New Take on Antiterrorism: Smith v. Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamabiriya, Leslie McKay
A New Way Forward in Afghanistan: A Request for Change in U.S. Policy, Sima Samar
An Ideal Legal System for Attracting Foreign Direct Investment? Some Theory and Reality, Amanda Perry
An Idea of American Indian Land Justice: Examining Native Land Liberation in the New Progressive Era, Richael Faithful
An Inconvenient Risk: Climate Change Disclosure and the Burden on Corporations, Camden D. Burton
An Inductive Understanding of Separation of Powers, Jack M. Beermann
An International Perspective on Domestic Banking Reform: Could the European Union's Second Banking Directive Revolutionize the Way the United States Regulates its Own Financial Services Industry?, Jennifer Manvell Jeannot
An Objective View of Fault in Patent Infringement, Jason A. Rantanen
An Overview and the Evolution of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), Margot E. Kaminski
Anticipatory Self-Defence Under International Law, Leo Van den hole
Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001: Has the United Kingdom Made a Valid Derogation From the European Convention on Human Rights?, Virginia Helen Henning
A Personal Account: Initiating the McNutt Water Project in Saboba, Ghana, Ross Weber
A Perspective on Independent Judicial Review in Vietnam and the United States, Andrew F. Popper
A Perspective on the Debt Crisis, Jerome I. Levinson
A Postscript on VMI, Elizabeth Schneider
Appendices, American University Law Review
Appendix: Biographies of Participants , American University Law Review
Applicability of International Criminal Laws to Events in the Former Yugoslavia, Jordan J. Paust
Applying for Asylum, Rose Collantes Peters
Appropriability and Property, Yonatan Even
A Price Tag on Constitutional Rights: Georgia v. Weis and Indigent Right to Continued Counsel, Kathryn Bosse
A Process Right Due? Examining Whether a Capital Defendant Has a Due Process Right to a Jury Selection Expert, Steven C. Serio
A Proposal to Deny Foreign Sovereign Immunity to Nations Sponsoring Terrorism, Catehrine M. Beresovski
A Proposal to Rescue New York Times v. Sullivan by Promoting a Responsible Press, Benjamin Barron
A Random Walk: The Federal Circuit's 2010 Government Contract Decisions, Steven L. Schooner
Are the Perpetrators of Honor Killings Getting Away With Murder? Article 340 of the Jordanian Penal Code Analyzed Under the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, Kathryn Christine Arnold
A Revised Tangible Employment Action Analysis: Just What is an Undesirable Reassignment?, Christine Bradshaw
Are We Being Propelled Towards a People-Centered Transnational Legal Order?, Claudio Grossman and Daniel D. Bradlow
Are You My Mother? Defending the Rights of Intended Parents in Gestational Surrogacy Arrangements in Pennsylvania, Krista Sirola
Are You Still My Mother, Interstate Recognition of Adoption by Gays and Lesbians , Rhonda Wasserman
Argentina: Social Rights, Thorny Country: Judicial Review of Economic Policies Sponsored by the IFIs , Horacio Javier Etchichury
Argentinean Neutrality, and the "Black Legend", Diego Ramiro Guelar
A Rights-Based Approach: Using CEDAW to Protect the Human Rights of Migrant Workers, Jennifer S. Hainfurther
Arrest Efficiency and the Fourth Amendment, Song Richardson
Article III and the Adequate and Independent State Grounds Doctrine , Cynthia L. Fountaine
Asahi Metal Industry Co. v. Superior Court: Effect of State Court Jurisdiction on International Trade, Emily B. Randall
A Second Look at Amended Rule 11 , Theodore C. Hirt
A Selected Bibliography on International Environmental Law
A Shot Heard 'Round The District: The District of Columbia Circuit Puts a Bullet in the Collective Right Theory of the Second Amendment, Amanda C. Dupree
A Social Movement History of Title VII Disparate Impact Analysis, Susan Carle
A South African Perspective on Social and Economic Rights, Richard J. Goldstone
Aspirational Principles or Enforceable Rights? The Future for Socio-Economic Rights in National Law, Ellen Wiles
Assault on Sovereignty: The Clear and Present Danger of the New International Criminal Court, Guy Roberts
Assessing Regional Cooperation: New Trends before the European Court of Human Rights and the European Court of Justice, Fernanda Nicola and Ingrid Nifosi-Sutton
Assessing the Laws and Customs of War: The Publication of Customary International Humanitarian Law, Jean-Marie Henckaerts
A Statistically-driven Approach to Offset-based GHG Additionality Determinations: What Can We Learn?, Mark C. Trexler, Derik J. Broekhoff, and Laura H. Kosloff
A Survey of United States Controls on Foreign Investment and Operations: How Much Is Enough?, Christopher F. Corr
Asylum Law Reform in the German Constitution, Kay Hailbronner
Atkins v. Virginia: National Consensus or Six-Person Opinion?, Joanna Hall
Attacks from Within: Zimbabwe's Assault on Basic Freedoms through Legislation, Jamal Jafari
Attention All Internet Users: How Proposed Amendments to the Communications Decency Act Could Save Your Reputation, Niki Blumentritt
At the Intersection of Injustice: Experiences of African American Women in Crime and Sentencing, Paula C. Johnson
AT&T v. Hulteen: The Ghost of the Supreme Court on Pregnancy Discrimination and Pay Equality for Women’s Pension Benefits in America, Walakewon Blegay
Averting Nuclear Terrorism: Building a Global Regime of Cooperative Threat Reduction, James C. Kraska
A View From the Front Lines: Why Protecting Immigrant Workers is Essential for Immigration Reform and Vital to the Maintenance of a Healthy American Workforce, Andreas N. Akaras and Sebastian G. Amar
A Wavy Line in Blowing Sand, Joseph W. Ricigliano
A Wink and a Nod: The Hoffman Case and Its Effects on Freedom of Association for Undocumented Workers, Jill Borak
A Year in Review: The Federal Circuit's Patent Decisions of 1993, Thomas L. Irving, Michael D. Kaminski, Linda S. Evans, and Donald R. McPhail
Babies, Parents, and Grandparents: A Story in Two Cases, Karen Czapanskiy
Baker v. Vermont, 744 A.2d 864 (Vt. 1999), Sam Charron
Balance-of-Payments Crises in the Developing World: Balancing Trade, Finance and Development in the New Economic Order, Chantal Thomas
Balancing Indigenous Rights and a State's Right to Develop in Latin America: The Inter-American Rights Regime and ILO Convention 169, David C. Baluarte
Balancing Individual Rights vs. Government Interests in the Public Health Treatment of Tuberculosis, Alisa Jessee
Banking and Financial Reform at the Crossroads of the Neoliberal Contagion, Timothy A. Canova
Barbarians Inside the Gate: Public Choice Theory and International Economic Law, Paul B. Stephan III.
Battered Nation Syndrome: Relaxing the Imminence Requirement of Self-Defense in International Law, Michael Skopets
Battered Nation Syndrome: Relaxing the Imminence Requirement of Self-Defense in International Law, Michael Skopets
Beating the Prisoner at Prisoner's Dilemma: The Evidentiary Value of a Witness's Refusal to Testify , Russell Dean Covey
Behind the Wedding Veil: Child Marriage as a Form of Trafficking in Girls, Elizabeth Warner
Belk v. United States: Obtaining Monetary Relief for Americans Held Hostage In Iran, David L. Schwartz
Belk v. United States: Obtaining Monetary Relief for Americans Held Hostage In Iran, David L. Schwartz
Best Bakery: India's Equal Protection Lightning Rod, Shanthala Raj
Beware the Toothless Tiger: Critique of the Model Employment Termination Act, Kenneth A. Sprang
Beyond 43 Million: The "Regarded As" Prong of the ADA and HIV Infection - A Tautological Approach , Brian K. Esser
Beyond the Chilling Effect: Immigrant Workers and the Regulation of Occupational Safety & Health, Jayesh Rathod
Beyond the Proposals: Public Participation in International Economic Law, Chi Camody
Bibliographical Essay: Women and the Legal Profession , Cynthia Grant Bowman
Big Boi, Dr. Seuss, and the King: Expanding the Constitutional Protections for the Satirical Use of Famous Trademarks , Aaron Jaroff
Biographies of Symposium Participants
Birth of a Journal, Journal of Gender & the Law Founding Committee
Birth Registration: An Essential First Step toward Ensuring the Rights of All Children, Jonathan Todres
Bisphenol-A and its Harmful Effects on Human Development, Letty Guerra
Blocking Access to Assets: Compromising Civil Rights to Protect National Security or Unconstitutional Infringement on Due Process and the Right to Hire an Attorney? , Danielle Stampley
Book Interview: The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration In The Age Of Colorblindness, Richael Faithful
Book Review, Sara Ramey
Book Review, Kavita Kapur
Book Review, Eleanor Thompson and Evan Wilson
Book Review, Soumya Venkatesh
Book Review, Asheesh Bhalla and Shubra Ohri
Book Review, Federico G. Barillas Schwank and Anna Maitland
Book Review, Christian M. De Vos
Book Review, Marisa Bassett
Book Review: Brock Thompson’s The Un–Natural State: Arkansas and the Queer South, Katy Bosse
Book Reviews, Holly Chapin and Amparo Martínez-Guerra
Book Reviews, Gwyneth Hesser, Mark Vorkink, and Mihir Mankad
Book Reviews, Mark Vorkink, Christiana Hoffman, Mihir Mankad, and Huwaida Arraf
Book Reviews, Mihir Mankad, Brooke Kirkland, Mark Vorkink, and Erin Scheick
Border Power Plant Working Group v. Department of Energy, Kelly Rain
Born To No Mother: In Re Roberto D.B. and Equal Protection for Gestational Surrogates Rebutting Maternity, Emily Stark
Breaking Up Is Hard To Do: Comments on Martha Fineman's Cracking the Foundational Myths: Independence, Autonomy, and Self-Sufficiency, , Suzanna Danuta Walters
Breaking Up Is Hard To Do: Comments on Martha Fineman's Cracking the Foundational Myths: Independence, Autonomy, and Self-Sufficiency, , Suzanna Danuta Walters
Bridling the International Trade of Catastrophic Weaponary, Barry Kellman
Brief Community News, Human Rights Brief
Brief Community News, Human Rights Brief
Bringing Human Rights Home: The DC Right to Housing Campaign, Meetali Jain
Building on Foundational Myths: Feminism and the Recovery of "Human Nature": A Response to Martha Fineman , Peter M. Cicchino
Building on Foundational Myths: Feminism and the Recovery of "Human Nature": A Response to Martha Fineman , Peter M. Cicchino
Building the World Community: Challenges to Legal Education and the WCL Experience, Claudio Grossman
Bursting the Foundational Myths of Reproductive Labor Under Capitalism: A Call for Brave New Families or Brave New Villages? , Mary Romero
Bursting the Foundational Myths of Reproductive Labor Under Capitalism: A Call for Brave New Families or Brave New Villages? , Mary Romero
Business and Climate Change: Examining Drivers for Action, Sara Standish
Business & Human Rights Law: Diverging Trends in the United States and France, Anna Triponel
Business Responses to Climate Change Overview of this Issue , Perry Wallace
Buying Into Prisons, and Selling Kids Short, Lizbet Simmons
Cabining the Doctrine of Equivalents in Festo: A Historical Perspective on the Relationship Between the Doctrines of Equivalents and Prosecution History Estoppel , Jay I. Alexander
Calling a Spade a Spade: Maternal Mortality as a Human Rights Violation, Luisa Cabal and Morgan Stoffregen
Can Card-Check Be Unilaterally Imposed by the NLRB?, Halima Woodhead
Can Charter Schools Comply with Federal Disability Law and Serve Children with Disabilities?, Kristen Pezone
Candor, Zeal, and the Substitution of Judgment: Ethics and the Mentally Ill Criminal Defendant , John D. King
Can HMOs Wield Market Power? Assessing Antitrust Liability in the Imperfect Market for Health Care Financing , Mark L. Glassman
Can the Leopard Change Its Spots? The African Union Treaty and Human Rights, Nsongurua J. Udombana
Can the U.S. Courts Learn from Failed Terrorist Trials by Military Commission in Turkey and Peru?, Richard Wilson
Capping Incentives, Capping Innovation, Courting Disaster: The Gulf Oil Spill and Arbitrary Limits on Civil Liability, Andrew F. Popper
Card Act's Ability to Pay Proposal Ignites Public Policy Debate, Manley Williams and Sara E. Emley
Caretakers, Entitlement, and Diversity , Twila L. Perry
Caretakers, Entitlement, and Diversity , Twila L. Perry
Carter's Groundbreaking Appointment of Women to the Federal Bench: His Other "Human Rights" Record, Mary L. Clark
Case for A.U. (Accountable Universities): Enforcing University Administrator Fiduciary Duties through Student Derivative Suits, Sarah R. Kusiak
Casenote: A Lost Chance in Rowinsky v. Bryan Independent School District to Use Title IX to Make Schools Stop Peer Sexual Harassment by Imposing Title VII Standards, Melissa M. Nasrah
Cash in the Freezer: Conducting Midnught Raids to Restore Trust in the House, Matt Kelly
Caster Semenya and the Myth of a Level Playing Field, Erin E. Buzuvis
Caught Between Scylla and Charybdis: Law & Economics as a Useful Tool for Feminist Legal Theorists , Darren Bush
CEDAW: It’s Old, It Doesn’t Work, and We Don’t Need It, Lester Munson
Celebrating a Centennial: A Proud Past, A Promising Future , Claudio Grossman, Robert Kogod Goldman, Frederick R. Anderson, Nicholas N. Kittrie, Thomas Buergenthal, and Gordon A. Christenson
Census Politics Revisited: What to Do When the Government Can't Count? , Benjamin J. Razi
Center Faculty/Staff News, Katherine Atkinson
Center Faculty/Staff News, Human Rights Brief
Center News, Katherine Atkinson
Center News, Human Rights Brief
Center News, Human Rights Brief
Center News, Human Rights Brief
Center News, Human Rights Brief
Center News/ Faculty and Staff Updates, Human Rights Brief
Center News/Faculty and Staff Updates, Human Rights Brief
Center News/Faculty and Staff Updates, Human Rights Brief
Center News/Faculty and Staff Updates, Human Rights Brief
Center News/Faculty and Staff Updates, Human Rights Brief
Center News/Faculty and Staff Updates, Human Rights Brief
Center News/Faculty and Staff Updates, Human Rights Brief
Center News/Faculty and Staff Updates, Human Rights Brief
Center News/Faculty and Staff Updates, Human Rights Brief
Center News/Faculty and Staff Updates, Human Rights Brief
Center News/Faculty and Staff Updates, Human Rights Brief
Center News/Faculty and Staff Updates, Human Rights Brief
Center News/Faculty and Staff Updates, Human Rights Brief
Center News/Faculty and Staff Updates, Human Rights Brief
Center News/Faculty and Staff Updates, Human Rights Brief
Center News/Faculty and Staff Updates, Human Rights Brief
Center News/Faculty and Staff Updates, Human Rights Brief
Center News/Faculty and Staff Updates, Human Rights Brief
Center News/Faculty and Staff Updates, Human Rights Brief
Center News/Faculty and Staff Updates, Christian De Vos
Center News/Faculty and Staff Updates, Human Rights Brief
Center News/Faculty and Staff Updates, Human Rights Brief
Challenge of Christianity, The Conference on the Interventional Protection of Reproductive Rights: Religious & Cultural Rights , Frances Kissling
Challenges to Maritime Interception Operations in the War on Terror: Bridging the Gap, Sandra L. Hodgkinson, Edward Cook, Thomas Fichter, Christian Fleming, Jonathan Shapiro, Jon Mellis, Brandon Boutelle, Stephen Sarnoski, and Gregory P. Noone
Challenging Mandatory Deportation with International Law: Using the Inter-American Rights Regime to Chip Away at the Plenary Power Doctrine, David Baluarte
Challenging the Global Structure Through Self-Determination: An African Perspective, David Katona
Changing America: Three Arguments About Asian Americans and the Law , Frank H. Wu
Changing Channels and Bridging Divides: The Failure and Redemption of American Broadcast Television Regulation, Anthony E. Varona
Checks and Balances: Using the Freedom of Information Act to Evaluate the Federal Reserve Banks, Kara Karlson
Chemical Taking: Glyphosate and the Eradication of Due Process in Colombia, David A. Wilhite
Chevron U.S.A., Inc. v. Echazabal 122S. Ct. 2045 (2002), David Yee
Chevron U.S.A., Inc. v. Echazabal 122S. Ct. 2045 (2002), David Yee
Chief Judge Martin and the Modern Sixth Circuit
Children's Rights as Relational Rights: The Case of Relocation, Ruth Zafran
Child Soldiers and the Capacity of the Optional Protocol to Protect Children in Conflict, Shara Abraham
Chile's Free Trade Agreements: Can Their Benefits Survive Chile's Continuing Controls on Foreign Capital?, Evgenia V. Sorokina
Choosing Tribal Law: Why State Choice-of-Law Principles Should Apply to Disputes with Tribal Contacts, Katherine J. Florey
Chopping Away at Chapter 11: The Softwood Lumber Agreement's Effect on the NAFTA Investor-State Dispute Resolution Mechanism, Matthew T. Simpson
Cities in Africa: An Examination of Domestic Implementation and Compliance, Yvonne Fiadjoe
Classical Rhetoric, Practical Reasoning, and the Law of Evidence , Eileen A. Scallen
Climate Change, the Kyoto Protocol, and the World Trade Organization: Challenges and Conflicts, Daniel McNamee
Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for OnLine Video, Peter A. Jaszi and Patricia Aufderheide
Co-Invest at Your Own Risk: An Exploration of Potential Remedial Theories for Breaches of Rights First Refusal in the Venture Capital Context, Elizabeth Cosenza
Collecting Debts From the Ill and Injured: The Rhetorical Significance, But Practical Irrelevance, of Culpability and Ability to Pay, Melissa B. Jacoby
Colloguium for Legal Education Then and Now: Changing Patterns in Legal Training and in the Relationship of Law Schools to the World Around Them , Bob Gordon, James May, Jack Schlegel, and Joan Williams
Combining Class Action Litigation and Social Science Research: A Case Study in Helping Homeless Women With Children, Lynee Soine and Mary Ann Burg
Comfort Women During WWII: Are U.S. Courts a Final Resort for Justice?, Byoungwook Park
Commentary: Environmental Justice and the BP Oil Spill: Does Anyone Care About The "Small People" of Color?, Perry Wallace
Commentary: The Basel Convention, Back to the Future, Pierre Portas
Comment on COP 11 to the UNFCCC, Scott J. Stone
Comment on the Paper by Gladys Acosta, Martin D. Farrell
Comments Conference on the Interventional Protection of Reproductive Rights: Civil & Political Rights and the Right to Nondiscrimination , Rachael N. Pine
Comments On the FCC's Recent Mass Media Ownership Decision, William Fishman
Commercial Contributions to the Climate Change Regime: Who's Regulating Whom? , Stephen Tully
Common Law and Statute Law in Administrative Law, Jack M. Beermann
Common-Law Habeas and the Seperation of Powers, Stephen I. Vladeck
Common-Sense Construction of Unfair Claims Settlement Statutes: Restoring the Good Faith in Bad Faith, Victor Schwartz and Christopher E. Appel
Comparative Constitutional Advocacy , Mark C. Rahdert
Comparative Evidence or Common Experience: When Does "Substantial Limitation" Require Proof Under the Americans with Disabilities Act?, Cheryl L. Anderson
Compliance with the Ozone Treaty: Weak States and the Principle of Common but Differentiated Responsibility, Nina E. Bafundo
Compulsory Licensing Provisions Under the TRIPs Agreement: Balancing Pills and Patents, Sara M. Ford
Conceptualizing Constitutional Litigation as Anti-Government Expression: A Speech-Centered Theory of Court Access, Robert L. Tsai
Conceptualizing the Law from a Gender Perspective: Conceptions Regarding Victim and Accused, Gladys Acosta Vargas
Concluding Remarks, Mark Thomson and Claudio Grossman
Concurrent Tribal and State Jurisdiction Under Public Law 280 , Vanessa J. Jimenez and Soo C. Song
Condoms Overturned on Appeal: Teens Stripped of Their Rights, Sharon Pmeranz
Conduct Unbecoming: The Collapse of the International Tin Agreement, Ian A. Mallory
Conference Adjournment, Claudio Grossman and Aryeh Neier
Conference Convocation, M. Cherif Bassiouni, Charles N. Brower, Claudio Grossman, Diane F. Orentlicher, Tina Rosenberg, David J. Scheffer, and Paul Williams
Conference Highlight: Fifteenth Annual Lat.Crit. Conference, Alex Bernshteyn
Conference Highlights: Reflections of a Law Student from the Hip Hop Generation, Shailee Diwanji
Conference on the Interventional Protection of Reproductive Rights: Introduction, Donna Sullivan
Conference on the Interventional Protection of Reproductive Rights: Preface , Lauren Gilbert, Ann Shalleck, and Claudio Grossman
Conference: Reparations in the Inter-American System: A Comparative Approach Conference, Ignacio Alvarez, Carlos Ayala, David Baluarte, Agustina Del Campo, Santiago A. Canton, Dean Claudio Grossman, Darren Hutchinson, Pablo Jacoby, Viviana Krsticevic, Elizabeth Abi-Mershed, Fernanda Nicola, Diego Rodríguez-Pinzón, Francisco Quintana, Sergio Garcia Ramirez, Alice Riener, Frank La Rue, Dinah Shelton, Ingrid Nifosi Sutton, and Armstrong Wiggins
Conference Report: Human Rights in American Courts, Deborah R. Gerstel and Adam G. Segall
Conference: She Can Do No Wrong: Recent Failures in America's Immigration Courts to Provide Women Asylum from Honor Crimes Abroad, Shira T. Shapiro
Conference: Supreme Court, Racial Politics, and the Right to Vote: Shaw v. Reno and the Future of the Voting Rights Act, Julian Bond; Katharine Inglis Butler; Penda Hair; Anita S. Hodgkiss; Samuel Isaacharoff; Richard Jerome; David Kairys; Pamela S. Karlan; Robert A. Kengle; Loretta King; J. Morgan Kousser; Allan J. Lichtman; Binny Miller; Frank R. Parker; Richard H. Pildes; Jamin B. Raskin; Edward Still; Donald B. Verilli, Jr.; Alex Willingham; and Brenda Wright
Confidence Through Compliance in Emissions Trading Markets, Joe Kruger and Christian Egenhofer
Conflict, Confusion, and Bias Under TRIPs Articles 22-24 , Kevin M. Murphy
Conflict Mapping: Innovation in International Responses in Post-Conflict Societies, Wendy S. Betts and Gregory Gisvold
Conflict of Laws Analyses for the Era of Free Trade, Andrew J. Walker
Congress, the Courts, and the Long Range Plan , Patrick E. Longan
Considering Mom: Maternity and the Model Act Governing Assisted Reproductive Technology, Charles P. Kindregan Jr.
Consolidated Gold Fields, PLC v. Minorco, S.A.: The Growing Over-Extension of United States Antitrust Law, Jacqueline B. Berman
Consolidating Democracy in Latin America: Law, Legal Institutions and Constitutional Structure, Tom Farer
Consti–Tortion: Tort Law as an End-Run Around Abortion Rights After Planned Parenthood v. Casey, A.J. Stone III.
