"Federal Administrative Procedure Sourcebook, 5d" by Elizabeth Boals
Federal Administrative Procedure Sourcebook, 5d

Federal Administrative Procedure Sourcebook, 5d


Publication Date



It will give experts the confidence they need to be comfortable in court, and give you the skills necessary to emphasize the credibility of your experts. You can avoid pitfalls such as unintentional signals, inappropriate demeanor and appearance, and awkward body language by using Expert Testimony: A Guide for Expert Witnesses and the Lawyers Who Examine Them, Third Edition as your guide. Elizabeth Boals and Steve Lubet coauthored the Third Edition of Expert Testimony: A Guide for Expert Witnesses and the Lawyers Who Examine Them expanding and amplifying the original book with: New guidance on the development and presentation of expert testimony in the digital age, including discussion of visual aids and electronic discovery, Updated analysis of the Federal Rules of Evidence and Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Updated discussion of the ethical rules governing expert retention and testimony, Examples of expert witness examinations and detailed discussion of techniques for coping with lawyer questioning, Checklists for quick reference. The collaborative effort of Professors Lubet and Boals has resulted in a Third Edition that is worthwhile to both the expert witnesses and the lawyers who examine them.




Order two copies of this book: one for yourself and one for your expert witness. It will give experts the confidence they need to be comfortable in court, and give you the skills necessary to emphasize the credibility of your experts. You can avoid pitfalls such as unintentional signals, inappropriate demeanor and appearance, and awkward body language by using Expert Testimony: A Guide for Expert Witnesses and the Lawyers Who Examine Them, Third Edition as your guide. Elizabeth Boals and Steve Lubet coauthored the Third Edition of Expert Testimony: A Guide for Expert Witnesses and the Lawyers Who Examine Them expanding and amplifying the original book with:

  • New guidance on the development and presentation of expert testimony in the digital age, including discussion of visual aids and electronic discovery
  • Updated analysis of the Federal Rules of Evidence and Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
  • Updated discussion of the ethical rules governing expert retention and testimony
  • Examples of expert witness examinations and detailed discussion of techniques for coping with lawyer questioning
  • Checklists for quick reference
The collaborative effort of Professors Lubet and Boals has resulted in a Third Edition that is worthwhile to both the expert witnesses and the lawyers who examine them.


Aspen Publishers

Federal Administrative Procedure Sourcebook, 5d
