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This is the introduction to Holes in the Safety Net: Federalism and Poverty (Ezra Rosser ed., Cambridge University Press, 2019). The table of contents for the book, with links to the other chapters, can be found below: Introduction (this document) Ezra Rosser Part I: Welfare and Federalism Ch. 1 Federalism, Entitlement, and Punishment across the US Social Welfare State Wendy Bach Ch. 2 Laboratories of Suffering: Toward Democratic Welfare Governance Monica Bell, Andrea Taverna, Dhruv Aggarwal, and Isra Syed Ch. 3 The Difference in Being Poor in Red States versus Blue States Michele Gilman Part II: States, Federalism, and Antipoverty Efforts Ch. 4 States’ Rights and State Wrongs: Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program Work Requirements in Rural America Rebecca H. Williams and Lisa R. Pruitt Ch. 5 State and Local Tax Takeaways Francine J. Lipman Ch. 6 Early Childhood Development and the Replication of Poverty Clare Huntington Ch. 7 States Diverting Funds from the Poor Daniel Hatcher Ch. 8 States’ Evolving Role in the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program David A. Super Part III: Advocacy Ch. 9 Federalism in Health Care Reform Nicole Huberfeld Ch. 10 Poverty Lawyering in the States Andrew Hammond Ch. 11 Conclusion: A Way Forward Peter Edelman
Publication Date
Book Title
Holes in the Safety Net: Federalism and Poverty
First Page
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Cambridge University Press
Cambridge, UK
Poverty, Poverty Law, Federalism, Welfare
Political Economy | Public Law and Legal Theory | Social Welfare | Social Welfare Law
Recommended Citation
Rosser, Ezra, "Introduction" (2019). Contributions to Books. 194.

Included in
Political Economy Commons, Public Law and Legal Theory Commons, Social Welfare Commons, Social Welfare Law Commons
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