Constitutional Borrowing, Robert L. Tsai
Constitutionalism and Trust in Britain: An Ancient Constitutional Culture, a New Judicial Review Model, Ariel L. Bendor and Zeev Segal
Constitutional "Refolution" in the Ex-Communist World: The Rule of Law
Constitutional Review and Tax Law: An Analytical Framework , Yoseph Edrey
Constructing a New Liberal Capitalism: Czechoslovakian Labor Law in Transition, Mark McLaughlin Hager
Consular Notification in Death Penalty Cases Returns to the World Court: A Note on Avena and Medellín, Juan J. Quintana
Consumer Protection for Latinos: Overcoming Language Fraud and English-Only in the Marketplace , Steven W. Bender
Contemplating Cruel and Unusual: A Critical Analysis of Baze v. Rees in the Context of the Supreme Court's Eighth Amendment Proportionality Jurisprudence, Katie Roth Heilman
Contemporary International Law: An 'Empire of Law' or the 'Law of Empire', José E. Alvarez
Contemporary Issues in Patent Damages, Paul M. Janicke
Contesting Conservatisms, Family Feuds and the Privatization of Dependency, Brenda Crossman
Convention Against Torture: A Viable Alternative Legal Remedy for Domestic Violence Victims, Barbara Cochrane Alexander
Conversation With an Understanding Attorney, Mary Kennan Herbert
Convicting the Innocent in Transnational Criminal Cases: A Comparative Institutional Analysis Approach to the Problem, Song Richardson
Copyright and Feminism in Digital Media, Dan L. Burk
Copyright in Cyberspace: A Survey of National Policy Proposals for On-Line Service Provider Copyright Liability and an Argument for International Harmonization, Kristin Ashurst Hughes
Corporate Liability Under the Alien Tort Statute: Federal Common Law as the Standard for Third Party Liability, Alexandra Bradley
Corporate War Criminals and the International Criminal Court: Blood and Profits in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Julia Graff
Corruption as an Assurance Problem, Philip M. Nichols
Cost Responsibility or Regulatory Indulgence for Electricity's Stranded Costs? , John Burritt McArthur
Costs of an Outdated Pedagogy? Study on Gender at Harvard Law School, Adam Neufeld
Countering Persistent Contemporary Sea Piracy: Expanding Jurisdictional Regimes, Joseph M. Isanga
Counter-Insurgency, Human Rights, and the Law of Armed Conflict, Federico Sperotto
County of Yakima v. Confederated Tribes & Bands of the Yakima Indian Nation: State Taxation as a Means of Diminishing the Tribal Land Base, Christopher A. Karns
Cracking Foundations as Feminist Method , Katharine T. Bartlett
Cracking Foundations as Feminist Method , Katharine T. Bartlett
Cracking the Foundational Myths: Independence, Autonomy, and Self-Sufficiency, Martha Albertson Fineman
Cracking the Foundational Myths: Independence, Autonomy, and Self-Sufficiency, Martha Albertson Fineman
Creating a Hazardous Waste Management Program in a Developing Country, Susan E. Bromm
Creating the Human Rights Bar in Israel: 25 Years of the U.S.-Israel Civil Liberties Law Fellowship, Maria Lokshin, Gidon Bromberg, Hassan Jabareen, Banna Shugri Badarne, and Karine Elharrar
Credit Default Swaps and Clearing, Nazanin Baseri
Crimes of Sexual Violence in the War Crimes Chamber of the State Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Successes and Challenges, Angela J. Edman
Criminal Caseload in U.S. District Courts: More Than Meets the Eye L. Ralph Mecham & Federal Courts Administration: A Decade of Innovation and Progress , David L. Cook, Steven R. Schlesinger, Thomas J. Bak, and William T. Rule
Criminal Fraud , Ellen S. Podgor
Criminalizing Hate Speech: A Comment on the ICTR’s Judgment in The Prosecutor v. Nahimana, et al., Diane F. Orentlicher
Criminalizing Hate Speech in the Crucible of Trial: Prosecutor v. Nahimana , Diane F. Orentlicher
Crippling United States Airlines: Archaic Interpretations of the Federal Aviation Act's Restriction on Foreign Capital Investments, James E. Gjerset
Critical Race Histories: In and Out, Darren Lenard Hutchinson
Cross-Cultural Commerce in Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice, Anita L. Allen and Michael R. Seidl
Cross-Cutting Issues in the Application of the Guatemalan “Nepa”: Environmental Impact Assessment and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples , Leonardo A. Crippa
Cruelty to the Mentally ILL: An Eighth Amendment Challenge to the Abolition of the Insanity Defense, Stephen M. LeBlanc
Crushing Equality: Gender Equal Sentencing in America, Christopher M. Alexander
Cultivating Urban Forests Policies in Developing Countries, Janet A. Choi
Cultural Diversity, Human Rights, and the Emergence of Indigenous Peoples in International and Comparative Environmental Law, Jerry Firestone, Jonathan Lily, and Isable Torres de Noronha
Culture and Mediation: A Red Herring, Cynthia A. Savage
Curbing Reliance On Abortion In Russia, Meghan Stewart
Current Development: Afghanistan Recognizes Chechnya, Thomas D. Grant
Curtailing Thailand's Child Prostitution Through an International Conscience, Patricia D. Levan
Customary Law Without Custom? Rules, Principles, and the Role of State Practice in International Norm Creation, Niels Petersen
Cutting the Hangman’s Noose: African Initiatives to Abolish the Death Penalty, Tim Curry
Cybersecurity: Domestic and Legislative Issues, Sean Shank
Czecho ? Slovakia: Constitutional Disappointments, Katarina Mathernova
Dams, International Rivers, and Riparian States: An Analysis of the Recommendations of the World Commission on Dams, Salman M.A. Salman
Dan The Xenophobe Rides The A-Train, or The Modern, Unconscious Racist in "Enlightened America", Richard Salgado
Dean v. The District of Columbia: Goin' to the Chapel and We're Gonna Get Married, Heather Hodges
Death by Textualism: The NLRB's "Incidental to Patient Care" Supervisory Status Test for Charge Nurses , Edwin A. Keller_Jr
Decade of NGO Struggle, Gay J. McDougall
Declaring War on the Environment: The Failure of International Environmental Treaties During the Persian Gulf War, Katherine M. Kelly
Deconstructing Sodomy, Leslye M. Huff
De-democratization in Israel: Repressions Against Human Rights Defenders and the Need for Implementation of the EU Guidelines on the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, Annette Groth and Tanja Tabbara
Dedication to Waldemar A. Solf, Robert Kogod Goldman, Claudio Grossman, Raymond I. Geraldson, George H. Aldrich, Sally V. Mallison, and W. Thomas Mallison
Deed of Mistrust?: The Use of Land Transfers to Evade the Establishment Clause, David C. Peet
Deep Background: Journalists, Sources, and the Perils of Leaking, William E. Lee
De Facto v. De Jure Equality in the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, Brianne McGonigle
Defending International Sentencing: Past Criticism to the Promise of the ICC, Marisa R. Bassett
Defending the Detainees at Guantánamo Bay, Richard J. Wilson
Defending the Land of the Free and the Home of the Fearful: The Use of Classified Information to Deport Suspected Terrorists, Dave Martella
Defining "Author" for Purposes of Copyright , Russ VerSteeg
Defining Group Rights and Delineating Sovereignty: A Case from the Republic of Fiji, Joseph E. Bush
Deliberate Environmental Modification Through the Use of Chemical and Biological Weapons: "Greening" the International Laws of Armed Conflict to Establish an Environmentally Protective Regime, Ensign Florencio J. Yuzon
Democracy's Handmaid, Robert L. Tsai
Democracy, Sovereignty, and Intervention, Louis W. Goodman
Demystifying U.Demystifying U.S. Encryption Export Controls S. Encryption Export Controls, James B. Altman and William McGlone
Deregulation by Any Other Name: New Jersey's Site Remediation Reform Act in Federal Context, Tom Rath
Designing Land Registration Systems for Developing Countries, Tim Hanstad
Detention and Prosecution of Alleged Terrorists and Combatants, Jonathan Tracy
Determinations of Adequacy in Sunset Reviews of Antidumping Orders in the United States, Peter A. Dohlman
Developing Countries and the Framework for Negotiations on Foreign Direct Investment in the World Trade Organization, Eric M. Burt
Development and the Environment: A Global Balance, Barber B. Conable
Development of the African Human Rights System in the Last Decade, Vincent O. Nmehielle
Developments in the Prosecution of Gender-Based Crimes - The Special Court for Sierra Leone Experience , Hon. Theresa Doherty
Developments in the Resolution of the Liberian Conflict, Kofi Oteng Kufuor
Did Decide or Should Have Decided: Issue Exhaustion and the Veterans Benefits Appeals Process , Gary E. O'Connor
Dietary Supplements: A Challenge Facing the FDA in Mad Cow Disease Prevention, Meghan Colloton
Digital Audio Tape Technology: A Formidable Challenge to the American Copyright System, Taro J. Kawamura
Digital Audio Tape Technology: A Formidable Challenge to the American Copyright System, Taro J. Kawamura
Disability Rights and United States Foreign Assistance Policy - A New Framework, Einat Hurvitz
Discovering and Addressing Sexual Orientation Bias in Arizona's Legal System, Amelia Craig Cramer
Discovering and Addressing Sexual Orientation Bias in Arizona's Legal System, Amelia Craig Cramer
Discovering Our Connections: Race and Gender in the Law Symposium Keynote Address, Margaret Walker Alexander
Discrimination, Affirmative Action and Freedom: Sorting Out the Issues , Roger Pilon
Disfavored Speech About Favored Rights: Hill v. Colorado, The Vanishing Public Forum and the Need for an Objective Speech Discrimination Test, Jamin B. Raskin and Clark L. LeBlanc
Dishonoring the Honorarium Ban: Exemption for Federal Scientists , Lissa Malloy Nardini
Disparate Treatment: A Complex Case Analysis, Yaa Anyane-Yeboa
Disparity in Copyright Protection: Focus on the Finished Image Ignores the Art in the Details , Karen D. Williams
Dispute Settlement Under the NAFTA and the WTO: Choice of Forum Opportunities and Risks for the NAFTA Parties, David A. Gantz
Dissecting Axes of Subordination: The Need for A Structural Analysis, Darren Lenard Hutchinson
Dissecting Axes of Subordination: The Need for A Structural Analysis, Darren Lenard Hutchinson
Dissuasive Measures and the "Society as a Whole": A Working Theory of Reparations in the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Judith Schonsteiner
Do Constitutions Requiring Adherence to Shari'a Threaten Human Rights? How Egypt's Constitutional Court Reconciles Islamic Law with the Liberal Rule of Law, Clark B. Lombardi and Nathan J. Brown
Document Bibliography Conference on the Interventional Protection of Reproductive Rights: Preface , Anonymous
Does a Song by Any Other Name Still Sound as Sweet: Digital Sampling and Its Copyright Implications, Randy S. Kravis
Does Gender Influence Attitudes toward Copyright in the Filk Community , Melissa Tatum, Robert Spoo, and Benjamin Pope
Does National Court Involvement Undermine the International Arbitration Processes?, Julian D M Lew
Does Pro-Choice Mean Pro-Kevorkian--An Essay on Roe, Casey, and the Right to Die, Seth F. Kreimer
Does the Supreme Court Still Matter?, Timothy B. Dyk
Does the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Implicitly Guarantee a Right to Habeas Corpus?, Brian Farrell
Do Isolated Wetlands Substantially Affect Interstate Commerce? , Elaine Bueschen
Domestic Violence in the United States and its Effect on U.S. Asylum Law, Jennifer Podkul
Don't Ask, Don't Tell: Beyond the Log Cabin Republicans Injunction and the Defense Authorization Act
"Don't Ask, Don't Tell" - Except in a Job Interview: The Discriminatory Effect of the Policy on a Veteran's Employment, Amanda Alquist Pope
Do We Need A "Beanie Baby" Fraud Statute?
Do You Need a Lawyer? You May Have to Wait 30 Days: The Supreme Court Went Too Far in Florida Bar v. Went For It, Inc. , Daniel L. Zelenko
Do You Want to Be An Attorney or a Mother - Arguing for a Feminist Solution to the Problem of Double Blinds in Employment and Family Responsibilities Discrimination , Heather Bennett Stanford
Draft Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women Conference on the Interventional Protection of Reproductive Rights , Women in the Law Project, International Human Rights Law Group,and the Maastricht Centre for Human Rights Law
Driving Into Unreasonableness: The Driveway, the Curtilage, and Reasonable Expectations of Privacy, Vanessa Rownaghi
Drug Addiction During Pregnancy: A Call for Increased Social Responsibility, Page McGuire Linden
Due Process for the Global Crime Era: A Proposal, Song Richardson
Due Process in the World Trade Organization: The Need for Procedural Justice in the Dispute Settlement System, John P. Gaffney
Duplicative Delegations, Jason Marisam
Dutch Treats: The Lessons the U.S. Can Learn From How the Netherlands Protects Lesbians and Gays, Astrid A.M Mattijssen and Charlene L. Smith
Earned Sovereignty for Kashmir: The Legal Methodology to Avoiding a Nuclear Holocaust, Karen Heymann
Eastern and Central European Political and Legal Developments: An Annotated Bibliography, Balakrishnan Rajagopal
East-West Labor Union Cooperation; Falling Walls and Opening Doors: Communism, Cold War Era Barriers, and the Immigration Act of 1990, Ronald C. Brown
ECCC in Pre-Trial Action: Was There Good Reason to Order Pre-Trial Detention of the ECCC Defendants, Stan Starygin
Echoes of Scientific Truth in the Halls of Justice: The Standards of Review Applied by the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit in Patent-Related Matters , Lawrence M. Sung
Economic and Social Human Rights and the New International Economic Order, Seymour J. Rubin
Economic and Social Rights in the United States: An Overview of the Domestic Legal Framework, Jessica Schultz
Economic Consequences, Nationalist Passions: Keynes, Crisis, Culture, and Policy, Nathaniel Berman
Economic Crimes in the People's Republic of China: A Swinging Door Policy, Cynthia B. Schultz
Economic Development at the Cost of Human Rights: China Nonferrous Metal Industry in Zambia, Brian Chama
Economic Refugees: Unproptected in the United States by Virtue of an Inaccurate Label, Elizabeth Kay Harris
Economic Terror: Market Manifestations of Terror Attacks, Richard V. Rodriguez
Editor's Note, Dave Newman
Editor's Note, Melanie Nakagawa and Kirk Herbertson
Editor's Note, Dave Newman
Editor's Note, American University Law Review
Editors' Note, Kelly Rain and Kirk Herbertson
Editors' Note, Kelly Rain and Kirk Herbertson
Editors' Note, Melanie Nakagawa and Kirk Herbertson
Editors' Note, Melanie Nakagawa and Kirk Herbertson
Egging On Lesbian Maternity: The Legal Implications of Tri-gametic In Vitro Fertilization , Kyle C. Velte
El Derecho Humano al Medio Ambiente: El Caso de los Pueblos Autóctonos , Rodrigo Dellutri
Electronic Rulemaking in the New Age of Openness: Proposing a Voluntary Two-Tier Registration System for, Gregory D. Jones
Electronic Stored Value Payment Systems, Market Position, and Regulatory Issues , Gary W. Lorenz
Electronic Uncertainty Within the International Trade Regime, Philip M. Nichols
Elephants, Donkeys, or Other Creatures? Presidential Election Cycles & International Law of the Global Commons, J.M. Spectar
El Establecimiento de la Responsabilidad Internacional del Estado por Violacion a Normas Contenidas en la Declaracion Americana de los Derechos y Deberes del Hombre , Julio José Rojas Báez
Elk Grove Unified School District v. Newdow, Rachel Prouser
‘Emaciated’ Defense or a Trend to Independence and Equality of Arms in Internationalized Criminal Tribunals?, Richard J. Wilson
E-Mail and Voice Mail: Employee Privacy and the Federal Wiretap Statute , Thomas R. Greenberg
Empowering Constitutionalism with Text from an Israeli Perspective, Barak Cohen
Empowering the Wind: Overcoming Obstacles to Wind Energy Development in the United States, Dave Newman
Enabling Work for People with Disabilities: A Post-Integrationist Revision of Underutilized Tax Incentives, Francine J. Lipman
Enacting a Reasonable Federal Shield Law: A Reply to Professors Clymer and Eliason, James Thomas Tucker and Wermiel
Endorsing Religion: Drug Courts and the 12-Step Recovery Support Program, Emily M. Gallas
Enforcement Against State and Local Governments
Enforcement of Federal Rights Against States: Alden and Federalism Non-Sense , Daan Braveman
Enforcement of Social and Economic Rights, Albie Sachs
Enforcing the Ban on Chemical Weapons, Mea Sucato
Enhancing Urban Albedo to Fight Climate Change and Save Energy, Elise Stull, Xiaopu Sun, and Durwood Zaelke
Ensuring Accountability: International Law and Post 9/11 U.S. Detention Policy, Priti Patel
Ensuring a Responsibility to Protect: Lessons from Darfur, Anonymous
Ensuring Respect: United Nations Compliance with International Humanitarian Law, Peter F. Chapman
Enter the Dragon: An Essay on China's WTO Accession Saga, Raj Bhala
Environmental Justice and Community Empowerment: Learning from the Civil Rights Movement , R. Gregory Roberts
Environmental Justice: Bridging the Gap Between Environmental Laws and "Justice" , Alice Kaswan
"Environmentally Friendly" Product Advertising: Its Future Requires a New Regulatory Authority, Thomas C. Downs
Environmental Tectonics v. W.S. Kirkpatrick and the Act of State Doctrine: An Elusive Standard, Mary Kate Kennedy
Environmental Terrorism: Lessons from the Oil Fires of Kuwait, Jesica E. Seacor
Environmental Trade Sanctions and the GATT: An Analysis of the Pelly Amendment on Foreign Environmental Practices, Steve Charnovitz
Envisioning the Constitution , Thomas P. Crocker
EPA’s Administrative Compliance Orders Ruled Unconstitutional, Mary Margaret McCleroy
Equality and Justice in Lesbian and Gay Families and Relationships, Nancy Polikoff
Equal Justice Under The Law: Why IOLTA Programs Do Not Violate The First Amendment, Hillary A. Webber
Equity and Settlement Class Actions: Can There Be Justice For All in Ortiz v. Fibreboard , Nikita Malhotra Pastor
Essential to the National Security: an Executive ban on "Don't Ask, Don't Tell", Pamela Lundquist
Establishing More Effective Merger Control in the European Community: A Proposed Solution, Thomas B. Mann II
Ethical Issues in International Legal Education, José Antonio Viera-Gallo
Ethical Money: Financial Growth in the Muslim World , Bjorn Sorenson
Ethical Money: Financial Growth in the Muslim World , Bjorn Sorenson
Ethics and the Federal Prosecutor: The Continuing Conflict over the Application of Model Rule 4.2 to Federal Attorneys, Neals-Erik William Delker
Ethnic Conflict in Plateau State: The Need to Eliminate the Indigene/Settler Dichotomy in Nigeria, Nabila Isa-Odidi
European Approaches to Enhancing Reproductive Freedom Conference on the Interventional Protection of Reproductive Rights: Reproduction, Rights, and Reality: How Facts and Law Can Work For Women , Katarina Tomasevski
Europe's Reach: A New Chapter in International Chemicals Law, Marcos A. Orellana
Evading "Residence": Undocumented Students, Higher Education, and the States, Jessica Salsbury
E-Verify: Chamber of Commerce v. Whiting
Evolution of Auditor Liability to Noncontractual Third Parties: Balancing the Equities and Weighing the Consequences, Jodi B. Scherl
Examination: April 1993, Annoymous _
Excluding Children From Refugee Status: Child Soldiers and Article 1F of the Refugee Convention, Matthew Happold
Execution of Juvenile Offenders by the United States Violates International Human Rights Law, David Weissbrodt
Executive Branch Civil Justice Reform, Carl Tobias
Executive Branch Civil Justice Reform, Carl Tobias
Expanding Our Vision of Legal Services Representation– The Hermanas Unidas Project, Stacy Brustin
Expanding the Feminist Imagination: An Analysis of Reproductive Right, Edith L. Pacillo
Exploring the Economic Meanings of Gender
Extraordinary Rendition: The Price of Secrecy, Louis Fisher
Extraterritorial Jurisdiction of the Proposed Federal Waste Export Control Act, James P. Cargas
Extraterritorial Jurisdiction of the Proposed Federal Waste Export Control Act, James P. Cargas
Extraterritorial Reach of NEPA's EIS Requirement after Environmental Defense Fund v. Massey, Karen A. Klick
Extraterritorial Violations of Human Rights by the United States, Gerald L. Neuman
Fables of the Deconstruction: The Practical Failures of Gay and Lesbian Theory in the Realm of Employment Discrimination, Theodore A. Schroeder
Facilitating Prior Informed Consent Context of Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge, Anne Perrault
Facing the Music: Traditional Knowledge and Copyright, Bryan Bachner
Factors or Prices? An Evaluation of Antidumping Laws as Applied to Companies Existing in Nonmarket Economies, Lydia Brashear
Facts on the Ground: An Examination of Israeli Municipal Policy in East Jerusalem, Ardi Imseis
Faculty/Staff News, Human Rights Brief
Faculty/Staff News, Human Rights Brief
Fade to Black: The Formalization of Jackson's Youngstown Taxonomy by Hamdan and Medellin, Michael J. Turner
Failure to Arrest: A Pilot Study of Police Response to Domestic Violence in Rural Illinois , Sara R. Benson
Fairness Opinions, Steven M. Davidoff
Fair Trade For All: How Trade can Promote Development by Joseph Stiglitz and Andrew Charlton , Maria Vanko
Fair Use and the Fairer Sex: Gender, Feminism, and Copyright Law, Ann Bartow
Fair Use Challenges in Academic and Research Libraries, Peter Jaszi
Fair v. Rumsfeld, Michael J. Collins
Family Law Exceptionalism in Comparative Law, Fernanda Nicola
Family Planning Services Conference on the Interventional Protection of Reproductive Rights: The Impact of Reproductive Subordination on Women's Health , Mahmoud F. Fathalla
Federal Circuit Trademark Roundup, Jerome Gilson and Andrew Hartman
Federal Register 2.0: Public Participation in the Twenty-First Century, Lauren R. Dudley
Federal Tails and State Puppy Dogs: Preempting Parallel State Wage Claims to Preserve the Integrity of Federal Group Wage Actions , Rachel K. Alexander
Fees From Mars: Why the FTC Needs to Regulate Mortgage Assistance Relief Services (MARS) Fees, Alexander Lutch
Female Genital Mutilation in the United States: An Examination of Criminal and Asylum Law, Layli Miller Bashir
Female Genital Mutilation: United States Asylum Laws Are in Need of Reform, Amy Stern
Feminist Interpretations of Intellectual Property, Debora Halbert
Feminist Theory and Feminist Method: Transforming the Experience of the Classroom, Ann Shalleck
Feminist Theory in the Context of International Conflict, Teresa G. Phelps
Feminist Thought and Corporate Law: It's Time to Find Our Way Up From the Bottom (Line), Ronnie Cohen
Fencing Out the Neighbors: Legal Implications of the U.S.-Mexico Border Security Fence, Marta Tavares
Fiercer Than a Tiger - White Collar Offenders Face Harsh Sentencing in Post-Booker World, P.J. Meiti
Fighting Black Market and Oily Water: The Department of Justice's National Initiatives to Combat Transnational Environmental Crime, Jim Rubin and Shata Stucky
Fighting Firearms with Fire in the OAS: A Critical Evaluation of the Inter-American Convention Against the Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, and Other Related Materials , Kierstan Lee Carlson
Fighting Piracy With Private Security Measures: When Contract Law Should Tell Parties to Walk the Plank, Jennifer S. Martin
Filling Gaps in European Union Securities Law: Contractually Organized Supervision & the College of Euronext Regulators, Bryan Thomas Shipp
Final Salute to Lost Soldiers: Preserving the Freedom of Speech at Military Funerals, Andrea Cornwell
Financial Liberalization, International Monetary Dis/order, and the Neoliberal State, Timothy A. Canova
Financing Sources for Trade & Investment in Latin America, A. Martin Erim, E. Terry Jaramillo, Mark D. Johnson, Marco G. Monroy, Miguel E. Rubio, Oliver P. Yandle, and Carlos A. Zubiaur
Finanzplatz Deutschland: Germany Enacts Insider Trading Legislation, Ursula C. Pfeil
Finding Family: Considering the Recognition of Same-Sex Families in International Human Rights Law and the European Court of Human Rights, Elizabeth Kukura
First Contentious Cases Before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Neal S. Doedhar
First Line Defenders as Second Class Citizens: Collective Bargaining Rights for TSA Employees and National Security Make Good Bedfellows, Mark D. Roth and Jamison F. Grella
First Prosecution in the United States for Torture Committed Abroad: The Trial of Charles ‘Chuckie’ Taylor, Jr., Elise Keppler, Shirley Jean, and J. Paxton Marshall
