Decriminalization of Public Drunkenness: Tracing the Implementation of a Public Policy
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State v. Sanchez is a criminal case file featuring the trial of Ernesto Sanchez, who admits to fatally stabbing Patrick Connor during a street fight between two Nita City gangs. Sanchez pleads self-defense, and the circumstances surrounding the stabbing are complicated by the testimonies of other gang and community members. This case file is particularly unique because of its focus on gang activity and its use of non-traditional experts with specialized knowledge of gang behavior. It also addresses the potential impact of racial bias during a criminal trial. Exhibits include social media evidence and a digital recording of a news interview. There are five witnesses for both the state and the defense.
National Institute of Trial Advocacy (NITA)
Recommended Citation
Boals, Elizabeth, "Decriminalization of Public Drunkenness: Tracing the Implementation of a Public Policy" (2015). Books. 80.