Fishing in Muddy Waters: Clarifying the Common Pool Analogy as Applied to the Standard for Commencement of a Bankruptcy Case, Susan Block-Lieb
Fit to Be Tied: On Custody, Discretion, and Sexual Orientation , Mark Strasser
Five Wars of Globalization: Comment on the Grotius Lecture by Moisés Naím, Elizabeth Rindskopf Parker
Flash of the Titans: A Picture of Section 301 in the Dispute Between Kodak and Fuji and a View Toward Dismantling Anticompetitive Practices in the Japanese Distribution System, Frank J. Schweitzer
Florence County School District Four v. Carter: A Good "IDEA"; Suggestions for Implementing the Carter Decision and Improving the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act , Heather J. Russell
Focus on AU: Green Buildings , Chris McChesney
Focus on AU: Institutional Response to the D.C. Lead Water Controversy, Molly Frank-Meltzer
For Crying Out Loud: Ohio's Legal Battle With Public Breastfeeding and Hope for the Future, Brianne Whelan
Foreign Attorneys in Japan: The International Practice of Law as a Question of Unfair Trade Practices, Masako C. Shiono
Foreign Direct Investment in Latin America: Nicaragua - A Case Study, Hunter R. Clark and Amanda Velazquez
Foreward, Adrienne D. Davis and Joan C. Williams
Foreward, Adrienne D. Davis and Joan C. Williams
Foreword, José Luis Jesus
Foreword, Diane F. Orenlicher
Foreword, Martin Butora
Foreword: Left Out in the Cold - Welcome Remarks, Nadine Strossen
Foreword: National Security's Distortion Effects, Stephen I. Vladeck
Forfeiting "Enduring Freedom" for "Homeland Security": A Constitutional Analysis of the USA Patriot Act and the Justice Department's Anti-Terrorism Initiatives , John W. Whitehead and Steven H. Aden
For Love of Country and International Criminal Law, Prince Zeid Ra'ad Zeid Al-Hussein
For Love of Country and International Criminal Law, Further Reflections, David Scheffer
Formula to Stop the Illegal Organ Trade: Presumed Consent Laws and Mandatory Reporting Requirements for Doctors, Sheri R. Glaser
For Richer or Poorer or any Other Reason: Adjudicating Immigration Marriage Fraud Cases Within the Scope of the Constitution , Marcel De Armas
For Those Who Have Faith, Peter M. Cicchino
For Those Who Have Faith, Peter M. Cicchino
Forward, Edward E. Potter
Fostering Balance on the Federal Courts , Carl Tobias
Fostering Protection of the Marine Environment and Economic Development: Article 121(3) of the Third Law of the Sea Convention, Jonathan L. Hafetz
Foundational Myths and the Reality of Dependency: The Role of Marriage , Ann Shalleck
Foundational Myths and the Reality of Dependency: The Role of Marriage , Ann Shalleck
Franchising in China: Legal Challenges When First Entering the Chinese Market, Michele Lee
Freakonomics and the Tax Gap: An Applied Perspective , Leslie Book
Freedom of Expression under the European Convention on Human Rights: A Comparison With the Inter-American System of Protection of Human Rights, Amaya Ubeda de Torres
Freedom of Information Act Response Deadlines: Bridging the Gap between Legislative Intent and Economic Reality , Eric J. Sinrod
Freedom of Information: Will Blair Be Able to Break the Walls of Secrecy in Britain?, Debra L. Silverman
Free Movement: A Federalist Reinterpretation , Jide Nzelibe
Free, Prior and Informed Consent and the World Bank Group, Robert Goodland
Free Speech in the War on Terror: Does the Military Commissions Act Violate the First Amendment?, Ryan J. Vogel
From Dayton to Sarajevo: Enforcing Election Law in Post War Bosnia and Herzegovina, Daniel J. Blessington
From George Carlin to Matt Drudge: The Constitutional Implications of Bringing the Paparazzi to America , Lyle Denniston
From Hoops to Hard Drives: An Accession Law Approach to the Inevitable Misappropriation of Trade Secrets , Jay L. Koh
From Legal Transplants to Transformative Justice: Human Rights and the Promise of Transnational Civil Society, Julie Mertus
From Pirates to Partners (Episode II): Protecting Intellectual Property in Post-WTO China, Peter K. Yu
From "Refugee Law" to the "Law of Coerced Migration, T. Alexander Aleinkoff
From Special Privilege to General Utility: A Continuation of Willard Hurst's Study of Corporations, Susan Pace Hamill
From St. Ives to Cyberspace: The Modern Distortion of the Medieval 'Law Merchant', Stephen E. Sachs
From the Couch to the Bench: How Should the Legal System Respond to Recovered Memories of Childhood Sexual Abuse?, Wendy J. Kisch
Fuel for Thought: Clean Gasoline and Dirty Patents, Scott H. Segal
Funding Justice: The Price of War Crimes Trials, Rupert Skilbeck
Future Trends in the United States Federal Sentencing Scheme, Herbert J. Hoelter, Charles Nihan, Gerald Bard Tjoflat, and Jonathan J. Wroblewski
Galileo's Retort: Peter Huber's Junk Scholarship, Kenneth J. Cheesbro
Galileo's Retort: Peter Huber's Junk Scholarship, Kenneth J. Cheesbro
Garcia-Mir v. Meese: Reaffirming the Indefinite Detention of Aliens in the 1980s, Randy Toledo
Gay Does Not Necessarily Mean Good: A Critique of Jeffery Sherman's "Love Speech: The Social Utility of Pornography", Bridget J. Crawford
Gay Pornography and the First Amendment: Unique, First-Person Perspectives on Free Expression, Sexual Censorship, and Cultural Images, Clay Calvert and Robert D. Richards
Gender and Law: The Social Science Perspective, Mireya Suarez
Gender and the Law: Mexican Legislation on Domestic Violence, Marta Torres Falcon
Gender Curve: An Analysis of Colleges' Use of Affirmative Action Policies to Benefit Male Applicants, Debra Franzese
Gender Equality, Social Values and Provocaion Law in the United States, Canada and Australia, Caroline Forrell
Gender, Legal Education, and Judicial Philosophy in the Region, Claudio Grossman
Gender-Related Persecution: A Legal Analysis of Gender Bias in Asylum Law, Sunny Kim
Gender Strategy is Not Luxury for International Courts Symposium: Prosecuting Sexual and Gender-Based Crimes Before International/ized Criminal Courts, Patricia Viseur Sellers
Gender Struggles in Homosocial Settings: Reconstructing Gender and Social Equity Sustainability in Post-Colonial Societies, Bosire Maragia
Genetic Testing and Germ-Line Manipulation: Constructing a New Language for International Human Rights, Maha F. Munayyer
Germany's International Integration: The Rulings of the German Federal Constitutional Court on the Maastricht Treaty and the Out-of-Area Deployment of German Troops, Manfred H. Wiegandt
Getting Beyond Racial Preferences: The Class-Based Compromise , Richard D. Kahlenberg
Getting to Impasse: Negotiations Under the National Labor Relations Act and the Employment Contracts Act, Ellen Dannin and Clive Gilson
Getting to Yes: The Case Against Banning Consensual Relationships in Higher Education, Sherry Young
Girls Gone Wild and Rape Law: Revising the Contractual Concept of Consent & (and) Ensuring an Unbiased Application of Reasonable Doubt When the Victim is Non-Traditional , Michele Alexander
Give Me Your Tired, Your Poor, Your Fastball Pitchers Yearning for Strike Three: How Baseball Diplomacy Can Revitalize Major League Baseball and United States-Cuba Relations, Matthew N. Greller
Giving a Break to the Producers of Unsafe Durable Goods: A Criticism of The United States House of Representatives Bill 3509, Andrew F. Popper
Giving Birth in Shackles: A Constitutional and Human Rights Violation, Dana L. Sichel
Global Advocacy for Corporate Accountability: Translantic Perspectives from the NGO Community, Isabella D. Bunn
Global Implications of a Potential U.S. Policy Shift Toward Compulsory Licensing of Medical Inventions in a New Era of "Super-Terrorism", Grace K. Avedissian
Global Legal Education and Human Rights, Claudio Grossman
Global Telecommunications Competition a Reality: United States Complies with WTO Pact, Stefan M. Meinsner
Global Warming and Climate Change - An Overview of the International Legal Process, Durwood Zaelke and James Cameron
Global Warming and the Washington Conference: Recommendations for an International Agreement to Combat Global Warming, Jeffrey T. Lindgren
Global Warming and the Washington Conference: Recommendations for an International Agreement to Combat Global Warming, Jeffrey T. Lindgren
"Going Green" the Wrong Way: How Governments Are Unconstitutionally Delegating Their Legislative Powers in Pursuit of Environmental Sustainability, Brandon L. Boxler
Gonzales v. United States Air Force: Should Courts Consider Rape to be Incident to Military Service?, Elizabeth A. Reidy
Gonzalez v. United States Air Force: Should Courts Consider Rape to Be Incident to Military Service?, Elizabeth Reidy
Goodbye to All That? A Requiem for Neoconservatism, Kenneth Anderson
Government Contract Cases Before the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, Richard B. Clifford, Jr.; Alan R. Yuspeh; and Lucy Gies
Government Contract Cases in the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit: 1996 in Review , C.Stanley Dees and David A. Churchill
Government Contracts: 1992 Analysis and Summary, Victor J. Zupa and Brian J. Siebel
Grabbing Them By The Balls: Legislatures, Courts, And Team Owners Bar Non-Elite Professional Athletes From Workers' Compensation, Rachael Schaffer
Grant v. South-West Trains: Equality for Same-Sex Partners in the European Community, Paul L. Spackman
Grasping the Intangible: A Guide to Assessing Nonpecuniary Damages in the EEOC Administrative Process , Douglas M. Staudmeister
Green Business and the Importance of Reflexive Law: What Michael Porter Didn't Say, Dennis D. Hirsch
Grutter v. Bollinger 123 S. Ct. 2325 (2003), Soraya Fata and Amy Schumacher
Guarantors of Our Genes: Are Egg Donors Liable for Latent Genetic Disease, Suriya E.P. Jayanti
Guatemalan "Justice Centers": The Centerpiece for Advancing Transparency, Efficiency, Due Process, And Access to Justice, Steven E. Hendrix
Guilty and Gay, A Recipe for Execution in American Courtrooms: Sexual Orientation as a Tool for Prosecutorial Misconduct in Death Penalty Cases, Michael B. Shortnacy
Hanging Up on Consumers: Why the FCC Cannot Stop Slamming in the New Telecommunications Market , Christopher R. Day
Hate Crime Statutes: A Promising Tool for Fighting Violence Against , Marguerite Angelari
Heaven Help Us: The Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act's Prisoners Provisions in the Aftermath of the Supreme Court's Decision in Cutter v. Wilkinson, Morgan F. Johnson
Helling v. McKinney and Smoking in the Cell Block: Cruel and Unusual Punishment?, Lisa Gizzi
Helms-Burton and Canadian-American Relations at the Crossroads: The Need for an Effective, Bilateral Cuban Policy, Christine L. Quickenden
Helping Give Back the Night: A Male Perspective, David Jaffe
He Never Had the Right, Lisa Demsky
Heretical Reflections on the Right to Self-Determination: Prospects and Problems for a Democratic Global Future in the New Millennium, J. Oloka-Onyango
He Was More, Lisa Demsky
Historical Essay: In the Name Of God; An American Story Of Feminism, Racism, And Religious Intolerance: The Story of Alma Bridwell White, Kristin E. Kandt
History and Future of the International Criminal Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda, Louise arbour and Aryeh Neier
History of the Federal Judiciary's Automation Program, The L. Ralph Mecham & Federal Courts Administration: A Decade of Innovation and Progress , J. Owen Forrester
HIV Testing of Health Care Workers: Conflict Between the Common Law and the Centers for Disease Control, Mark D. Johnson
Holding States Accountable for the Ultimate Human Right Abuse: A Review of the International Court of Justice’s Bosnian Genocide Case, Scott Shackelford
Homegrown Child Pornography and the Commerce Clause: Where to Draw the Line on Interstate Production of Child Pornography, Lauren Bianchini
Homosexual Single Individuals’ Right to Adopt Before the European Court of Human Rights and in the French Legal Context, Elena Falletti
Hong Kong: Preserving Human Rights and the Rule of Law
Hope for Change in Immigration Policy: Recommendations for the Obama Administration, Ajmel Quereshi
Hors de Logique: Contemporary Issues in International Humanitarian Law as Applied to Internal Armed Conflict, Arturo Carrillo-Suárz
How a Narrow Application of 'Hot News' Missapropriation Can Help Save Journalism, Brian Westley
How Best to Guide the Evolution of Electronic Currency Law , Brian W. Smith and Ramsey J. Wilson
How ICE Threatens the Ethical Responsibilities of Key Players in Worksite Raids: Postville Study, Amalia Greenberg and Shanti Martin
How Much Fuel to Add to the Fire of Genius? Some Questions About the Repair/Reconstruction Distinction in Patent Law , Arthur J. Gajarsa, Evelyn Mary Aswad, and Joseph S. Cianfrani
How Myth-Busting about the Historical Goals of Civil Rights Activism Can Illuminate Paths for the Future, Susan Carle
How Not to Wage a Counter-Insurgency: Nepal, the Maoists, and Human Rights, John Norris
How Piracy Has Shaped the Relationship Between American Law and International Law, Joel H. Samuels
How the CERCLA Notification Requirements Facilitate the Creation of Brownfields and What EPA Can Do to Address this Problem, Larry Schnapf
How to Best Protect Party Rights: The Future of Interim Relief in International Commercial Arbitration Under the Amended UNCITRAL Model Law, Dana Renée Bucy
How to Make a Mint: The Cryptography of Anonymous Electronic Cash , Laurie Law, Susan Sabett, and Jerry Solinas
How to Regulate Electronic Cash: An Overview of Regulatory Issues and Strategies , Simon L. Lelieveldt
Hudson v. McMillian and Prisoners' Rights: The Court Giveth and the Court Taketh Away, Doretha M. Van Slyke
Hudson v. McMillian and Prisoners' Rights: The Court Giveth and the Court Taketh Away, Doretha M. Van Slyke
Human Agency, Negated Subjectivity, and White Structural Oppression: An Analysis of Critical Race Practive/Praxis, Reginald Leamon Robinson
Humanitarian Intervention and Security Council Resolution 688: A Reappraisal in Light of a Changing World Order, Judy A. Gallant
Human Rights, Development, and International Financial Institutions, Ibrahim F.I. Shihata
Human Rights for All Workers: The Emergence of Protections for Unauthorized Workers in the Inter-American Human Rights System, Sarah Paoletti
Human Rights Law and Reproductive Self-Determination Conference on the Interventional Protection of Reproductive Rights, Rebecca J. Cook
Human Rights of Women in Central and Eastern Europe, Julie Mertus
Human Rights: The Key to Progressive Cross-Movement Building in the United States, R. J. Thompson
Human Shields, Homicides, and House Fires: How a Domestic Law Analogy Can Guide International Law Regarding Human Shield Tactics in Armed Conflict, Douglas H. Fischer
Hybrid Criminal Tribunals and the Concept of Ownership: Who Owns the Process? , Phillip Rapoza
Hypothetical Calculations Under the United States Antidumping Duty Law: Foreign Market Value, United States Price, and Weighted-Average Dumping Margins, Michael J. Coursey and David L. Binder
Identifying the Enemy in the War on Drugs: A Critique of the Developing Rule Permitting Visual Identification of Indescript White Powder in Narcotics Prosecutions , Michael D. Blanchard and Gabriel J. Chin
Identity Notes Part One: Playing in the Light , Adrienne D. Davis
If Anybody Ask You Who I Am: An Outsider's Story of the Duty to Establish Paternity, Lisa Kelly
Ignorance Is Effectively Bliss: Collateral Consequences, Silence, and Misinformation in the Guilty-Plea Process, Jenny M. Roberts
Immigrant Latina Domestic Workers and Sexual Harassment, Dina Vellos
Immigrant Workers' Rights: Beyond the Scope of Traditional Labor & Employment Law
Immigration Fundamentals for International Lawyers, Michael Maggio, Larry S. Rifkin, and Sheila T. Starkey
Immigration Law's No Man's Land: Defining Aggravated Felon to Create Equality of Law, Yamini Menon
Impact of Federal Circuit Precedent on the On-Sale and Public-Use Bars to Patentability, The A Review of Recent Decisions of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Court , Edward G. Poplawski and Paul D. Tripodi, II
Implementation of the Family and Medical Leave Act: Toward the Family-Friendly Workplace, Claudia Withers
Implementing the Report of the World Commission on Dams: A Case Study of the Narmada Valley in India, Shripad Dharmadhikary
Importance of Effective Investigation of Sexual Violence and Gender-Based Crimes at the International Criminal Court, Susana SáCouto and Katherine Cleary
Impossible Existence: The Clash of Transsexuals, Bipolar Categories, and Law, Leane Renée
Improper Joinder: Confronting Plaintiffs' Attempts to Destroy Federal Subject Matter Jurisdiction., Paul Rosenthal
Improving Legislation Through Social Analysis: A Case Study in Methodology from the Water Sector in Uzbekistan, Jonathan Brown, Ayse Kudat, and Kristen McGeeney
Improving the Rolling Contract, Stephen E. Friedman
Improving Water Governance Through Increased Public Access to Information and Participation, Karin M. Krchnak
Impunity in Guatemala: The State's Failure to Provide Justice in the Massacre Cases, Nathanael Heasley, Rodger Hurley, Kara E. Irwin, Andrew H. Kaufman, Nadine Moustafa, and Alain Personna
Imputing Human Rights Obligations on Multinational Corporations: The Ninth Circuit Strikes Again in Judicial Activism, Tawny Aine Bridgeford
In a Dark Time: The Expected Consequences of an India-Pakistan Nuclear Exchange, Louis René Beres
In a Similar Voice: A Unifying Economic Analysis of Gilligan's Amy and Jake, Katherine Wells Meighan
Increased Market Power as a New Secondary Consideration in Patent Law A Review of Recent Decisions of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, Andrew Blair-Stanek
Increasing the International Competitiveness of the United States through its Joint Venture Laws: A Lesson to be Learned from South Korea, Tania Isenstein
In Defense of Feres: An Unfairly Maligned Opinion, Paul F. Figley
In Defense of Feres: An Unfairly Maligned Opinion, Paul F. Figley
In Defense of the Constitutional Court: Litigating Socio-Economic Rights and the Myth of the Minimum Core, Karin Lehmann
India's Toxic Landfills: A Dumping Ground for the World's Electronic Waste, Nisha Thakker
Indigenous Peoples' Free Prior and Informed Consent in the Inter-American Human Rights System, Alex Page
Indigenous Peoples, Indigenous Farmers: NAFTA's Threat to Mexican Teosinte Farmers and What Can be Done About It, Keith Sealing
Indigenous Peoples’ Rights to Land, Territories, and Natural Resources: A Technical Meeting of the OAS Working Group, Osvaldo Kreimer
Indigenous People's Right to Free, Prior and Informed Consent and the World Bank's Extractive Industries Review, Fergus MacKay
INECE Workshop on "Confidence Through Compliance in Emissions Trading Markets": Conference Report , Sustainable Development Law & Policy
In Fairness To Future Generations and Sustainable Development, Edith Brown Weiss
Inhibiting Reliance of Biological Weaponry: The Role and Relevance of International Law, Richard A. Falk
Injunction Junction: Enjoining Free Speech After Madsen, Schenck, and Hill, Tiffany Keast
In Memorium: Brian Douglas Tittemore, Robert Goldman
In Memory of Professor Janet R. Spragens, Nancy J. Altman
In Name Only: Employee Participation Programs and Delegated Managerial Authority After Crown Cork and Seal, Joseph D. Richardson
In Re: Adoption of a Minor Child Circuit Court of the 15th Judicial Circuit Palm Beach County, Florida, Jennafer Neufeld and Dalia Georgi
In Re Extradition of Lui Kin-Hong: Examining the Effects of Hong Kong's Reversion to the People's Republic of China on United States-United Kingdom Treaty Obligations , Jonathan A. DeMella
In Re Santos: Extending the Right of Non-Return to Refugees of Civil Wars, Charles W. Cookson II
Inside the Japanese Stock Market: An Assessment, Mark J. Happe
Institutionalist Theory and International Legal Scholarship, William J. Aceves
Institutional Reform Under The Single European Act, Kathryn Good
Integrating Gender into Legal Education: Obstacles and Challenges, Leonor Vain
Integrating Gender into Legal Education: The Obstacles, Challenges, and Possibilities, Marcela Huaita Alegre
Integrating Gender Perspective into Brazilian Legal Doctrine and Education: Challenges and Possibilities, Flavia Piovesan
Intellectual Property at the Intersection of Race and Gender: Lady Sings the Blues, K.J. Greene
Intellectual Property in the Americas, Daniel N. Christus, A. José Cortina, Robert E. Wagner, and John T. Winburn
Intellectual Property in the FTAA: Little Opportunity and Much Risk, Maria Julia Olivia
Intellectual Property Protection or Protectionism? Declaratory Judgement Use by Patent Owners Against Prospective Infringers, Lawrence M. Sung
INTELSAT, Victoria E. Fimea and Thomas B. Mann II
INTELSAT: Greater Price Flexibility to Preserve the System, Thomas B. Bacon
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights: Individual Case Resolutions
Inter-American Justice Comes to the Dominican Republic: An Island Shakes as Human Rights and Sovereignty Clash, David C. Baluarte
Internal Displacement: Is Prevention Through Accountability Possible? A Kosovo Case Study, Carlyn M. Carey
Internally-Displaced Persons and the Sardar Sarovar Project: A Case for Rehabilitative Reform in Rural Media, Pooja Mehta
International and Regional Standards for Protecting Victims of Domestic Violence, Andreea Vesa
International Arbitration and Money Laundering, Andrew de Lotbiniére McDougall
International Calendar, Sustainable Development Law & Policy
International Calendar, Sustainable Development Law & Policy
International Competition Rules for the 1990s, Joel Davidow
International Competitiveness: Changing the Rules or Changing the Will?, Howard M. Metzenbaum and Kelly Signs
International Conference on the Prevention of Torture and Other Ill-Treatment: Opening Remarks, Claudio Grossman and Mark Thomson
International Cooperation in Dealing with Terrorism: A Review of Law and Recent Practice, Philip B. Heymann
International Criminal Court's Protection of Women: The Hands of Justice at Work, Tina R. Karkera
International Economic Institutions: The Challenge of Coordination, Stephen A. Silard
International Economic Institutions: The Challenge of Coordination, Stephen A. Silard
International Economic Law: Reflections on the "Boilerroom" of International Relations, John H. Jackson
International Environmental Law, the Public's Health, and Domestic Environmental Governance in Developing Countries , William Onvizu
International Forum Non Conveniens: "Section 1404.5"- A Proposal in the Interest of Sovereignty, Comity, and Individual Justice , Peter J. Carney
International Forum Non Conveniens: "Section 1404.5"- A Proposal in the Interest of Sovereignty, Comity, and Individual Justice , Peter J. Carney
International Governmental Organization Knowledge Management for Multilateral Trade Lawmaking, Michael P. Ryan, W. Christopher Lenhardt, and Katsuya Tamai
International Harmonization in Electronic Commerce and Electronic Data Interchange: A Proposed First Step Toward Signing on the Digital Dotted Line , Randy V. Sabett
International Humanitarian Law: Americas Watch's Experience in Monitoring Internal Armed Conflicts, Robert Kogod Goldman
International Humanitarian Law and the Armed Conflicts in El Salvador and Nicaragua, Robert Kogod Goldman
International Human Rights and Criminal Justice in the First Decade of the 21st Century, Richard J. Goldstone
International Human Rights Law and Military Personnel: A Look Behind the Barrack Walls, Raymond J. Toney and Shazia N. Anwar
Internationalization of the Commodities Market: Convergence of Regulatory Activity, Frank S. Shyn
International Justice Marks Its Fifteenth Anniversary: A Preliminary Assessment of the ICTY’s Impact in Serbia, Diane Orentlicher
International Labor Rights and the Sovereignty Question: NAFTA and Guatemala, Two Case Studies, Lance Compa
International Law and Practice: Dealing With the Past in the South African Experience, Kader Asmal
International Law and the Transboundary Shipment of Hazardous Waste to the Third World: Will the Basel Convention Make a Difference?, Marguerite M. Cusack
International Law, Morality, and the National Interest: Comments for a New Journal, Covey T. Oliver
International Law, Secularism, and the Islamic World, Adrien Katherine Wing
International Law-The Impact on National Constitutions, Michael Kirby
International Legal Education in the United States: Being Educated for Domestic Practice While Living in a Global Society, John A. Barrett Jr.
International Legal Regimes and the Incidence of Interstate War in the Twentieth Century: A Cursory Quantitative Assessment of the Associative Relationship, William C. Bradford
International Legal Updates, Matthew Solis, Jennifer Jaimes, Rukayya Furo, Ari Levin, Morgan E. Rog, Mahreen Gillani, and Alex Cheng
International Legal Updates, Matthew Solis, Jennifer Jaimes, Rukayya Furo, Ari Levin, Morgan E. Rog, Mahreen Gillani, and Alex Cheng
International Legal Updates, Matthew Solis, Jennifer Jaimes, Rukayya Furo, Ari Levin, Morgan E. Rog, Mahreen Gillani, and Alex Cheng
International Legal Updates, Carlin Moore, Bryan Bach, Megan Chapman, Soumya Venkatesh, Kate Kovarovic, Angad Singh, and Juvaria Khan
International Legal Updates, Carlin Moore, Bryan Bach, Megan Chapman, Soumya Venkatesh, Kate Kovarovic, Angad Singh, and Hellia Kanzi
International Legal Updates, Carlin Moore, Bryan Bach, Megan Chapman, Soumya Venkatesh, Kate Kovarovic, Angad Singh, and Hellia Kanzi
International Legal Updates, Evan Wilson, Tracey Begley, Caitlin Shay, Shubra Ohri, Annamaria Racota, Bhavani Raveendran, Ri Yoo, and Aileen Thomson
International Legal Updates , Evan Wilson, Tracey Begley, Caitlin Shay, Shubra Ohri, Annamaria Racota, Bhavani Raveendran, Ri Yoo, and Aileen Thomson
International Legal Updates, Evan Wilson, Tracey Begley, Caitlin Shay, Shubra Ohri, Annamaria Racota, Bhavani Raveendran, Ri Yoo, and Aileen Thomson
International Legal Updates, Aimee Mayer, Jessica Lynd, Christopher Tansey, Molly Hofsommer, Misty Seemans, Kaitlin Brush, and Leah Chavla
International Legal Updates, Aimee Mayer, Jessica Lynd, Shubra Ohri, Catherine Davies, Molly Hofsommer, Misty Seemans, Leah Chavla, and Kaitlin Brush
International Legal Updates, Aimee Mayer, Jessica Lynd, Shubra Ohri, Catherine Davies, Roushani Mansoor, Molly Hofsommer, Misty Seemans, Leah Chavla, and Kaitlin Brush
International Legal Updates, Natalie Huls, Art Steele, Huwaida Arraf, Courtney Nicolaisen, and Miya Saika Chen
International Legal Updates, Natalie Huls, Art Steele, Huwaida Arraf, Courtney Nicolaisen, Miya Saika Chen, and Solomon Shinerock
International Legal Updates, Natalie Huls, Art Steele, Mihir Mankad, Huwaida Arraf, Courtney Nicolaisen, and Miya Saika Chen
International Legal Updates, Sebastian Amar, Shirley Woodward, Huwaida Arraf, and Amy Tai
International Legal Updates, Sebastian Amar, Shirley Woodward, Sabrina Balgamwalla, and Amy Tai
International Legal Updates, Sebastian Amar, Shirley Woodward, Sabrina Balgamwalla, and Amy Tai
International Legal Updates, Swati Rawani and Sabrina Balgamwalla
International Legal Updates, Swati Rawani and Sabrina Balgamwalla
International Legal Updates, Swati Rawani and Sabrina Balgamwalla
International Legal Updates, Meghan Stewart, Sara Ibrahim, and Patricia Staible
International Legal Updates, Sara Ibrahim, Patricia Staible, and Meghan Stewart
International Legal Updates, Sara Ibrahim, Abby Morrow Richardson, and Patricia Staible
International Litigation in the Hemisphere, Julie C. Ferguson and David A. Pearl
Internationally Recognized Worker Rights and the Efficacy of the Generalized System of Preferences: A Guatemalan Case Study, Amy E. Belanger
International Response to Internal Displacement: A Revolution in the Making, Francis Deng
International Support for International Criminal Tribunals and an International Criminal Court, Claudio Grossman, Gabrielle Kirk McDonald, Arlen Specter, and Steven "Skippy" Weinstein
International Trade and Workers’ Rights: Practical Tools for Reading Labor Rights Provisions of Free Trade Agreements, Benjamin Holt and Michael Waller
International Trade Decisions of the Federal Circuit: 2006 Cases and Highlights of 2003-2005, Alexandra E.P. Baj
International Tribunals and Rules of Evidence: The Case for Respecting and Preserving the "Priest-Penitent" Privilege Under International Law, Robert John Araujo S.J.
Interview: Annette Martínez, Michael Becker
Interview: José de Jesús Orozco-Henríquez, Commissioner at the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, Human Rights Brief
Interview: Layli Miller-Muro, Elizabeth S. Francis
Interview: Rodrigo Escobar Gil, Commissioner at the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, Evan Wilson and Charly Abbott
In the Footsteps of Generals: Musharraf and Martial Law: An Interview with Professor Nadeem Azam of the University of Peshawar, Jessica Anna Cabot and Zeenat Iqbal
In the Wake of Reno v. ACLU: The Continued Struggle in Western Constitutional Democracies with Internet Censorship and Freedom of Speech Online, Kim L. Rappaport
Intolerable Situations and Counsel for Children: Following Switzerland's Example in Hague Abduction Cases , Merle H. Weiner
Introduction , Amanda C. Dupree
Introduction, Claudia Martin and Diego Rodríguez-Pinzón
Introduction, Claudia Martin and Diego Rodriguez-Pinzon
Introduction, Claudia Martin and Diego Rodríguez-Pinzón
Introduction, Christina J. Sheetz and Matthew T. Simpson
Introduction, Claudia Martin and Diego Rodriguez-Pinzon
Introduction, Padideh Ala'i
Introduction, Thomas Buergenthal
Introduction A Review of Recent Decisions of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Court , Glenn L. Archer, Jr.
Introduction: Cities and Sustainability
Introduction of President Luzius Wildhaber, Stephen G. Breyer
Introduction Symposium: Russia and the Rule of Law: New Opportunities In Domestic and International Affairs , Michael Scheimer
Introduction to International Mediation and Arbitration: Resolving Labor Disputes in the United States & the European Union, May Olivia Silverstein
Introduction to Symposium: Homophobia in the Halls of Justice: Sexual Orientation Bias and its Implications Within the Legal System, Pamela D. Bridgewater and Brenda V. Smith
Introduction to Symposium: Homophobia in the Halls of Justice: Sexual Orientation Bias and its Implications Within the Legal System, Pamela D. Bridgewater and Brenda V. Smith
Introduction: World Commission on Dams Report, Dams and Development, Kader Asmal
Introductory Essay: Uncorking International Trade, Filling the Cup of International Economic Law, Jeffery Atik
Introductory Note, Richard S. Ugelow
Investigation and Prosecution of Sexual and Gender-Based Crimes before the International Criminal Court, Diane Lupig
Investment Recommendations and the Essence of Duty, Onnig H. Dombalagian
Iran and Iraq and the Obligations to Release and Repatriate Prisoners of War After the Close of Hostilities, John Quigley
Iran and The Limits of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime, Michael Spies
Iraq, Cambodia, and International Justice , Patricia M. Wald
Iraq’s Constitutional Process: Challenges and the Road Ahead, Vanessa J. Jiménez
Iraq's Displaced: Where to Turn? , Roberta Cohen
Iraq's Minority Crisis and U.S. National Security: Protecting Minority Rights in Iraq, Michael Youash
Is a Second Mommy a Good Enough Second Parent?: Why Voluntary Acknowledgments of Paternity Should be Available to Lesbian Co-Parents, Julia Saladino
Is Competition Policy the Last Thing Central and Eastern Europe Need?, James Langenfeld and Marsha W. Blitzer
Islamic States and the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women: Are the Shari'a and the Convention Compatible, Bharathi Anandhi Venkatraman
Islam, Law and Custom: Redefining Muslim Women's Rights, Azizah al-Hibri
Islam, the Law of War, and the U.S. Soldier, Manuel E.F. Supervielle
Is Law and Art or a Science?: Comments on Objectivity, Feminism, and Power, Joan Williams
Is "National Security Law" Inherently Paradoxical?, Stephen Vladeck
Israel, Hezbollah and the Conflict in Lebanon: An Act of Aggression or Self-Defense?, Victor Kattan
Is Section 337 Consistent with the GATT and the TRIPs Agreement?, Joel W. Rogers and Joseph P. Whitlock
Is Truth Serum Torture?, Linda M. Keller
It's Not Just Shopping Urban Lofts, and the Lesbian Gay-By Boom: How Sexual Orientation Demographics Can Inform Family Courts , Todd Brower
Job and Unemployment Security in Poland, Ludwik Florek
John Brown's Constitution, Robert L. Tsai
Joint and Shared Parenting: Valuing All Families and All Children in the Adoption Process with an Expanded Notion Of Family , Cynthia R. Mabry
Juda v. United States: An Atoll's Legal Odyssey, James J. Whittle
Judges and Legislators: Enhancing the Relationship L. Ralph Mecham & Federal Courts Administration: A Decade of Innovation and Progress , Deanell Reece Tacha
Judges and Other Lawmakers: Critical Contributions to Environmental Law Enforcement, Marcia E. Mulkey
Judicial Erasure of Mixed-Race Discrimination, Nancy Leong
Judicial Retirement and Return to Pratice: A comparison of U.S. Article III and English/Welsh Approaches, Mary Clark
Judicial Review as Soft Power: How the Courts Can Help Us Win the Post-9/11 Conflict, Dawinder S. Sidhu
Judicial Treatment of the Hague Evidence Convention and the Worth of International Judicial Comity: In Re Anschuetz & Co., Thomas John Percy
Judiciary Reform: Recent Improvements in Federal Judicial Administration L. Ralph Mecham & Federal Courts Administration: A Decade of Innovation and Progress , Harlington Wood, Jr.
Jurisdiction Over Terrorists Who Take Hostages: Efforts to Stop Terror-Violence Against United States Citizens, Elizabeth R. P. Bowen
Jus Post Bellum: Mapping the Discipline(s) , Carsten Stahn
Just War and Humanitarian Intervention: Comment on the Grotius Lecture by Professor Jean Bethke Elshtain, Michael J. Matheson
Juvenile Justice, Laura E. Hartsell
Keeping it Private, Going Public: Assessing, Monitoring, and Disclosing the Global Warming Performance of Project Finance, Julia Philpott
Key Damage Compensation Issues in Oil and Gas International Arbitration Cases, Manuel A. Abdala
Keynote Address, William H. Taft
Keynote Address: Integrating the Work of the ICC into Local Justice Initiatives, Luis Moreno-Ocampo
Keynote Address: The Impact of Visiting Mechanisms in Torture Prevention, Claudio Grossman and Mary Werntz
Keynote: The Role of the United States in Strengthening the Prohibition against Torture, Michael Posner and Claudio Grossman
Key Teflon Chemical: Center of Lawsuits and Debates, Mary Ashby Brown
Kimel V. Florida Bd. of Regents, 120 S. Ct. 631(2000), Tanya Smith
Labor Contract Formation, Tenuous Torts, and the Realpolitik of Justice Sotomayor on the 50th Anniversary of the Steelworkers Trilogy: Granite Rock v. Teamsters, David L. Gregory, Rowan Foley Reynolds, and Nadav Zamir
La Contribución del Derecho Humano Internacional a la Protección Ambiental: Integrar para Mejor Cuidar la Tierra y la Humanidad, Edson Ferreira de Carvalho
La Declaracion Americana y Los Derechos de los Familiares de la Victima , José Antonio Arcila Cano
Land, Law, and Legitimacy in Israel and the Occupied Territories, George E. Bisharat
Language and the Law, Yadira Calvo
La NociÓn de Tortura y Otros Tratos o Penas Crueles, Inhumanos o Degradantes en el Marco del Comité de Derechos Humanos y el ComitÉ Contra la Tortura de las Naciones Unidas, David Fernández Puyana
La Plena Vigencia de la Declaracion Americana de los Derechos y Deberes del Hombre: Una Utopia por Construir , Zamir Andrés Fajardo Morales
La Prohibición de la Tortura: Un Análisis Sistemático de las Interpretaciones Jurisprudenciales de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos Sobre las Violaciones al ArtÍculo 5 de la Convención Americana Sobre Derechos Humanos, Xavier Andrés Flores Aguirre
Las Reparaciones en el Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos, Derecho Internacional Humanitario y Derecho Penal Internacional, Juan Pablo Perez-Leon Acevedo
Laudable Goals and Unintended Consequences: The Role and Control of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Andrea J. Boyack
Law and the Political Economy of Repression in Deng's China, Mark M. Hager
Law and the Poor in Rural India: The Prospects for Legal Aid, Richard K. Gordon Jr. and Jonathan M. Lindsay
Lawfare: A War Worth Fighting, Paul Williams
Law, Science, and the Continental Shelf: The Russian Federation and the Promise of Arctic Cooperation, Betsy Baker
Law that Values All Families: Beyond (Straight and Gay) Marriage, Nancy D. Polikoff
Lawyering at the Margins, Michael Barbosa
Lawyering at the Margins, Michael Barbosa
Lawyering at the Margins: On Reason and Emotion, Leti Volpp
Lawyering at the Margins: On Reason and Emotion, Leti Volpp
Lawyering for Human Dignity, Martha Minow
Lawyering for Human Dignity, Martha Minow
Lawyer,Know Thyself: A Review of Empirical Research on Attorney Attributes Bearingon Professionalism , Susan Daicoff
Leaving No Child Behind: A Civil Right , Mariana Kihuen
Leaving the Last Frontier: The Cruel and Unusual Imprisonment of Native Alaskans in Arizona, Timothy Costello
Legal Doctrine and the Gender Issue in Brazil, Leila Linhares Barsted and Jacqueline Hermann
Legal Education Reform, Claudio Grossman
Legal Guardians: Islamic Law, International Law, Human Rights Law, and the Salman Rushdie Affair, Anthony Chase
Legal Impediments Facing Nonimmigrants Entering Licensed Professions, Justin Storch
Legal Implementation of Orbital Debris Mitigation Measures: A Survey of Options and Approaches, Pamela L. Meredith
Legal Inversions: Lesbians, Gay Men, and the Politics of Law, Peter Kwan
Legal Services: Putting Rights into Action--Profamilia-Colombia Conference on the Interventional Protection of Reproductive Rights: The Utility and Limits of Rights Based Approaches, Maria Isabel Plata and Maria Cristina Calderon
Legislative Developments in the Regulation of Insurance Coverage: Will These New Regulations Benefit Women with Breast Cancer? , Julia Anastasio
Legislative Entrenchment Rules in the Tax Law, Amandeep S. Grewal
Legislative Focus: Congress Condemns Executions by Stoning, Chanté Lasco
Legislative Focus: Senate Action to Protect Innocent Inmates on Death Row, Ossai Miazad
Legislative Updates, Keyla Bade
Legislative Watch, Edward Babayan
Legislative Watch, Edward Babayan
Legislative Watch, Edward Babayan
Legislative Watch, Ryan Vogel
Legislative Watch, Ryan Vogel
Legislative Watch, Ryan Vogel
Legislative Watch, Heather Morris
Legislative Watch, Heather Morris
Legislative Watch, Heather Morris
Legislative Watch, Josh Kruskol
Legislative Watch, Human Rights Brief
Legislative Watch , Ossai Miazad
Legislative Watch, Human Rights Brief
Legislative Watch/ Legislative Focus, Tejal Kruskol
Lesbian Baiting in the Military: Institutionalized Sexual Harassment Under "Don't Ask, Don't Tell, Don't Pursue" , Christin M. Damiano
Lessons from the Special Court for Sierra Leone on the Prosecution of Gender-Based Crimes, Valerie Oosterveld
Lessons in Politics: Initial Use of the Congressional Review Act, Julie A. Parks
Less Reliable Preliminary Hearings and Plea Bargains in Criminal Cases in California: Discovery Before and After Proposition 115 , Laura Berend
Lest We Fail: The Importance of Enforcement in International Criminal Law, Mary Margaret Penrose
Let's Talk About Sex Baby: Lyle v. Warner Brothers Television Productions and The California Court of Appeal's Creative Necessity Defense to Hostile Work Environment Sexual Harassment, Sarah Pahnke Reisert
Letter from the Executive Board, TMA Executive Board
Leveling the Playing Field: Is it Time for a Legal Assistance Center for Developing Nations in Investment Treaty Arbitration?, Eric Gottwald
Lex Loci Arbitri and Annulment of Foreign Arbitral Awards in U.S. Courts, Catherine A. Giambatiani
Liberal International Relations Theory and International Economic Law, Anne-Marie Slaughter
Liberalize Open Skies: Foreign Investment and Cobotage Restrictions Keep Noncitizens in Second Class, Seth M. Warner
Liberté Religieuse en Europe: Discussing the French Concealment Act, Robert E. Snyder
Limitations on the Right of Japanese Employers to Select Employees of Their Choice Under the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation, Robert Abraham
Limitations on the Right to Use Water: A Case of First Impression in Michigan, Rachael Moshman
Limiting Liability Through Education: Do School Districts Have a Responsibility to Teach Students About Peer Sexual Harassment?, Diane M. Welsh
Linking Trade and Sustainable Development: Keynote Address, Emmy B. Simmons
Linking Trade and Sustainable Development: Roundtable Discussion
Lobbying Law in the Spotlight: Challenges and Proposed Improvements
Long Range Planning: A Reality in the Judicial Branch L. Ralph Mecham & Federal Courts Administration: A Decade of Innovation and Progress , Richard B. Hoffman and William M. Lucianovic
Lori Berenson v. Peru: An Analysis of Selected Holdings by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Joseph May
Los Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas y la Protección al Medio Ambiente Dentro del Sistema Interamericano De Protección de los Derechos Humanos, Rodrigo Durango Cordero
Los Derechos Sociales y su Exigibilidad Judicial en la Republica Argentina y en la Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires: La Aplicacion Interna de los Derechos Internacionales, Lisandro Ezequiel Fastman
Lost Innocence and the Moral Foundation of Law, Kate Nace Day
Lotus Development Corp. v. Paperback Software Int'l: Copyrightability for the User Interface of Computer Software in the United States and the International Realm, Lionel M. Lavenue
Lotus Development Corp. v. Paperback Software Int'l: Copyrightability for the User Interface of Computer Software in the United States and the International Realm, Lionel M. Lavenue
Loyalty, Gratitude, and the Federal Judiciary , Laura E. Little
L. Ralph Mecham: A Tribute L. Ralph Mecham & Federal Courts Administration: A Decade of Innovation and Progress, Richard S. Arnold
Luncheon Keynote Address, Mark L. Schneider
Madisonian Multiculturalism, Alexandra Natapoff
Making Kids Toe the Line in the Old Line State: The Disparate Application of Public School Discipline Polices in Maryland, Allison I. Fultz
Making Kids Toe the Line in the Old Line State: The Disparate Application of Public School Discipline Polices in Maryland, Allison I. Fultz
Managing Corporate Carbon Risk: Elements of an Effective Strategy, Thomas M. Kerr, Cynthia Cummis, Vincent Camobreco, and Bella Tonkonogy
Mandatory Arbitration Clauses in Employment Contracts and the Need for Meaningful Judicial Review, Elizabeth Roma
Mandatory HIV Screening of Newborns: A Proposition Whose Time Has Not Yet Come , Suzanne M. Malloy
Many Guantánamos: A Reflection on the Work of Human Rights Clinics, Richard J. Wilson
Marriage, Divorce, and Inheritance Laws in Sierra Leone and Their Discriminatory Effects on Women, Pamela O. Davies
Mass Migration to America - A Modern Volkwanderung, Grant Lally
May it Please the Senate: An Empirical Analysis of the Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings of Supreme Court Nominees, 1939-2009, Lori A. Ringhand and Paul M. Collins Jr.
Measured Progress: The Evolution and Administration of the Federal Magistrate Judges System L. Ralph Mecham & Federal Courts Administration: A Decade of Innovation and Progress , Philip M. Pro and Thomas C. Hnatowski
Media Concentration: A Case of Power, Ego, and Greed Confronting Our Sensibilities, W. Curtiss Priest
Mediation Ideology: Navigating Space From Myth to Reality in Sexual Harassment Dispute Resolution, Susan K. Hippensteele
Mega Merger, Mega Problems: A Critique of the European Community's Commission on Competition's Review of the AOL/Time Warner Merger, James M. Turner
Mending Walls: The Economic Aspects of Israeli-Palestinian Peace, Oren Gross
Mental Health Parity for Children and Adolescents: How Private Insurance Discrimination and ERISA Have Kept American Youth From Getting the Treatment They Need, Elizabeth S. Boison
Mercury Rising: The Omnibus Autism Proceeding and What Families Should Know before Rushing out of Vaccine Court, Gordon Shemin
Merger Law in Central and Eastern Europe, Russell Pittman
Mexico-United States Extradition and Alternatives: From Fugitive Slaves to Drug Traffickers - 150 Years and Beyond the Rio Grande's Winding Courses, Bruce Zagaris and Julia Padierna Peratta
Miasma, Sylvia Merril Beaupré
Michigan's Proposed Prenatal Protection Act: Undermining a Woman's Right to an Abortion, Mark S. Kende
Microbialpolitik: Infectious Diseases and International Relations, David P. Fidle
Might v. Right: Charles Taylor and the Sierra Leone Special Court, Kathy Ward
Migratory Connectivity and the Conservation of Migratory Animals, David B. Hunter
Military Commissions: The Forgotten Reconstruction Chapter, Detlev F. Vagts
Military Jurisdiction, the Right Not to be Tried, and the Suspension Clause After Boumediene, Stephen I. Vladeck
Mind the Gap: Purpose, Pain, and the Difference between Torture and Inhuman Treatment, Christian M. De Vos
Minority Investor Protections as Default Norms: Using Price to Illuminate the Deal in Close Corporations, Robert C. Illig
Misinterpreting the Prohibition of Torture Under International Law: The Office of Legal Counsel Memorandum, Louis-Philippe F. Rouillard
Missing the Boat: The Legal and Practical Problems of the Prevention of Maritime Terrorism, Justin S.C. Mellor
Mistakes in the Making: The Failure of U.S. Immigration Reform to Protect the Labor Rights of Undocumented Workers, Lilah S. Rosenblum
Misuse of the Less Restrictive Alternative Inquiry in Rule of Reason Analysis, Gabriel A. Feldman
Mitigation/Adaptation and Health: Health Policymaking in the Global Response to Climate Change and Implications for Other Upstream Determinants, Lindsay F. Wiley
Mitsubishi, Investor-State Arbitration, and the Law of State Immunity, Charles H. Brower II
Mobile Phones: Reshaping the Flow of Urban-to-Rural Remittances, Bethany Brown
Mobil Oil Corp. v. United States: Captive Insurance Companies and Section 162 of the Internal Revenue Code, Thadeus J. Mocarski
Models for Safe Child Support Enforcement, Susan Notar and Viki Turetesky
Money, Meet Mouth: The Era of Regulation and Prescription Drug Importation/Reimportation, Aaron Wong
Monitoring Human Rights Aspects of Sustainable Development, Katarina Tomasevski
Monolith or Mosaic: Can the Federal Communications Commission Legitimately Pursue a Repetition of Local Content at the Expense of Local Diversity?, Cheryl A. Leanza
Montanav. Egelhoff: Voluntary Intoxication, Morality, and the Constitution , Robert J. McManus
Moral Reasoning and the Quest for Legitimacy, Michael D. Daneker
Movie Review, Edmundo Saballos
Mugged Twice?: Payment of Ransom on the High Seas, Lawrence Rutkowski, Bruce G. Paulsen, and Jonathan D. Stoian
Multiculturalism and Language Rights in Canada: Problems and Prospects for Equality and Unity, Terrence Meyerhoff
Multilateral Development Banks and the Human Right Responsibility , Leonardo A. Crippa
Multilateral Environmental Agreements & World Trade, Melanie Nakagawa
Multilateral Financing Institutions: What Form of Accountability?, Jerome Levinson
Multinational Investment in the Space Station: An Outer Space Model for International Cooperation?, Lara L. Manzione
Naked Feminism: The Unionization of the Adult Entertainment Industry , Holly J. Wilmet
Nanotechnologies: The Promise and the Peril, Jennifer Sass, Patrice Simms, and Elliott Negin
Nanotechnology: Getting it Right the First Time, Karen Florini, Scott Walsh, John M. Balbus, and Richard Denson
Narratives of Oppression, Michael Tigar
Narrowing the Important Government Interest: Reducing the Scope of Forced Psychotropic Medication of Mentally-Ill Criminal Defendants, Jarid A. Smith
National Discretion: Choosing CoCom's Successor and the New Export Administration Act, Philip H. Oettinger
National Human Rights Institutions: Good Governance Perspectives on Institutionalization of Human Rights, C. Raj Kumar
NativeAmericans and the Vaccine Act: Excluding Those We Found Here , James D. Leach
Native Americans Confront Mercury Threat to Health, Culture, Abigail Okrent
NATO, the War over Kosovo, and the ICTY Investigation , Andreas Laursen
Natural Law, Article IV, and Section One of the Fourteenth Amendment , Douglas G. Smith
Nazi Concentration Camp Guard Service Equals "Good Moral Character"?: United States v. Lindert, K. Lesli Ligomer
Neutrality and Morality: Developments in Switzerland and in the International Community, Dietrich Schindler
Neutrality and Morality: The Swedish Experience, Krister Wahlbäck
Neutrality by Agreement: Portugal and the British Alliance in World War II, Joaquim da Costa Leite
Neutrality, Morality, and the Holocaust, Henry I. Sobel
“Never Again,” Again: Darfur, the Genocide Convention, and the Duty to Prevent Genocide, Jamal Jafari
New Challenges in an Era of Global Water Scarcity , David Hunter
New Froniter in Urban Greenhouse Gas Emissions Regulation: Overview of California's Senate Bill 375, Kira Hettinger
New Limits on Asylum in France: Expediency Versus Principle, John Guendelsberger
Newly Independent and Separating States' Succession to Treaties: Considerations on the Hybrid Dependency of the Republics of the Former Soviet Union, Andrew M. Beato
New Rules for Old Problems: Defining the Contours of the Best Mode Requirement in Patent Law A Review of Recent Decisions of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Court , Roy E. Hofer and L. Ann Fitzgerald
News from the Inter-American System , Megan Hagler
News from the International Criminal Tribunals, Chanté Lasco
News from the Regional Human Rights Systems, David Baluarte and Jamal Jafari
News from the Regional Human Rights Systems, David Baluarte
NGO Update, Julie A. Gryce
NGO Update, Julie Gryce
NGO Update, Julie Gryce
NGO Update, Lindsey Randall
NGO Update, Lindsey Randall
NGO Update, Lindsey Randall
NGO Update, Jerald Hess
NGO Update, Jerald Hess
NGO Update, Jerald Hess and Jaime M. Gher
NGO Update, Lauren Bartlett
NGO Update, Lauren Bartlett
NGO Update, Lauren Bartlett
NGO Update, Lauren Bartlett
NGO Update, Lauren Bartlett
NGO Update, Lauren Bartlett
NGO Update, Human Rights Brief
NGO Update, Sunita Patel
NGO Update, Sunita Patel
Nicholson v. Scoppetta: A Victory for Battered Women, Ann Kim
No Habeas For You! Al Maqaleh v. Gates, The Bagram Detainees, and the Global Insurgency, Michael J. Buxton
"No New Babies?" Gender Inequality and Reproductive Control in the Criminal Justice and Prisons System, Rachel Roth
No Relief: Understanding the Supreme Court's Decision in Town of Castle Rock V. Gonzales Through the Rights/Remedies Framework, Tritia L. Yuen
Northwestern University School of Law's Two Year Work Requirement and its Possible Effects on Women: Another Tile in the Glass Ceiling?, Kathleen Kunkle Gilbert
No Shortcuts on Human Rights: Bail and the International Criminal Trial, Caroline L. Davidson
Note from the Founders, Jennifer Erin Brown and Jamison F. Grella
Not Good Enough: India’s Freedom of Information Bill Has Great Potential to Overhaul the Ills of Secrecy and Inaccessibility but There Are Inadequacies That Need to be Addressed, Richard N. Winfield and Sherrell Evans
"Not Quite One Gender or the Other": Marriage Law and the Containment of Gender Trouble in the United Kingdom, Dr. Lisa Fishbayn
No Wealthy Parent Left Behind: An Analysis of Tax Subsidies for Higher Education , Andrew D. Pike
Now That the Future Has Arrived, Maybe the Law Should Take a Look: Multimedia Technology and Its Interaction with the Fair Use Doctrine, Jonathan Evan Goldberg
Obedience of Orders and the Law of War: Judicial Application in American Forums, Gary D. Solis
Obligations of State and Non-state Actors Regarding the Human Right to Water Under the South African Constitution, Anna R. Welch
Obstacle Courts: Results of Two Studies on Sexual Orientation Fairness in the California Courts, Todd Brower
Obstacle Courts: Results of Two Studies on Sexual Orientation Fairness in the California Courts, Todd Brower
Obstacles on the Road to Gender Justice: The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda as Object Lesson , Beth Van Schaak
Of Herdsmen and Nation States: The Global Environmental Commons, Frederick R. Anderson
Of Lawyers, Leaders, and Returning Riddles in Sovereign Debt: An Introduction, Anna Gelpern
Of Predatory Lending and the Democratization of Credit: Preserving the Social Safety Net of Informality in Small-Loan Transactions, Regina Austin
Of Protection and Sovereignty: Applying the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act Extraterritorially to Protect Embedded Software Outsourced to China , Carrie Greenplate
Once More Unto the Breach: Reconciling Chevron Analysis and de Novo Judicial Review After United States v. Haggar Apparel Company , Claire R. Kelly and Patrick C. Reed
On Dignity and Whether the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Remains a Place of Refuge After 60 Years , Adrienne Anderson
On Doubting Thomas: Judicial Compulsion and Other Controls of Transboundary Acid Rain, Joseph MacD. Schwartz
“One for All: The Problem of Uniformity Cost in Intellectual Property Law.” American University Law Review 55, no.4 (May 2006): 845-900., Michael W. Carroll
One of the Guys, David L. Marin
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back: Democracy and Legal Reform in Morocco, Abderrahim Sabir
On Media Consolidation, the Public Interest, and Angels Earning Wings, Victoria F. Phillips
On Privilege, Antoinette Sedillo Lopez
On Statutory Rape, Strict Liability, and the Public Welfare Offense Model, Catherine L. Carpenter
Opening Remarks, Michael B. Shortnacy
Opening Remarks, Michael B. Shortnacy
Opening Remarks, Claudio Grossman and Mark Thomson
Opening Remarks: Remarks of Dean Claudio Grossman, Claudio Grossman
Opening Remarks: Remarks of Widney Brown, Widney Brown
Operation Cast Lead: Drawing the Battle Lines of the Legal Dispute, Avril McDonald
Operation Murambatsvina: A Crime Against Humanity Under the Rome Statute? , Jeff Nicolai
Opuz v. Turkey: Europe's Landmark Judgment on Violence against Women, Tarik Abdel-Monem
Organizational Determinants of Law Firm Integration , Elizabeth Chambliss
Organ Trafficking: Legislative Proposals to Protect Minors, Maria N. Morelli
OTC Derivatives & Systemic Risk: Innovative Finance or the Dance into the Abyss?, Adam P. Waldman
O to A, for Helping Kill O: Wisconsin's Decision Not to Bar Inheritance to Individuals Who Assist a Decedent in Suicide, Matthew Barry Reisig
Our Conflicting Judgements About Pornography, Kent Greenfield
Outlawing the Trade in Child Labor Products: Why the GATT Article XX Health Exception Authorizes Unilateral Sanctions , Matthew T. Mitro
Out of Conformity: China's Capacity to Implement World Trade Organization Dispute Settlement Body Decisions After Accession, Christopher Duncan
Out of Jail... But Still Not Free to Litigate - Using Congressional Intent to Interpret 28 U.S.C. Sec. 1915(b)'s Application to Released Prisoners, Julia Colarusso
Out of Others' Shadows: ASEAN Moves Toward Greater Regional Cooperation in the Face of the EC and NAFTA, Deborah A. Haas
Out of the Black Hole: Reclaiming the Crown of King Coal, Wendy B. Davis
Out of the Garden of Eden: Moving Beyond the Rights-Based Agenda in the Urban Sector, Benjamin Bradlow
Out of Thin Air: Using First Amendment Public Forum Analysis to Redeem American Broadcasting Regulation, Anthony E. Varona
Outsiders Inside the Beltway: Latcrit XIV - Critical Outsider Theory and Praxis in the Policymaking of the New American Regime, Anthony E. Varona
Overcoming Domestic Legal Impediments to the Investigation and Prosecution of Human Rights Violations: The Case of Argentina, Fabián Raimondo
Overcoming Overbreadth: Facial Challenges and the Valid Rule Requirement , Marc E. Isserles
Overview of Prior Informed Consent from and International Perspective, Melanie Nakagawa
Pakistan: A Test Case for United States Nonproliferation Laws, Myron A. Brilliant
Pakistan: A Test Case for United States Nonproliferation Laws, Myron A. Brilliant
Panel 1: Are Adequate Legal Frameworks in Place at the Domestic Level? Challenging Impunity , Diane Orentlicher
Panel 1: Are Adequate Legal Frameworks in Place at the Domestic Level? Domestic Incorporation of Obligations Under the Convention against Torture, Luis Gallegos and Claudio Grossman
Panel 1: Are Adequate Legal Frameworks in Place at the Domestic Level? Introductory Remarks and Presentation of Panelists, Richard Wilson
Panel 1: Are Adequate Legal Frameworks in Place at the Domestic Level? Protections Provided by International Law, Manfred Nowak
Panel 1: Are Adequate Legal Frameworks in Place at the Domestic Level? Torture as a Specific Criminal Offense in Domestic Laws , Matt Pollard
Panel 1: Promoting Safeguards through Detention Visits, Ariela Peralta, Suzanne Jabbour, Brenda V. Smith, Alison A. Hillman de Velásquez, and Claudio Grossman
Panel 2: How Are Laws Applied and Detention Practices Reformed? Advocacy and Campaigning Against Torture , James Ross
Panel 2: How Are Laws Applied and Detention Practices Reformed? Litigation: Taking Cases and Those Responsible to Court , Steven Watt
Panel 2: How Are Laws Applied and Detention Practices Reformed? Question & Answer Session , Steven Watt, Claudio Grossman, James Ross, and Eugene Fidell
Panel 2: How Are Laws Applied and Detention Practices Reformed? Reforming Interrogation Practices , David Danzig
Panel 2: How Are Laws Applied and Detention Practices Reformed? Reforming Interrogation Practices: Alexis St. Martin and the Post-9/11 Era Opportunity , Eugene R. Fidell
Panel 2: Protecting Vulnerable Groups through Detention Visits, Hernan Vales, Haritini Dipla, Catherine Dupe Atoki, Pamela Goldberg, and Alison Parker
Panel 3: Collaboration to Increase the Impact of Detention Visits, Cynthia Totten, Víctor Rodríguez, Andrés Pizarro Sotomayor, Roselyn Karugonjo-Segawa, and Alessio Bruni
Panel 3: Transparency & Access of Independent Experts to Places of Detention: Introductory Remarks and Presentation of Panelists, Viviana Krsticevic
Panel 3: Transparency and Access of Independent Experts to All Places of Detention Experience in Latin America, Santiago Canton
Panel 3: Transparency and Access of Independent Experts to All Places of Detention: Follow-Up Procedures , Felice Gaer
Panel 3: Transparency and Access of Independent Experts to All Places of Detention: Health-Related Considerations , Nora Sveaass
Panel 3: Transparency and Access of Independent Experts to All Places of Detention: Oversight Practices of U.S. Juvenile Facilities , Ted H. Rubin
Panel 3: Transparency and Access of Independent Experts to All Places of Detention Question & Answer Session , Claudio Grossman and Malcolm Evans
Panel I: Building on the Committee against Torture's Successes and Addressing Its Shortcomings - Stakeholders' Perspectives, Mark Thomson, Yuval Ginbar, Jens Færkel, Santiago Canton, Florence Simbiri-Jaoko, Felice Gaer, and Joao Nataf
Panel II: Ensuring Reparations for Victims of Torture and Other Ill-Treatment, Claudio Grossman, Christopher Keith Hall, Juan Mén, Lorna McGregor, and Nora Sveaass
Panel III: Interpretation and Implementation of the Convention against Torture Article 22 (Petitions), Luis Gallegos, Barbara Jackman, Francisco Quintana, Julia Hall, and Ann Jordan
Panelists Biographies , American University Washington College of Law Office of Student Affairs
Panel One: Redesigning Work and the Benefits Related to It
Panel Three: New Directions In Feminist Legal Theory
Panel Two: Who's Minding the Baby?
Participation and Empowerment in Africa, Paula Donnelly Roark
Party Parity: A Defense of the Democratic Party Equal Division Rule, Lisa Schnall
Past Performance as an Evaluation Factor in Public Contract Source Selection , William W. Goodrich_Jr.
Past, Present, and Future in the Life of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, Paul R. Michel
Patent Claim Interpretation After Markman: How the Federal Circuit Interprets Claims , John M. Romary and Arie M. Michelson
Patent Law Decisions of the Federal Circuit, Sasha Mayergoyz, Michael F. Harte, David Mckone, Amanda J. Hollis, Peter Moore, and Jennifer L. Travers
Patent Law Developments in the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit During 1992, Kendrew H. Colton and Michael W. Haas
Patient Negligence: The Unreasonableness of Relying on Trust, Song Richardson
Peacekeepers as Perpetrators: Sexual Exploitation and Abuse of Women and Children in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Susan A. Notar
Pedagogy and Law: Ideas for Integrating Gender into Legal Education, Marclea V. Rodriguez
Pediatric Testing of Prescription Drugs: The Food and Drug Administration's Carrot and Stick for the Pharmaceutical Industry , Kurt R. Karst
Pennsylvania State Police v. Suders, LeiLani J. Hart
Perennial Outsiders: The Educational Experience of Turkish Youth in Germany, Catherine J. Ross
Performance, Property, and the Slashing of Gender in Fan Fiction, Sonia K. Katyal
Permeable Fences Make Good Neighbors: Improving a Seemingly Intractable Border Conflict Between Israelis and Palestinians, Barry A. Feinstein and Mohammed S. Dajani-Daoudi
Permissive Interlocutory Appeals at the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit: Fifteen Years in Review (1995-2010), Alexandra B. Hess, Stephanie L. Parker, and Tala K. Touanian
Personal Essay: My Ordeal of Regaining Voting Rights in Virginia, Frank Anderson
Personal Responsibility and the Law of Torts , Douglas H. Cook
Pharmaceutical Product Liability May be Hazardous to Your Health: A No-Fault Alternative to Concurrent Regulation, Gregory C. Jackson
Pharmacy Conscience Clause Statutes: Constitutional Religious "Accommodations" or Unconstitutional "Substaintial Burdens" on Women?, Melissa Duvall
Pillow Talk, Richard Hyland
Piracy,Privacy, and Privatization: Fictional and Legal Approaches to the Electronic Future of Cash , Walter A. Effross
Playing at Even Strength: Reforming Title IX Enforcement in Intercollegiate Athletics, Ross A. Jurewitz
Playing the Zone and Controlling the Board: The Emerging Jurisdictional Consensus and the Court of International Trade A Review of Recent Decisions of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Court , Scott H. Segal and Stephen J. Orava
Poetic Justice: Punitive Damages and Legal Pluralism, Marc Galanter and David Luban
Poetic Justice: Punitive Damages and Legal Pluralism, Marc Galanter and David Luban
Poetry, Sari McGovern
Point/Counterpoint: Treaty for the Rights of Women Deserves Full U.S. Support, Nora O’Connell and Ritu Sharma
Pointing the Finger: Civilian Casualties of NATO Bombing in the Kosovo Conflict, Tania Voon
Poland, Hungary, and the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic: An Examination of the Evolving Legal Framework for Foreign Investment, Charles M. Cole
Police Powers in Pakistan: The Need for Balance Between Operational Independence And Accountability, Ahmad N. Warraich
Political Developments in Post-Eyadema Togo: A Critical Analysis, Kwadwo Appiagyei-Atua
Politics Overrides Legal Principles: Tragic Consequences of the Diplomatic Intervention in Bosnia-Herzegovina (1991-1992), Michael Baruiciski
Population Health through Inclusive Urban Planning: Healthier Communities and Sustainable Urban Development in Indian Cities, Shriya Malhotra
Pornophobia, Pornophilla, and the Need for a Middle Path, Teresa M. Bruce
Potential Exiting through ADRs (and/or GDRs?) for International Private Equity Investors, Jerry Feigen
Poverty Reduction, Trade, and Rights, Chantal Thomas
Power, Authority and International Investment Law , Tai-Heng Cheng
Practical Considerations on Human Rights within the OAS Context, Val T. McCornie
Practical Considerations on Human Rights within the OAS Context, Val T. McComie
Preaching Terror: Free Speech or Wartime Incitement?, Robert S. Tanenbaum
Preaching Terror: Free Speech or Wartime Incitement?, Robert S. Tanenbaum
Preemption, Agency Cost Theory, and Predatory Lending by Banking Agents: Are Federal Regulators Biting off More than They Can Chew , Christopher L. Peterson
Prepared Statement to the House Committee on the Judiciary on The Espionage Act and the Legal and Constitutional Issues Raised by WikiLeaks, Stephen I. Vladeck
Presentation: Naming The Unnamed: Intellectual Property Rights of Women Artists from India, Ruchira Goswani and Karubakee Nandi
Presumption Meets Reality: An Exploration of the Confidentiality Obligation in International Commercial Arbitration, Alexis C. Brown
Pretrial Publicity in Criminal Cases of National Notoriety: Constructing a Remedy for the Remediless Wrong , Robert Hardaway and Douglas B. Tumminello
Prevention and Complementarity in the International Criminal Court: A Positive Approach, Katharine A. Marshall
Price of Popularity: The Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit 2007, Jay S. Plager
Principles for Collective Humanitarian Intervention to Succor Other Countries' Imperiled Indigenous Nationals, George K. Walker
Prior Informed Consent in the Convention on Biological Diversity-Bonn Guidelines: National Implementation in Colombia, Adriana Casas
Private Disputes and the Public Good: Explaining Arbitration Law, William W. Park
Private Finance, Social Responsibility, and Transitional Justice: The Case for South African Reconciliation and Development, Daniel D. Bradlow
Private Ordering of Employee Privacy: Protecting Employees' Expectations of Privacy with Implied-in-Fact Contracts, Lindsay Noyce
Private School Tuition at the Public's Expense: A Disabled Student's Right to a Free Appropriate Public Education , Michael J. Tentido
Privatization as an International Phenomenon: Kazakhstan, Yuilya Mitrofanskaya
Privatization of Corrections: A Violation of U.S. Domestic Law, International Human Rights, and Good Sense, Ira P. Robbins
Privatizing Eminent Domain: The Delegation of a Very Public Power to Private, Non-Profit and Charitable Corporations , Asmara Tekle Johnson
Privileged Use: Has Judge Boudin Suggested a Viable Means of Copyright Protection for the Nonliteral Aspects of Computer Software in Lotus Development Corp.v. Borland International , David M. Maiorana
Product-based Environmental Regulations: Europe Sets the Pace , Paul E. Hagen
Product Placement or Pure Entertainment? Critiquing A Copyright-Preemption Proposal, Kristen E. Riccard
Professor Janet Spragens: In Memory of a Friend, in Celebration of an Idea, Nancy S. Abramowitz
Project Reveals Challenges and Recommendations for Teaching International Humanitarian Law in U.S. Law Schools, Hadar Harris and Solomon Shinerock
Proletariat to Pauper: An Analysis of International Law and the Implications of Imperialism for Equality in Post-Communist Russia, Shannon Keniry
Prologue , Claudio Grossman
Prologue, Claudio Grossman
Prologue, Claudio Grossman
Prologue, Claudio Grossman
Promises of Accession: Reassessing the Trade Relationship Between Turkey and the European Union, Fernanda G. Nicola
Promoting Family by Promoting Work: The Hole in Martha Fineman's Doughnut , Peter B. Edelman
Promoting Family by Promoting Work: The Hole in Martha Fineman's Doughnut , Peter B. Edelman
Promoting Public Health through Clinical Legal Education: Initiatives in South Africa, Thailand, and Ukraine, Tamar Ezer, Ludmylla Deshko, Nicola Gunn Clark, Enga Kameni, and Bruce A. Lasky
Promoting Sustainable Development and Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe: The Role of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Chris A. Wold and Durwood Zaelke
Promoting the Rights of Human Rights Defenders in the East and Horn of Africa, Hassan Shire Sheikh and Laetitia Bader Bader
Property as a Natural Institution: The Separation of Property from Sovereignty in International Law, L. Benjamin Ederington
Prophetic Litigation: The Symbolic and Communicative Function of International Criminal Tribunals, Teresa G. Phelps
Proposal for A Green Patent System: Implications for Sustainable Development and Climate Change, Itaru Nitta
Proposed Brazilian Money Laundering Legislation: Analysis and Recommendations, Paulina L. Jerez
Proposed Changes to Discovery Rules in Aid of "Tort Reform": Has the Case Been Made?, Paul R. Sugarman and Marc G. Perlin
Proposed Changes to Discovery Rules in Aid of "Tort Reform": Has the Case Been Made?, Paul R. Sugarman and Marc G. Perlin
Proposed South African Bill of Rights: A Prescription for Equality or Neo-Apartheid?, M.C. Jozana
Prosecuting Children in Times of Conflict: The West African Experience, David M. Crane
Prosecutors Who Intentionally Break the Law, Angela Davis
Prospective Parents and the Children's Rights Convention, Carter Dillard
Protecting A Hidden Treasure: The U.N International Law Commission and the International Law of Transboundary Ground Water Resources , Gabriel E. Eckstein
Protecting Mental Disability Rights: A Success Story in the Inter-American Human Rights System, Alison A. Hillman
Protecting the Antarctic Environment: Will a Protocol Be Enough?, Elaine F. Foreman
Protecting the Rabbits from the Panel of Foxes: The Case Against Mandatory Arbitration Clauses in Non-Union Employment Contracts, Alexis Tsotakos
Protecting the Rights of Black Freedmen: Is the Thirteenth Amendment the Linchpin to Securing Equal Rights for Tribal Freedmen?, Lydia Edwards
"Protecting" Women's Health: How Gonzales V. Carhart Endangers Women's Health and Women's Equal Right to Personhood Under the Constitution, Martha K. Plante
Protecting Women’s Human Rights: A Case Study in the Philippines, Tamar Ezer, Arwen Joyce, Priscila McCalley, and Neil Pacamalan
Protection for Mobilizing Improvements in the Workplace: The United States and Russia, Riley M. Sinder
Protection of Civilians Against the Effects of Hostilities Under Customary International Law and Under Protocol I, Waldemar A. Solf
Protection of Religious Minorities in Europe: The Council of Europe's Successes and Failures., Lauren C. Baillie
Protegiendo el Derecho a la Salud en el Sistema Interamericano de Derechos Humanos: Estudio Comparativo sobre su Justiciabilidad desde un Punto de Vista Substantivo y Procesal , Carlos Ivan Fuentes Alcedo
Proxy Reform as a Means of Increasing Shareholder Participation in Corporate Governance: Too Little, But Not Too Late , Carol Goforth
Prying Open Swiss Vaults: The SEC's Investigation of Insider Trading in the Santa Fe Case, H.L. Silets
Public and Private Recognition of the Families of Lesbians and Gay Men, Thomas S. Hixson
Public Demonstrations and the Rule of Law in the Age of Glasnost and Perestroika, Ralph Ruebner
Public International Law as a Career, Anthony D'Amato
Public Participation and Access to Clean Water: An Analysis of the CAFO Rule, Ayako Sato
Pulling The Trigger: Separation Violence as a Basis for Refugee Protection for Battered Women, Marisa Cianciarulo and Claudia David
Punitive Damages and Regulated Products, Teresa Moran Schwartz
Punitive Damages and Regulated Products, Teresa Moran Schwartz
Punitive Damages Reform-State Legislatures Can and Should Meet the Challenge Issued by the Supreme Court of the United States in Haslip, Victor F. Schwartz and Mark A. Behrens
Punitive Damages Reform-State Legislatures Can and Should Meet the Challenge Issued by the Supreme Court of the United States in Haslip, Victor F. Schwartz and Mark A. Behrens
Pursuit of a Rights-Based Approach to Migration: Recent Developments at the UN and the Inter-American System, Sarah Paoletti
Pushing the Envelope: Development of Federal Electric Transmission Access Policy, Joseph T. Kelliher
Pushing the Envelope of the Regulation S Safe Harbors A Review of Recent Decisions of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Court , Julie L. Kaplan
Race and Immigration Law: A Troubling Marriage, Lisa Sandoval
Race, Law and Justice: The Rehnquist Court and the American Dilemma , Paul Butler, Richard D. Kahlenberg, Roger Pilon, Robert S. Chang, David Kairys, Jamin B. Raskin, Charles J. Cooper, Phil Tajitsu Nash, Jeffret\y Rosen, Adrienne D. Davis, Alexandra Natapoff, Katheryn K. Russell, Angela Jordan Newton, Burton Wechsler, Mark Hager, Clarence Page, Brenda Wright, Stuart Ishimaru, Frank R. Parker, and Frank H. Wu
Racial Disparities in U.S. Public Education and International Human Rights Standards: Holding the U.S. Accountable to CERD, Amelia Parker
Racial Exhaustion, Darren Hutchinson
"Racially-Tailored" Medicine Unraveled, Sharona Hoffman
Racism and Patriarchy in the Meaning of Motherhood, Dorthy E. Roberts
Rainforest Chernobyl: Litigating Indigenous Rights and the Environment in Latin America, Steven R. Donziger
Rainforest Chernobyl Revisited: The Clash of Human Rights and BIT Investor Claims: Chevron's Abusive Litigation in Ecuador's Amazon, Steven Donzinger, Laura Garr, and Aaron Marr Page
Raising the Bar: US Legal Education in an International Setting, Claudio Grossman
Rape and the Requirement of Force: Is there Hope for Pennsylvania After Pennsylvania v. Berkowitz?, Crystal S. Deese
Rationality, Pirates, and The Law: A Retrospective, Peter T. Leeson
Reaching Beyond the State: Judicial Independence, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and Accountability in Guatemala, Edward H. Warner and Davis Jeffery
Reach-Through Claims in the Age of Biotechnology , Stephen G. Kunin, Mark Nagumo, Brian Stanton, Linda S. Therkorn, and Stephen Walsh
Realizing a Promise: A Case for Ratification of the Optional Protocol to the Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Jan Kratochvíl
Realizing the Human Right to Water in Tanzania, Leticia K. Nkonya
Reasonable Doubt: How in the World Is It Defined?, Thomas V. Mulrine
Re-balancing State and Federal Power: Toward a Political Principle of Subsidiarity in the United States, Jared Bayer
Recalibrating the Scales of Justice Through National Punitive Damage Reform, Kimberly A. Pace
Recent EPA Ruling May Increase Brownfield Financing, Mark Wilson
Reclaiming the African Woman's Individuality: The Struggle between Women's Reproductive Autonomy and African Society and Culture Conference on the Interventional Protection of Reproductive Rights: Religious & Cultural Rights , Fitnat Naa-Adjeley Adjetey
Recognition of Illegalities, Proposals for Reform, and Implemented Reforms in the Soviet Criminal Justice System Under Gorbachev, Glasnost, and Perestroika, David M. Simmons
Recognizing Acquaintance Rape in Potentially Consensual Situations: a Re-Examination of Thomas Hardy's Tess of the D'Urbervilles, Kathleen F. Cairney
Recognizing a Right to Autonomy for Ethnic Groups under the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights: Katangese Peoples Congress v. Zaire, Mtendeweka Owen Mhango
Recognizing Schools' Legitimate Educational Interests: Rethinking FERPA's Approach to the Confidentiality of Student Discipline and Classroom Records, Lynn M. Daggett and Dixie Snow Huefner
Reconceiving the Family: Challenging the Paradigm of the Exclusive Family, Alison Harvinson Young
Reconsidering Abortion Law: Liberty, Equality, and the Rhetoric of Planned Parenthood v. Casey , Erin Daly
Recrafting the Jurisdictional Framework for Private Rights of Action Under the Federal Securities Laws, Jeffrey T. Cook
Recrafting the Jurisdictional Framework for Private Rights of Action Under the Federal Securities Laws, Jeffrey T. Cook
Redefining Child under the State Children's Health Insurance Program: Capable of Repetition, Yet Evading Results, Elisabeth H. Sperow
Redefining the Rights of Undocumented Workers, Keith Cunningham-Parmeter
Rediscovering the Transportation Frontier: Improving Sustainability in the United States through Passenger Rail, Benjamin J. Wickizer and Andrew Snow
Redistributive Justice Cultural Feminism , William J. Turnier, Pamela Johnston Conover, and David Lowerr
Redistricting and Discriminatory Purpose , Michael J. Pitts
Reexamining Models of Disability and Applying Rationality, Morality, and Ethics to Support Disability Rights in Context of Genetics, Gary C. Norman
Referenda and the District of Columbia's Human Rights Act: Voting on Same-Sex Marriage in the Nation's Capital, Jacob Stewart
Reflections on the Judgment of the International Court of Justice in Bosnia’s Genocide Case against Serbia and Montenegro, Susana SáCouto
Reflections on the Securities Law of Jordan , Bashar H. Malkawi and Haitham A. Haloush
Reflections on the Securities Law of Jordan , Bashar H. Malkawi and Haitham A. Haloush
Reflections on the Sixth Annual Grotius Lecture by Anna Chua, Upendra Baxi
Reflections on the VMI Decision, Deborah L. Brake
Reforming Affirmative Asylum Processing in the United States: Challenges and Opportunities, Gregg A. Beyer
Reforming Fourth Amendment Privacy Doctrine, Jim Harper
Reforming the Asylum Process: An Ambitious Proposal for Adequate Staffing, Stephen H. Legomsky
Reforming United States Security Assistance, Duncan L. Clarke and Steven Woehrel
Refugee Policy in an Age of Migration, Grover Joseph Rees
Regulating Multinational Corporations: Towards Principles of Cross-Border Legal Frameworks in a Globalized World Balancing Rights with Responsibilities, Joseph E. Stiglitz
Regulating Paid Household Work: Class, Gender, Race, and Agendas of Reform , Peggie R. Smith
Regulating Pregnancy Behaviors: How the Constitutional Rights of Minority Women are Disproportionately Compromised, Joanne E. Brosh and Monica K. Miller
Regulating Voice Over Internet Protocol: An E.U./U.S. Comparative Approach, Daniel B. Garrie and Rebecca Wong
Regulatory Takings and Original Intent: The Direct, Physical Takings Thesis "Goes Too Far", Andrew S. Gold
Reinforcing Marginalized Rights in an Age of Globalization: International Mechanisms, Non-State Actors, and the Struggle for Peoples' Rights in Africa, J. Oloka-Onyango
Reinterpreting Torture: Presidential Signing Statements and the Circumvention of U.S. and International Law, Erin Louise Palmer
Reinventing Asylum: A Challenge to America, Xavier Becerra
Rejecting Reasonableness: A New Look at Title VII's Anti-Retaliation Provision, Briane J. Gorod
Re-Mapping Equal Protection Jurisprudence: A Legal Geography of Race and Affirmative Action, Reginald Oh
REMARKS: Address by the Honorable J. Joseph Curran, Jr., Attorney General, State of Maryland , J.Joseph Curran Jr.
Remarks Cecilia Medina-Quiroga Conference on the Interventional Protection of Reproductive Rights: Reproduction, Rights, and Reality: How Facts and Law Can Work For Women , Cecelia Medina-Quiroga
Remarks Conference on the Interventional Protection of Reproductive Rights: Civil & Political Rights and the Right to Nondiscrimination , Anne Tierney Goldstein
Remarks Conference on the Interventional Protection of Reproductive Rights: Religious & Cultural Rights , Abdullahi An-Naim
Remarks Conference on the Interventional Protection of Reproductive Rights: The Impact of Reproductive Subordination on Women's Health , Rhonda Copelon
Remarks Conference on the Interventional Protection of Reproductive Rights: The Right to Health , Mallika Dutt
Remarks Conference on the Interventional Protection of Reproductive Rights: The Utility and Limits of Rights Based Approaches , Karen Newman
Remarks of a Former Welfare Recipient on Selected State Legislative Developments in Welfare, Nitza I. Vera
Remarks on Professor B.S. Chimi's A Just World under Law: A View From the South, Philip Alston
Remolding China's Iron Rice Bowl: An Opportunity for United States Agricultural Commodities Behind the Great Wall of China, Joel B. Blank
Renewal of the Federal Rulemaking Process L. Ralph Mecham & Federal Courts Administration: A Decade of Innovation and Progress , Peter G. McCabe
Renov. ACLU: Insulating the Internet, the First Amendment, and the Marketplaceof Ideas , Stephen C. Jacques
Repairing the Irreparable: Current and Future Approaches to Reparations, Chanté Lasco
"Reparative" Therapy: Whether Parental Attempts to Change a Child's Sexual Orientation Can Legally Constitute Child Abuse , Karolyn Ann Hicks
Report of the Conference Rapporteur Conference on the Interventional Protection of Reproductive Rights: Religious & Cultural Rights , Berta Esperanza Hernandez-Truyol
Reproductive Health and CEDAW Conference on the Interventional Protection of Reproductive Rights: The Right to Health, Carlota Bustelo
Researching the Jurisprudence of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights: A Litigator's Perspective, Richard J. Wilson
Reservations to the American Convention on Human Rights: A New Approach, Andrés E. Montalvo
Resistance to Genocidal Governments: Should Private Actors Break Laws to Protect Civilians from Mass Atrocity?, Chad J. Hazlett
Resolved, Or Is It? The First Amendment and Giving Money to Terrorists, Jeff Breinholt
Resolving the Intergenerational Conflicts of Real Property Law: Preserving Free Markets and Personal Autonomy for Future Generations, Gerald Korngold
Resource Recovery and Materials Flow in the City: Zero Waste and Sustainable Consumption as Paradigms in Urban Development, Steffen Lehmann
Resources for Monitoring Climate Change: The Environmental and Energy Study Institute's Climate Change News, The Environmental and Energy Study Institute
Response to Jerome Levinson, Nancy Alexander
Response to Jerome Levinson, Bruce Rich
Response to John Quigley, Louis René Beres
Response to Katarina Tomasevski, Barbara Bramble
Response to Katarina Tomasevski, Peter Sollis
Responsibility to Pay: Compensating Civilian Casualties of War, Jonathan Tracy
Restoring Trust in Corporate Directors: The Disney Standard and the New Good Faith, Sarah Helene Duggin and Robert M. Goldman
Rethinking Computer Network "Attack": Implications for Law and U.S. Doctrine, Paul A. Walker
Rethinking Diplomatic Immunity: A Review of Remedial Approaches to Address the Abuses of Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities, Mitchell S. Ross
Rethinking Diplomatic Immunity: A Review of Remedial Approaches to Address the Abuses of Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities, Mitchell S. Ross
Rethinking the Managerial-Professional Exemption of the Fair Labor Standards Act, Peter D. DeChiara
Rethinking the Mérida Initiative: Why the U.S. Must Change Course in its Approach to Mexico’s Drug War, Stephanie Erin Brewer
Rethinking the Political Future: An Alternative to the Ethno-Sectarian Division of Iraq , Paul R. Williams and Matthew T. Simpson
Rethinking the Relationship between Antidumping and Antitrust Laws, Daniel J. Gifford
Retributory Theatre, Edward M. Morgan
Review of Beau Breslin's "From Words to Worlds", Robert L. Tsai
Review of Conference: “International Criminal Tribunals in the 21st Century”, Tim Curry
Review of Conference: “The Reaffirmation of Custom as an Important Source of International Humanitarian Law”, Sabrina Balgamwalla
Review of the 1993 Trademark Decisions of the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, Stephen R. Baird
Review of the 1999 Patent Law Decisions of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit , Phil N. Makrogiannis
Review of the 1999 Trademark Decisions of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit , Stephen R. Baird
Review of the 2006 Trademark Decisions of the Federal Circuit, Christine Haight Farley and Geri L. Haight
Revisiting Equality: Feminist Thought About Intermediate Scrutiny, Ann Shalleck
Revisiting Title XI's Feminist Legacy: Moving Beyond the Three-part Test, Deborah Brake
Reviving the 1940 Cuban Constitution: Arguments for Social and Economic Rights in a Post-Castro Government, Jonathan Wachs
Revolutions in Accountability: New Approaches to Past Abuses, Chandra Lekha Sriram
Rhetorical Holy War: Polygamy, Homosexuality, and the Paradox of Community and Autonomy, Gregory C. Pinfree
Rights of Religious Minorities in Nigeria, Ismene Zarifis
Roe v. Wade and the Dred Scott Decision: Justice Scalia's Peculiar Analogy in Planned Parenthood v. Casey, Jamin B. Raskin
Romagoza v. García: Proving Command Responsibility under the Alien Tort Claims Act and the Torture Victim Protection Act, Beth Van Schaack
Romania's Evolving Legal Framework for Private Sector Development, Cheryl W. Gray, Rebecca J. Hanson, and Peter G. Ianachkov
Roots of the Underclass: The Decline of Laissez-Faire Jurisprudence and the Rise of Racist Labor Legislation, David E. Bernstein
Roper v. Simmons, Jennifer Eswari Borra
Rule by Reasonableness, David Zaring
Rulemaking in the Shade: An Empirical Study of EPA's Air Toxic Emission Standards, Wendy Wagner, Katherine Barnes, and Lisa Peters
Rule of Law Prevails in the Case of Amina Lawal, Hauwa Ibrahim
Russia and the Arctic: Opportunities for Engagement Within the Existing Legal Framework , Michael A. Becker
Russia and the European Court of Human Rights: The Price of Non-Cooperation, Ole Solvang
Russian Protectionism and the Strategic Sectors Law, William E. Pomeranz
Rwanda’s Troubled Gacaca Courts, Christopher J. Le Mon
Safeguarding Organic Food: The Need for International Certification Standards, Balse Kornacki
Salvage Awards on the Somali Coast: Who Pays for Public and Private Rescue Efforts in Piracy Crises?, Geoffrey Christopher Rapp
Same-Sex Sexual Harassment Claims After Oncale: Defining the Boundaries of Actionable Conduct , Richard F. Storrow
Sanctioned Abuses: The Case of Migrant Domestic Workers, Nisha Varia
Sandin v. Conner: Lowering the Boom on the Procedural Rights of Prisoners , Scott F. Weisman
Save Me From Harm: The Consequences of the Ordinary Remand Rule's Misapplication to Gao v. Gonzales, Brenna Finn
Saving Failed States: Sometimes a Neocolonialist Notion, Ruth Gordon
Say Cheese! Examining the Constitutionality of Photostops, Molly Bruder
Scrutinizing Countries: The Challenge of Universal Review, Felice D. Gaer
Searching for a Lost Childhood: Will the Special Court of Sierra Leonne Find Justice for Its Children?, Stephanie H. Bald
Searching for Justice: Colombia's Human Rights Defenders Under Attack, Kelleen M. Corrigan
Searching for Liquidity: United States Exit Strategies For International Private Equity Investment, Christopher J. Mailander
Section 1500 and the Jurisdictional Pitfalls of Federal Government Litigation , Paul Frederic Kirgis
Section 337 and the GATT: The Problem or the Solution, Robert G. Krupka, Phillip C. Swain, and Russell E. Levine
Section 482 and Subpart F: An Internal Revenue Code Dilemma, David Myers
Seeking Integral Reparations for the Murders and Disappearances of Women in Ciudad Juárez: A Gender and Cultural Perspective, Jorge Calderón Gamboa
Seeking Justice in Lago Agrio and Beyond: An Argument for Joint Responsibility of Host States and Foreign Investors before the Regional Human Rights Systems, Megan S. Chapman
Seeking Synchronicity: Thoughts on the Role of Domestic Law Enforcement in Counterterrorism, Jeff Breinholt
Select Bibliography of Women's Human Rights Law, A Conference on the Interventional Protection of Reproductive Rights , Rebecca J. Cook and Valerie L. Oosterveld
Selected Bibliography on the European Economic Community and 1992, Cynthia B. Schultz
Selected International Legal Materials on Global Warming and Climate Change
Selected Writings of Seymour J. Rubin
Selective Bibliography on Japanese Trade Law, Cynthia B. Schultz
Separate but Taxed: A Rejection of the Steamlined Sales Tax Project through a Commerce Clause and Federalist Analysis, Gregory R. Evans
Separating the Good from the Bad: Developments in Islamic Acquisition Financing , Umar F. Moghul
Separating the Good from the Bad: Developments in Islamic Acquisition Financing , Umar F. Moghul
Separation of Powers in Post-Communist Government: A Constitutional Case Study of the Russian Federation, Amy J. Weisman
Settling a Corporate Accountability Lawsuit Without Sacrificing Human Rights: Wang Xiaoning v. Yahoo!, Theresa Harris
Sex-Based Discrimination in U.S. Immigration Law: The High Court's Lost Opportunity to Bridge the Gap Between What We Say and What We Do , Debra L. Satinoff
Sex Discrimination and Sexual Harassment in Agricultural Labor, Maria M. Dominguez
Sex, Drugs, & The Restatement (Third) of Torts, Section 6(c): Why Comment E Is the Answer to the Woman Question , Dolly M. Trompeter
Sexual Harassment Proscriptive Polices of the European Community, Ireland, and New Zealand, John C. Penn
Sexual Harassment, Wrongful Discharge, and Employer Liability: The Employer's Dilemma, Sarah Needleman Kline
Sexual Orientation Bias: The Substantive Limits of Legal Ethics Rules, William C. Duncan
Sexual Orientation Bias: The Substantive Limits of Legal Ethics Rules, William C. Duncan
Sexual Politics and Social Change, Darren Hutchinson
Shades Of Grey: Can the Copyright Fair Use Defense Adapt to New Re-Contextualized Forms of Music and Art?, Nicholas B. Lewis
Shaping Globalization: The Role of Human Rights - Comment on the Grotius Lecture by Mary Robinson, Ko-Young Tung
Should a Requirement of "Clean Hands" Be a Prerequisite to the Exercise of Diplomatic Protection? Human Rights Implications of the International Law Commission's Debate, Aleksandr Shapovalov
Should Inmates Be Running the Jailhouse: Affirming the Constitutionality of Enhanced Archivist Involvement in White House Record-Keeping Policymaking, Nicholas E.M. Michiels
Should It Be A Free for All? The Challenge of Extending Trade Dress Protection to the Look and Feel of Web Sites in the Evolving Internet , Xuan-Thao N. Nguyen
Should Summary Judgment be Granted?, Bradley Scott Shannon
Significance of the Fujimori Trial, Juan E. Méndez
Silenced Justice, S.D. Schwinn
"Simple Truths" About Moral Education , Eleanor W. Myers
Sirius Mistake: The FCC'S Failure to Stop a Merger to Monopoly in Satellite Radio, Leigh M. Murray
Six Decrees of Separation: Settlement Agreements and Consent Orders in Federal Civil Litigation, Anthony DiSarro
Six Reasons Why Nuclear Weapons are More Dangerous Than Ever, Peter Weiss
Sixth Annual Grotius Lecture: World on Fire, Amy Chua
Slavery as a Takings Clause Violation, Kaimipono Daivd Wenger
Slaying the Monster: Why the United States Should Not Support the Rome Treaty, Cara Levy Rodriguez
Social and Economic Rights: A Critique, Aryeh Neier
"Socially Responsible" Investing: Doing Good Versus Doing Well in an Inefficient Market, Maria O'Brien Hylton
Social Programs and Manageable Units , Saul Levmore
Social Programs and Manageable Units , Saul Levmore
Social Security and the Low-Income Worker , Nancy J. Altman
Solar Power: The Journey from Niche to Mainstream, Todd Foley and Kevin Gallagher
Soldiers, Peasants, Politicians and the War on Drugs in Bolivia, Jaime Malamud-Goti
Solitary Confinement and International Human Rights: Why the U.S. Prison System Fails Global Standards, Elizabeth Vasiliades
Some Introductory Thoughts L. Ralph Mecham & Federal Courts Administration: A Decade of Innovation and Progress, William H. Rehnquist
Sosa v. Alvarez-Machain: Upholding the Alien Tort Claims Act While Affirming American Exceptionalism, David C. Baluarte
SOS (Safeguard Our Survival): Understanding and Alleviating the Lethat Legacy of Survival-threatening Child Abuse, Nancy Wright and Eric Wright
Sound Chemicals Management: An Overview of this Issue , Lynn Goldman
Sound Management of Chemicals in Developing Countries Under the Rotterdam Convention, Sun Young Oh
South Africa's Right to Health Care: International and Constitutional Duties in Relation to HIV/AIDS Epidemic, Roger Phillips
Sovereignty, Statehood, Self-Determination, and the Issue of Taiwan, Jianming Shen
Speaking Against Norms: Public Discourse and the Economy of Racialization in the Workplace, Terry Smith
Special Coverage of the 140th Period of Sessions of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, Sarah Mazzochi, Jess Portmess, and Alexandra Haney
Special Coverage of the 141st Period of Sessions of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, Kaitlin Brush, Alma Liliana Mata Noguez, and Melanie Debrosse
Speech and Strife, Robert L. Tsai
Spirits in the Material World: A Post-Modern Approach to United States Trade Policy, James M. Cooper
Spoiling Movi's River: Towards Recognition of Persecutory Environmental harm Within the Meaning of the Refugee Convention , Carly Marcs
Spring 2011 Symposium: A Preview of the 112th Congress
Spring 2011 Symposium: A Preview of the 112th Congress
Spring 2011 Symposium: A Preview of the 112th Congress
Spring 2011 Symposium: A Preview of the 112th Congress
Spring 2011 Symposium: A Preview of the 112th Congress
Spring 2011 Symposium: A Preview of the 112th Congress
Spring 2011 Symposium: A Preview of the 112th Congress
Spring 2011 Symposium: A Preview of the 112th Congress
Spring 2011 Symposium: A Preview of the 112th Congress
Spring 2011 Symposium: A Preview of the 112th Congress
Spring 2011 Symposium: A Preview of the 112th Congress
Spring 2011 Symposium: A Preview of the 112th Congress
Spring 2011 Symposium: A Preview of the 112th Congress
Spring 2011 Symposium: A Preview of the 112th Congress
Spring 2011 Symposium: A Preview of the 112th Congress
Spring 2011 Symposium: A Preview of the 112th Congress
Spring 2011 Symposium: A Preview of the 112th Congress
Spring 2011 Symposium: A Preview of the 112th Congress
Spring 2011 Symposium: A Preview of the 112th Congress
Spring 2011 Symposium: A Preview of the 112th Congress
Spring 2011 Symposium: A Preview of the 112th Congress
Standard of Care for Residents and Other Medical School Graduates in Training, Joseph H. King
Standard of Care for Residents and Other Medical School Graduates in Training, Joseph H. King
Standing on Their Own: The Parallel Rights of Young People to Participate in Planning Process es and Defend Those Rights, Dawn Jourdan
Staring Down the Sights at McDonald v. City of Chicago: Why the Second Amendment Deserves the Kevlar Protection of Strict Scrutiny, James J. Williamson II
Statement by the Chairperson of the Committee Against Torture to the 64th Session of the General Assembly, Claudio Grossman
Statement of David E. Aaronson in Support of HB 1075 to Repeal the Death Penalty, David E. Aaronson
State Sovereign Immunity and the Roberts Court, Stephen I. Vladeck
"State Sponsors of Terrorism" Are Entitled to Due Process Too: The Amended Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act is Unconstitutional, Keith E. Sealing
Stored Value Cards and the Consumer: The Need for Regulation , Mark E. Budnitz
Straightening It Out: Joan Williams on Unbending Gender, Adrienne D. Davis
Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management: Lack of Interest Belies Importance, Angela Logomasini
Strategic Water for Iraq: The Need for Planning and Action , Frederick Michael Lorenz
Strengthening America’s Foundation: Why Securing the Right to an Education at Home is Fundamental to the United States’ Efforts to Spread Democracy Abroad, Eric Lerum, Sheila Moreira, and Rena Scheinkman
Strengthening World Order: Reversing the Slide to Anarchy, John Norton Moore
Strengthening World Order: Reversing the Slide to Anarchy, John Norton Moore
Strength in Numbers: The Question of Decertification of Sports Unions in 2011 and the Benefit of Administrative Oversight, Alexander M. Bard
Striking a Balance between Product Availability and Product Safety: Lessons from the Vaccine Act , Daniel A. Cantor
"Strong Words, Gentle Deeds": Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Maryland Immigration Consultant Act Five Years On, Ana Corina Alonso-Marsden
Structural Human Rights Violations: The True Face of Mexico’s War on Crime, Stephanie Erin Brewer
Subsidized Lives and the Ideology of Efficiency , Martha T. McCluskey
Subsidized Lives and the Ideology of Efficiency , Martha T. McCluskey
Subsidy for Caretaking in Families: Lessons from Foster Care , Catharine J. Ross and Naomi R. Cahn
Subsidy for Caretaking in Families: Lessons from Foster Care , Catharine J. Ross and Naomi R. Cahn
Substance, Procedure, and the Divided Patent Power, Joseph Scott Miller
Summary of Opening Remarks, Daniel Magraw
Sur Place Refugee Status in the Context of Vietnamese Asylum Seekers in Hong Kong, Josh Briggs
Surrogacy and Prostitution: A Comparative Analysis, Jean M. Sera
Survey of Government Contract Cases Decided by the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit in 1994, A A Review of Recent Decisions of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Court: Area Summaries , David R. Johnson, Diana G. Richard, David A. Levine, and James C. Dougherty
Survey of Government Contract Cases in the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit: 1997 in Review , Lionel M. Lavenue
Survey of MSPB Cases in 1991-1992: Theoretical Critique and Practical Applications, G. Jerry Shaw, Jr.; William S. Bransford; Richard A. Moore; and Christopher M. Okay
Survey of Patent Law Decisions in the Federal Circuit: 1998 in Review , Robert J. McManus, Cindy Ahn, Christina Karnakis, Rafael E. Rodriguez, and Jacqueline D. Wright
Survey of the Federal Circuit's Patent Law Decisions in 2006: A New Chapter in the Ongoing Dialogue with the Supreme Court, Gregory A. Castanias, Lawrence D. Rosenberg, Michael S. Fried, and Todd R. Geremia
Sustainable Cities of the Future: The Behavior Change Driver, Peter Newman
Sweeps: An Unwarranted Solution to the Search for Safety in Public Housing, Monica L. Seter
Symposium: A Broader Vision of the Reproductive Rights Movement: Fusing Mainstream and Latina Feminism, Angela Hooton
Symposium: An Experiment in Integrating Critical Theory and Clinical Education, Margaret E. Johnson
Symposium: Comments On Panel 2, Peter Jaszi
Symposium: Commodification, Intellectual Property and the Quilters of Gee's Bend, Victoria F. Phillips
Symposium: "Every Shut Eye, Ain't Sleep": Exploring The Impact of Crack Cocaine Sentencing and the Illusion of Reproductive Rights for Black Women from a Critical Race Feminist Perspective , Deleso Alford Washington
Symposium: Feminism and Dualism in Intellectual Property, Dan L. Burk
Symposium: Feminist Legal Theory, Martha Albertson Fineman
Symposium: Feminist Theory and the Erosion of Women's Reproductive Rights: The Implications of Fetal Personhood Laws and In Vitro Fertilization, Lisa McLennan Brown
Symposium: Foot in the Door - The Unwitting Move towards a New Student Welfare Standard in Student Speech after Morse v. Frederick, Francisco M. Negron, Jr.
Symposium Highlights: What, Exactly, Is a “Post-White” America?, M. Coleen Wilson
Symposium: Institutions and the Development of Legal Theory: The Significance of the Feminism and Legal Theory Project, Ann Shalleck
Symposium: Introduction to a Symposium Celebrating the Twentieth Anniversary of the Feminism and Legal Theory Project, Pamela Bridgewater
Symposium: Introductory Remarks to Panel 2, Peter Jaszi
Symposium: Latinas in Legal Education - Through the Doors of Opportunity: Assimilation, Marginalization, Cooptation or Transformation?, Antoinette Sedillo Lopez
Symposium: Molecules and Conflict: Cancer, Petents, and Women's Health, Eileen M. Kane
Symposium: My Fair Ladies: Sex, Gender, and Fair Use in Copyright, Rebecca Tushnet
Symposium: No Enclaves of Totalitarianism: The Triumph and Unrealized Promise of the Tinker Decision , Jamin B. Raskin
Symposium: Oiling the Schoolhouse Gate: After Forty Years of Tinkering with Teachers' First Amendment Rights, Time for a New Beginning , Alexander Wohl
Symposium: Reconstructing the Author-Self: Some Feminist Lessons for Copyright Law, Carys J. Craig
Symposium: Reflections on Tinker, Tinker Turns 40: Freedom of Expression at School and Its Meaning for American Democracy - April 16, 2009 - Symposium: Foreword , Mary Beth Tinker
Symposium: Rethinking the Masculine Character of the Legal Profession: A Case Study of Female Legal Professionals and their Gendered Life in Taiwan, Shu-Chin Grace Kuo
Symposium: Shrinking Tinker: Students are Persons under Our Constitution - Except When They Aren't , Frank D. Lomonte
Symposium: The Civil Rights Roots of Tinker's Disruption Tests, Kristi L. Bowman
Symposium: Tinker at Forty: Defending the Right of High School Students to Wear Controversial Religious and Pro-Life Clothing, Jay Alan Sekulow and Erik M. Zimmerman
Symposium: Tinker's Midlife Crisis: Tattered and Transgressed but Still Standing, Clay Calvert
Symposium: Toward A Feminist Revision of Torts, Jennifer B. Wriggins
Symposium: Walking the Tradition-Modernity Tightrope: Gender Contradictions in Textile Prodution and Intellectual Property Law in Ghana, Boatema Boateng
Systems of Belief in Modern American Law: A View From Century's End, Gerald B. Wetlaufer
Tactical Ineffective Assistance in Capital Trials, Kyle Graham
Taking Initiatives: Reconciling Race, Religion, Media and Democracy in the Quest for Marriage Equality, Anthony E. Varona
Taking The "Banks" Out of Banks v. Gonzales: DNA Databanks and the Fourth Amendment Prohibition on Unreasonable Searches and Seizures, Heather Bennett
"Talking Disputes Into Harmony" China Approaches International Commercial Arbitration, Anne Judith Farina
"Talking Disputes Into Harmony" China Approaches International Commercial Arbitration, Anne Judith Farina
Tax Cases of the Federal Circuit in 1994 A Review of Recent Decisions of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Court , Janet Spragens
Tax Shelter Malpractice Cases and Their Implications for Tax Compliance , Jay A. Soled
Technical Services by the Seat of Your Pants: A Brief Outline of Technical Services Responsibilities, Christine K. Dulaney
Technocentrism and the Soul of the Common Law Lawyer , Molly Warner Lien
Technology Update: Attorneys' Use of Computers in the Nation's 500 Largest Law Firms, Rosemary Shiels
Telecommunications Reforms in the Americas: New Legislation and the Regulatory Framework, Eduardo J. Benitez, Luis Matias Ponferrada, Ronald E. Pump, Ivana Sonia Kriznic, Alessandra Reyes, and José M. Sariego
Tempeting a Chill on Skittish Capital Markets: Illiquid Investments Investments in the Wake of Global Volatility, Christopher J. Mailander
Ten Federal Circuit Cases from 2009 that Veterans Benefits Attorneys Should Know, Miguel F. Eaton, Sumon Dantiki, and Paul P. Gugliuzza
Ten Years After the Palermo Protocol: Where are Protections for Human Trafficking?, Kelly Hyland Heinrich
Terrorism, Development & Trade: Winning the War on Terror Without the War, Kevin J. Fandl
Terrorism Trials and the Article III Courts After Abu Ali, Stephen I. Vladeck
Terrorists, Warlords, and Thugs , David M. Crane
Testimony , Antoinette Sedillo Lopez
Testing the Limits of Statutory Construction Doctrines: Deconstructing The 2005 Bankruptcy Act, John Rao
Testing the Naalc's Dispute Resolution System: A Case Study , John P. Isa
Testing the NAALC's Dispute Resolution System: A Case Study, John P. Isa
Textual Harassment: A New Historicist Reappraisal of the Parol Evendence Rule with Gender in Mind, Hila Keren
The 1986 Provisions to Encourage Foreign Investment in China: Further Evolution in Chinese Investment Laws, Carolyn P. Casey
The 21st Century Holograph: Using Electronic Signatures to Create Informal Wills Without Handwriting, Nicholas J. Sarwark
The 9/11 Commission and the White House: Issues of Executive Privilege and Separation of Powers, Daniel Marcus
The 9/11 Commission and the White House: Issues of Executive Privilege and Separation of Powers, Daniel Marcus
The Access Initiative: Promoting Sustainable Development Through Good Governance , Melissa Dasgupta
The Accountability of Supranational Administration: The Case of European Union Agencies, Johannes Saurer
The Admission of Hearsay Evidence Where Defedant Misconduct Causes the Unavailability of a Prosecution Witness, Paul T. Markland
The AFL-CIO — NDLON Agreement: Five Proposals for Advancing the Partnership, Jayesh M. Rathod
The Agricultural Worker Protection Act & Florida's Migrant Worker: The Hands That Feed Florida, Fedline Ferjuste
The American Criminal Justice System - From Mayberry to Moscow, Kim Lindquist
The American Rule on Attorney Fee Allocation: The Injured Person's Access to Justice, John F. Vargo
The American Rule on Attorney Fee Allocation: The Injured Person's Access to Justice, John F. Vargo
The Application of Antitrust to Public Companies' Disclosures, Richard M. Steuer, John Roberti, and Daniel Jones
The Argument Against International Abduction of Criminal Defendants: An Introductory Note, Joel R. Paul
The Arms Export Control Act and Congressional Codetermination over Arms Sales, Peter K. Tompa
The Arts: A Traditional Sphere of Free Expression? First Amendment Implications of Government Funding to the Arts in the Aftermath of Rust v. Sullivan , Thomas P. Leff
The Arts: A Traditional Sphere of Free Expression? First Amendment Implications of Government Funding to the Arts in the Aftermath of Rust v. Sullivan , Thomas P. Leff
The Authority of a Foreign Talisman: A Study of U.S. Constitutional Practiceas Authority in Nineteenth Century Argentina and the Argentine Elite's Leap of Faith , Jonathan M. Miller
The BAPCPA's Chilling effect on Debtor's Councel, Alan Eisher
The Binding Dilemma: From Bakassi to Badme - Making States Comply with Territorial Decisions of International Judicial Bodies, Nejib Jibril
The Birth, Death, and Renaissance of the Doctrine of Secondary Meaning in the Making, Willajeanne F. McLean
The Board of Contract Appeals: A Historical Perspective, The Honorable Jeri Kaylene Somers
The Board of Immigration Appeals' Standard of Review: An Argument for Regulatory Reform, Scott Rempell
The Brain-Disordered Defendant: Neuroscience and Legal Insanity in the Twenty-First Century, Richard E. Redding
The Bullet and the Ballot? The Case for Felon Disenfranchisement Statutes, Roger Clegg, George T. Conway III, and Kenneth K. Lee
The Burdens of Qualified Immunity: Summary Judgment and the Role of Facts in Constitutional Tort Law , Alan K. Chen
The California Missions Preservation Act: Safeguarding our History or Subsidizing Religion?, Stacey L. Mahaney
The Caning of Michael Fay: Can Singapore's Punishment Withstand the Scrutiny of International Law?, Firouzeh Bahrampour
The Carbon Emissions Market Bottoms Out in One South African Community, Rachael Moshman
The Case Against "Bad Faith" Dismissals of Bankruptcy Petitions Under 11 U.S.C. § 707(a), Pamela C. Tsang
The Case of Myrna Mack Chang: Overcoming Institutional Impunity in Guatemala, David Baluarte and Erin Chlopak
The Challenge Ahead: Increasing Predictability in Federal Circuit Jurisprudence for the New Century, Paul R. Michel
The Challenge of Battling Privatization: A Case Study of Swedish Water Companies, Erin Webreck
The Challenge of Creating “A World Fit for Children”, Jonathan Todres
The Changing International Status of Export Cartel Exemptions, Valerie Y. Suslow
The Chemical Diversion and Trafficking Act of 1988: Stopping the Flow of Chemicals to the Andean Drug Cartels, Karen L. Bland
The Chicago Climate Exchange: Can Greenhouse Gases be Reduced Absent Government Mandates? , Angie Farleigh
The Citizenship Clause: A "Legislative History", Garrett Epps
The Clash Between U.S. Criminal Procedure and the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations: An Analysis of the International Court of Justice Decision in the LaGrand Case, Jennifer Lynne Weinman
The Clinton Administration's Humanitarian Immigration Policy: A Critical Analysis, Rosemary Jenks
The Code of Contract Law of the People's Republic of China and the Vienna Sales Convention, John S. Mo
The Color-Blind Court , Jeffery Rosen
The Color of Katrina: A Proposal to Allow Disparate Impact Environmental Claims, Rachael Moshman and John Hardenbergh
The Coming of Age of Grandparent Visitation Rights, Anne Marie Jackson
The Commercial Space Launch Market and Bilateral Trade Agreements in Space Launch Services, James L. Reed
The Community Interest Test in Antidumping Proceedings of the European Union, Marc Wellhausen
The Competition Policy Entrepreneur and Law Reform in Formerly Communist and Socialist Countries, William E. Kovacic
The Complex Uses of Sexual Orientation in Criminal Court, Abbe Smith
The Complex Uses of Sexual Orientation in Criminal Court, Abbe Smith
The Concept of Neutrality Since the Adoption and Ratification of the Hague Neutrality Convention of 1907, Egon Guttman
The Constitutional Right to Housing in the Russian Federation: Rethinking the Guarantee in Light of Economic and Political Reform, Sheila O'Leary
The Constitutional Right to Water in Uruguay, Rachael Moshman
The Constitution at the Threshold of Life and Death: A Suggested Approach to Accommodate an Interest in Life and a Right to Die, Michael P. Allen
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau's Appointment with Trouble, Kent Barnett
The Continued Viability of the Act of State Doctrine in Foreign Branch Bank Expropriation Cases, Paul N. Filzer
The Continuing Validity of Disparate Impact Analysis for Federal-Sector Age Discrimination Claims , Keith R. Fentonmiller
The Contribution of the Ad Hoc Tribunals to International Humanitarian Law, Payam Akhavan, Robert K. Goldman, Theodor Meron, W. Hays Parks, and Patricia Viseur-Sellers
The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women and the Status of Implementation on the Right to Health Care in Nigeria, Aniekwu Nkolika Ijeoma
The Correction of Wrongful Convictions: A Comparative Perspective, Lissa Griffin
The Council Directive on the Legal Protection of Computer Programs: An Unsatisfactory Balance of Competing Interests, Guy Platton
The Council Directive on the Legal Protection of Computer Programs: An Unsatisfactory Balance of Competing Interests, Guy Platton
The Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Must Evolve to Meet the Challenges Ahead , Paul R. Michel
The Crimmigration Crisis: Immigrants, Crime, and Sovereign Power, Juliet Stumpf
The Cultural Life of Things: Anthropological Approaches to Law and Society in Conditions of Globalization, Rosemary J. Coombe
The Current Status of Refugee and Asylum Law from the Practitioner's Perspective: Increasing Efficiency in Asylum Proceedings, Michael Maggio
The Damaging Consequences of the Rehnquist Court's Commitment to Color-Blindness Versus Racial Justice , Frank R. Parker
The Day Girl and the Night Boy, Susan McDermott
The Death Knell for School Expulsion: The 1997 Amendments to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act , Theresa J. Bryant
The Death of Dr. Hugo Spadafora: Human Rights Investigative Responsibility Is Past Due, Judith K. Furukawa
The Death of Dr. Hugo Spadafora: Human Rights Investigative Responsibility Is Past Due, Judith K. Furukawa
The Death Penalty in the Twenty-First Century , Stephen B. Bright, Edward Chikofsky, Laurie Ekstrand, Harriet C. Ganson, Paul D. Kamenar, Robert E. Morin, William G. Otis, Jasmin Raskin, Ira P. Robbins, Diann Rust-Tierney, Charles F. Shilling, Andrew L. Sooner, Ronald J. Rabak, David V. Drehle, and James Wootton
The Death Penalty in the Twenty-First Century , Stephen B. Bright, Edward Chikofsky, Laurie Ekstrand, Harriet C. Ganson, Paul D. Kamenar, Robert E. Morin, William G. Otis, Jasmin Raskin, Ira P. Robbins, Diann Rust-Tierney, Charles F. Shilling, Andrew L. Sooner, Ronald J. Rabak, David V. Drehle, and James Wootton
The Delaware Shared Foreign Sales Corporation Assistance Program: An Incentive for Small Exporters, Brian Condon
The Democratization of Central and Eastern Europe: An Afterword, Mark S. Ellis
The Department of Veterans Affairs' Entitlement Complex: Attorney Fees and Adminsitrative Offset After Astrue v. Ratliff, Stacy L.Z. Edwards
The Developing World Takes on the Tobacco Industry: An Analysis of Recent Litigation and Its Future Implications, Brian S. Appel
The Development and Practice of Law in the Age of the Internet, Nabil R. Adam, Mark H. Hellmann, Peter Martin, James B. Altman, Ethan Katsh, Cantwell F. Muckenfuss, Clifford L. Brody, Eleanor Kerlow, Daniel Nyhart, Thomas R. Bruce, Jon E. Klemens, Ira H. Parker, Mary J. Culnan, John M. Kuttler, Ronald Plesser, Robert Gellman, Ronald D. Lee, Randy V. Sabett, Claudio Grossman, and Rosemary Shiels
The Development of International Human Rights: Progress and Consolidation, Aryeh Neier
The Disposition of SS-Looted Victim Gold During and After World War II, Elizabeth White
The Diversification of Protection Laws in the United States, Evangeline G. Abriel
The Doctrine of Informed Consent and Women: The Achievement of Equal Value and Equal Exercise of Autonomy, Lisa Napoli
The Doctrine of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights Regarding States' Duty to Punish Human Rights Violations and Its Dangers, Fernando Felipe Basch
The Downside of Benign Intent, Margaret Martin Barry
The Drug Courier Profile: In Planes, Trains, and Automobiles; and Now in the Jury Box , Mark J. Kadish
The Dynamics of Homosocial Reproduction in Academic Institutions, Paula Dressel, Bernadette Weston Hartfield, and Ruby L. Gooley
The E-2 Treaty Investor Visa: The Current Law and the Proposed Regulations, Catherine Sun
The EEC Directive on Insider Trading: Will There Be a Cure by 1992? , Thomas J. Ramsdell
The Effect of Georgetown Steel Corp. v. United States on Nonmarket Economy Imports, Richard N. Eid
The Effects of the Kyoto Protocol on Taiwan, Yi-Yuan William Su
The Effects of Worker Rights Protections in United States Trade Laws: A Case Study of El Salvador, Benjamin N. Davis
The Electricity Directive of the European Union: What Can the Member States Learn from the Experiences of Privatized England and Wales?, Rachel A. Mitchell
The Emerging Trend of Extending ADA Reasonable Accommodation beyond the Workplace to Include Commuting Issues: A comment on Colwell v. Rite Aid, Frederick J. Melkey
The Emperor's Clothes and Other Tales About the Standards for Imposing Lawyer Discipline Sanctions , Leslie C. Levin
The Empty U.S. Chair: United States Nonparticipation in the Negotiations on the Definition of Aggression, Garth Schofield
The End of Innocence or Politics After the Fall of the Essential Subject , Robert S. Chang
The Enforcement and Annulment of International Arbitration Awards in Indonesia, Noah Rubins
The "Equator Principles": Improved Social Responsibility in the Private Finance Sector, Miki Kamijyo
The Espionage Act and National Security Whistleblowing After Garcetti, Stephen I. Vladeck
The Essence of Her Womanhood: Defining the Privacy Rights of Women Prisoners and the Employment Rights of Women Guards , Rebecca Jurado
The Ethics of Delaying Persecution, Lisa A. Dolak
The Ethics of Melancholy Citizenship, Robert L. Tsai
The Ethics of Narrative, Muneer I. Ahmad
The Ethics of Narrative, Muneer I. Ahmad
The Eurodollar Deposit Market: Stategies for Regulation, George H. Windecker Jr.
The European Commission's Decision on the Boeing-Mcdonnell Douglas Merger and the Need for Greater U.S.-EU Cooperation in the Merger Field , Amy Ann Karpel
The European Community, Sandra D. Benson, Joanne Hershkowitz, and Peter K. Tompa
The European Court of Human Rights: A Success Story?, Leo F. Zwaak and Therese Cachia
The European Court of Human Rights: The Past, The Present, The Future , Luzius Wildhaber
The European Court of Justice and the Scope of Workers' Freedom of Movement in the European Economic Community, David Stoelting
The Evolution of Democracy and Human Rights in Latin America: A Ten Year Perspective, Sonia Picado
The Evolution of FTA Investment Provisions: From NAFTA to the United States - Chile Free Trade Agreement, David A. Gantz
The Evolving Regime of the New Property Law in the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic, Mahulena Hoskova
The Exclusion of Felons from Jury Service, Brian C. Kalt
The Exon-Florio Amendment: A Solution in Search of a Problem, Marc Greidinger
The Expanding International Trade Regime: New Challenges and Opportunities for Legal Practitioners, Daniel Bradlow, Chang S. Oh-Turkmani, Ronald E. Pump, Robin L. Rosenberg, Seymour J. Rubin, and Franciso J. Velasquez
The Experts Roundtable: A Hemispheric Approach to Combating Corruption
The Extinction of Nation-States, Ali Khan
The Extinction of Nation-States, Ali Khan
The Family Medical Leave Act: What You See and What You Get, Robin R. Cockey
The Feasibility of the IMF's Sovereign Debt Restructuring Mechanism: An Alternative Statutory Approach to Mollify American Reservations, Richard Euliss
The Federal Circuit and the Supreme Court, Arthur J. Gajarsa and Lawrence P. Cogswell
The Federal Circuit: Judicial Stability or Judicial Activism?, Introduction to A Review of Recent Decisions of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, The Honorable Pauline Newman
The Fifth Annual Grotius Lecture Shaping Globalization: The Role of Human Rights, Mary Robinson
The Fight at the Soda Machine: Analyzing the Sweetener Trade Dispute Between the United States and Mexico Before the World Trade Organization , Patricia Larios
The Finality of Judgment and Sentence Prerequisite in the United States-Peru Bilateral Prisoner Transfer Treaty: Calling Congress and the President to Reform and Justifying Jurisdiction of the Inter-American Human Rights Commission and Court, Ralph Ruebner and Lisa Carroll
The Financial Service Industry and Climate Change: Insurance and Reinsurance, Cari Shiffman
The First "First Gentleman": The Role of President Jane Doe's Husband , John Dwight Ingram
The First "First Gentleman": the Role of President Jane Doe's Husband a Sequel , John Dwight Ingram
The "Forgotten" Crime of Genocide: A Call for Action, Lauren S. Kade
The Founding of the Washington College of Law: The First Law School Established by Women for Women, Mary L. Clark
The Fourth Annual Grotius Lecture: Five Wars of Globalization, Moisés Naím
The Fourth Circuit's Rejection of Legislation History: Placing Guns in the Hands of Domestic Violence Perpetrators, Tanjima Islam
The Freedom of Information Act Post-9/11: Balancing the Public's Right to Know, Critical Infrastructure Protection, and Homeland Security, Kristen Elizabeth Uhl
The Future of Compulsory Licensing: Deciphering the Doha Declaration on the TRIPs Agreement and Public Health, Divya Murthy
The Future of Global Competition Governance: Lessons From the Transatlantic, Charles W. Smitherman III
The Future of Information Commerce Under Contemporary Contract and Copyright Principles , Stephen P. Tarolli
The Future Role of the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit Now That It Has Turned 21, Richard Linn
The Gang-Rape of Mukhtar Mai and Pakistan's Opportunity to Regain Its Lost Honor, Tina Karkera
The Gender Gap: Treatment of Girls in the U.S. Juvenile Justice System, Ossai Miazad
The Global Environment Facility and Non-Governmental Organizations, David Reed
The Global Legal Information Network ("GLIN") , Nabil R. Adam, Konstantinos Kalpakis, Burton I. Edelson, Nick J. Kozura, Tarek A. El-Ghazawi, Rubens Medina, Milton Halem, and Yelena Yesha
The Global Warming Crisis, If There is One, and the Law, Christopher Stone
The Government Shareholder: Regulating Public Ownership of Private Enterprise, Benjamin A. Templin
The Gravity Threshold of the International Criminal Court , Susana SaCouto and Katherine Cleary
The Grotius Lecture Series, Christopher Weeramantry and Nathanel Berman
The Growth of Environmental Issues in Government Contracting, Chris M. Amantea and Stephen C. Jones
The Hamas Deportation: Israel's Response to Terrorism During the Middle East Peace Process, Mark D. Allison
The Hardship Waiver of the Two-Year Foreign Residency Requirement Under Section 212(E) of the INA: The Need for a Change , Inna V. Tachkalova
The Hebrew Language Has Not Created a Title for Me: A Legal and Sociolinguistic Analysis of New-Type Families, Michael Tamir and Dalia Cahana-Amitay
The Helms-Burton Act: The Effect of International Law on Domestic Implementation , W.Fletcher Fairey
The Hidden Harms of the Family and Medical Leave Act: Gender-Neutral Versus Gender-Equal, Deborah J. Anthony
The Hierarchy of Human Rights, Tom Farer
The "High-Crime Area" Question: Requiring Verifiable and Quantifiable Evidence for Fourth Amendment Reasonable Suspicion Analysis [pdf], Andrew Guthrie Ferguson and Damien Bernache
The Historical Amendability of the American Constitution: Speculations on an Empirical Problematic, Darren R. Latham
The Historical Continuity of Punitive Damages Awards: Reforming the Tort Reformers, Michael Rustad and Thomas Koenig
The Historical Continuity of Punitive Damages Awards: Reforming the Tort Reformers, Michael Rustad and Thomas Koenig
The Human Rights Framework Applicable To Trafficking in Persons And Its Incorporation into UNMIK Regulation 2001/4, John Cerone
The Human Right to Water: Legal and Policy Dimensions by Salman M.A. Salman and Siobhan McInerney-Lankford, Kristen McGeeney and Melanie Nakagawa
The Illusion of Interchangeability: The Benefits and Dangers of Guidance-Plus Rulemaking in the FDA's Biosimilar Approval Process, Jonathan Stroud
The Imminent Threat to China's Intervention in Macau's Autonomy: Using Hong Kong's Past to Secure Macau's Future, Frances M. Luke
The Impact of HIV on the Rape Crisis in the African Great Lakes Region, Jennifer M. Hentz
The Implementation of Constitutional Human Rights in Afghanistan, Mir Hermatullah Sadat
The Implications of the Third Circuit's Armstrong Decision on Creative Corporate Restructuring: Will Strict Construction of the Absolute Priority Rule Make Chapter 11 Consensus Less Likely?, Harvey R. Miller and Ronit J. Berkovich
The Index of Individual Case Reports of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights: 1994-1999, Richard J. Wilson
The INECE Indicators Project: Improving Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Through Performance Measurement, Kenneth J. Markowitz and Krzysztof Michalak
The Injustice of the Marital Rape Exemption: A Survey of Common Law Countries, Sonya A. Adamo
The Instituionalization of the Rule of Law: The Establishment of Constitutional Courts in the Eastern European Countries, Matthias Hartwig
The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights of the Organization of American States: A Case Study, David J. Padilla
The Inter-American Human Rights System: Activities During 1999 through October 2000, Richard J. Wilson and Jan Perlin
The Inter-American Human Rights System: Activities from Late 2000 Through October 2002, Richard J. Wilson and Jan Perlin
The Inter-American Human Rights System: Into the 1990s and Beyond, J. Lauchlan Wash, Dean B. Suagee, and Phoebe Schlanger
The Inter-American System, Diego Rodriguez-Pinzon
The Inter-American System and Asylum, Claudio Grossman
The International Arms Trade: Regulating Conventional Arms Transfers in the Aftermath of the Gulf War, David G. Anderson
The International Commercial Arbitration Institutions: How Good A Job Are They Doing?, Richard J. Graving
The International Commercial Arbitration Institutions: How Good A Job Are They Doing?, Richard J. Graving
The International Community Confronts Plastics Pollution from Ships: MARPOL Annex V and the Problem That Won't Go Away, Paul E. Hagen
The International Court of Justice: Effectively Providing a Long Overdue Remedy for Ending State Sponsored Genocide (Bosnia-Herzegovina v. Yugoslavia), William L. Hurlock
The International Human Rights Status of Elderly Persons, Diego Rodriguez-Pinzón and Claudia Martin
The Internationalization of Constitutional Law, Herman Schwartz
The International Leading Supervision Act of 1983: Has It Had an Effect on the Latin American Debt Crisis?, Lyle B. Vander Schaaf
The International Style in Postwar Law and Policy: John Jackson and the Field of International Economic Law, David Kennedy
The Internet in Latin America: New Opportunities, Developments, & Challenges, Robert Kossick
The Intersection of International Accounting Practices and International Law: The Review of Kuwaiti Corporate Claims at the United Nations Compensation Commission, Ramanand Mundkur, Michael J. Mucchetti, and D. Craig Christensen
The Israeli Disengagement Plan: Unilateralism in the Face of Multilateral Agreements, Brandon Hollinder
The Judgment Against Fujimori for Human Rights Violations, Aimee Sullivan
The Jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Dinah Shelton
The Jury Override: A Blend of Politics and Death , Scott E. Erlich
The Lack of Implementation of Annex 7 of the Dayton Accords: Another Palestinian Crisis?, Madelyn D. Shapiro
The La Oroya Case: the Relationship Between Environmental Degradation and Human Rights Violations, Paula Spieler
The Law: An Art or a Science?, Alda Facio
The Law-and-Markets Movement , Michael Abramowicz
The Law of Remedies and the Clean Hands Doctrine: Exclusionary Reparation Policies in Peru's Political Transition, Lisa LaPlante
The Laws of War as a Constitutional Limit on Military Jurisdiction, Stephen I. Vladeck
The Laws of War as a Constitutional Limit on Military Jurisdiction, Stephen I. Vladeck
The Legal Dimensions of Climate Change: Conference Report, Jennifer Rohleder and Jillian Button
The Legal Fiction of the Lake Matchimanitou Indian School, Matthew L.M. Fletcher
The Legal Implications of Financial Sector Reform in Emerging Capital Markets, Rumu Sarkar
The Legal Implications of the Israeli-Palestinian Water Crisis, Juliette Niehuss
The Legal Implications of Trinidad & Tobago's Withdrawal from the American Convention on Human Rights, Natasha Parassram Concepcion
The Lex Mercatoria and International Contracts: A Challenge for International Commercial Arbitration?, Abul F.M. Maniruzzaman
The Libyan Asset Freeze and Its Application to Foreign Government Deposits in Overseas Branches of United States Banks: Libyan Arab Foreign Bank v. Bankers Trust Co., Corinne R. Rutzke
The Limits of Executive Power, Robert J. Reinstein
The Lockerbie "Extradition by Analogy" Agreement: "Exceptional Measure" or Template for Transnational Criminal Justice?, Donna E. Arzt
The Long Arm of the European Convention on Human Rights and the Recent Development of Issa v. Turkey, Tarik Abdel-Monem
The LSAT: Narratives and Bias, Leslie G. Espinoza
The Man, The State and You: The Role of the State in Regulating Gender Hierarchies, Meredith Render
The Meaning of Value in Contract Damages and Contract Theory , David W. Barnes
The Merits of “Merits” Review: A Comparative Look at the Australian Administrative Appeals Tribunal, Jeffrey S. Lubbers
The Mischaracterized Asylum Crisis: Realities Behind Proposed Reforms, Deborah Anker
The Model International Insolvency Cooperation Act: An International Proposal for Domestic Legislation, Elizabeth K. Somers
The Model Surface Use and Mineral Development Accommodation Act: Easy Easements for Mining Interests, Michelle Andrea Wenzel
The Montreal Ozone Treaty: Implications for Global Warming, Richard Elliot Benedick
The Multi-Purpose Vehicle Reclassification and Minivan Dumping Disputes Between the United States and Japan and Their Consistency with United States Obligations Under the GATT, W. Peter Cladouhos
The Myth About Stare Decisis and International Trade Law (Part One of a Trilogy), Raj Bhala
The Nature of Judicial Reform in Latin America and Some Strategic Considerations, Felipe Sáez Garcia
The Need for an Independent Entity to Manage Global Chemicals Agreements, Kelly Rain
The Need for Debt Relief: How Debt Servicing Leads to Violations of State Obligations under the ICESCR, Noel G. Villaroman
The Need to Define the International Legal Status of Cubans Detained at Guantánamo, Jonathan Wachs
The Negative Effects of Expert Testimony on the Battered Women's Syndrome, Pamela Posch
The Networking Economic Effects of Whiteness, Brant T. Lee
The New Activist Court , Donald H. Zeigler
The New European Community Merger Control Regulation and the Short-Term Horizon of United States Firms, Marsha Cope Huie and Stephen D. Hogan
The New European Union Directive on Sexual Harassment and Its Implications for Greece, Mary Ellen Tsekos
The New Habeas Revisionism, Stephen I. Vladeck
The New Hungarian Labor Law: A Model for Modern Dispute Resolution, Leonard Bierman
The New Journalism? Why Traditional Defamation Laws Should Apply to Internet Blogs, Melissa A. Troiano
The New Laws and Regulations for Financial Conglomerates: Will They Better Manage the Risks than the Previous Ones?, Elizabeth F. Brown
The New Movements in International Economic Law, Joel R. Paul
The New Telecommunications Development: Bureau of the International Telecommunication Union, Brian E. Harris
The New UN Human Rights Council, Morton H. Halperin and Diane F. Orentlicher
The New World Order of Regional Trading Blocs, Joseph L. Brand
The Next Privatization of Public Assets: Domestic and Trade Implication Related to Water Right and Land Acquisition, Jennifer C. Gerbasi
The NLRA Defamation Defense: Doomed Dinosaur or Diamond in the Rough?, Kati L. Griffith
The North American Agreement of Labor Cooperation and Its Effects on Women Working in Mexican Maquiladoras , Nicole L. Grimm
The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and Process Patent Protection, Alan Wright
The NYSE as State Actor?: Rational Actors, Behavioral Insights & Joint Investigations, Steven J. Cleveland
The OAU and the Recognition of Governments in Africa: Analyzing Its Practice and Proposals for the Future, Kofi Oteng Kufuor
Theorizing Agency, Susan Carle
The Oslo Accords: More Than Israel Deserves, John Quigley
The Other Side of Harmony: Can Trade and Competition Laws Work Together in the International Marketplace?, Julian Epstein
The Parentage Puzzle: The Interplay Between Genetics, Procreative Intent, and Parental Conduct in Determining Legal Parentage, Deborah H. Wald, Esq.
The Parent Trap: Uncovering the Myth of "Coerced Parenthood" in Frozen Embryo Disputes, Ellen Waldman
The Participation of Afghan Women in the Reconstruction Process, Laura Grenfell
The Party Expenditure Provision's Near Death Experience: Colorado Republican Federal Campaign Committee v. Federal Election Commission , Robert M. Knop
The Peruvian Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Treatment of Sexual Violence Against Women, Julissa Mantilla Falcón
The Petition is Mightier than the Sword: Rediscovering an Old Weapon in the Battles over "Regulation Through Guidance", Sean Croston
The Political Offense Exception: Is the United States-United Kingdom Supplementary Extraditon Treaty the Beginning of the End?, James J. Kinneally III
The Politics And Policy Of Media Ownership, Ben Scott
The Politics of Depoliticization: International Perspectives on the Human Rights Council, Hadar Harris
The Politics of Equal Justice, Robert A. Hornstein, Daniel G. Atkins, and Treena A. Kaye
The Post-Medellin Case for Legislative Standing, James A. Turner
The Post-Medellín Case for LEGISLATIVE STANDING, James A. Turner
The Potential of Rulemaking by the NLRB, Jeffrey S. Lubbers
The Presidency and Administrative Value Selection, Yvette M. Barksdale
The Presumption of Guilt and Compulsory HIV Testing of Accused Sex Offenders: A Case Study of State ex rel. J.G., N.S., and J.T., Justin Amaechi Okezie
The Principle of Narrow Construction in Immigration Law, Christine Derwin
The Problems with the Reporter's Privilege, Eliason D. Eliason
The Proliferation of Bilateral Non-Surrender Agreements Among Non-Ratifiers of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court , Chet J. Tan Jr.
The Proposal for Reinterpreting the ABM Agreement: Death of a Treaty, Richard A. De Tar
The Proposed Amendment to Federal Rule of Evidence 407: A Subsequent Remedial Measure That Does Not Fix the Problem , Thais L. Richardson
The Prosecutor v. Dusko Tadic, Kitty Felde, Paul Hoffman, Gabrielle Kirk McDonald, Alan Tieger, and Michail Wiadimiroff
The Protection of Human Rights in the New Age of Terror, Dalia Dorner
The Prototype Carbon Fund: A New Departure in International Trusts and Securities Law, Sophie Smyth
The Pursuit Of Justice Is Without Borders: Binational Strategies For Defending Migrants’ Rights, Victoria Gavito
The Push & Pull of Globalization: How the Global Economy Makes Migrant Workers Vulnerable to Exploitation, Neha Misra
The Quest for Victims' Justice in India, Subhradipta Sarkar
The Rape of European Art, Lynn Nicholas
The Recovery of Stolen Art sold in the United States from a "Neutral" Country, Thomas Kline
The Regulation of Armed Non-State Actors: Promoting the Application of the Laws of War to Conflicts Involving National Liberation Movements, Noelle Higgins
The Regulation of Biotechnical Patented Imports Under the Omnibus Trade & Competitiveness Act, Lavanya Srivatsan
The Regulation of Biotechnical Patented Imports Under the Omnibus Trade & Competitiveness Act, Lavanya Srivatsan
The Report of the World Commission on Dams-Executive Summary
The Responsible Corporate Officer, Criminal Liability, and Mens Rea: Limitations on the RCO Doctrine , Cynthia H. Finn
The Review of the WTO Understanding on Dispute Settlement: Some Reflections on the Current Debate, Kim Van der Borght
The Revocation of Dual Citizenship in Turkmenistan, Lynn Shaver
The Rhetoric of Disrespect: Uncovering the Faulty Premises Infecting Reproductive Rights, Elizabeth A. Riley
The Rhetoric of Gun Control, Andrew Jay McClurg
The Right Not to be Displaced, Maria Stavropoulou
The Right of Members of the Organization of American States to Refer Their "Local" Disputes Directly to the United Nations Secuirty Council, Domingo E. Acevedo
The Right of Members of the Organization of American States to Refer Their "Local" Disputes Directly to the United Nations Secuirty Council, Domingo E. Acevedo
The Right to Development: Implications for International Economic Law, Isabella D. Bunn
The Right to Education: A Multi-Faceted Strategy for Litigating before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, Marselha Gonçalves Margerin
The Right to Habeas Corpus: Only in the Other Americas, Elizabeth A. Faulkner
The Right to Life Is the Right to Food: People’s Union for Civil Liberties v. Union of India & Others, Lauren Birchfield and Jessica Corsi
The Ripple Effect of the Pinochet Case, Stacie Jonas
The Rise of Customary Businesses in International Financial Markets: An Introduction to Islamic Finance and the Challenges of International Integration, Ali Adnan Ibrahim
The Rise of Customary Businesses in International Financial Markets: An Introduction to Islamic Finance and the Challenges of International Integration, Ali Adnan Ibrahim
The Role of Conciliation in the Japanese Legal System, Lynn Berat
The Role of NGOs in Addressing Water Access in Israel and the Palestinian Authority, Jonah Schein
The Role of the Independent Committee of Eminent Persons, Michael Bradfield
The Role of the International Criminal Court in Enforcing International Criminal Law, Philippe Kirsch
The Role of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in the Development of International Environmental Law, Carol Annette Petsonk
The Role of the World Jewish Restitution Organization and Others in Returning Stolen Assets, Sidney Clearfield
The Role of Third-Party Verification in Emissions Trading Systems: Developing Best Practices , Jennifer Rohleder
The Rome Statute, Some Reservations Concerning Amnesties, and a Distributive Problem, Dwight G. Newman
The Roots of Law, Larry D. Barnett