"Hein and Goldilocks Principle" by Maya Manian

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Two weeks into his presidency, George W. Bush issued an executive order establishing the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives (OFBCI) to encourage religious groups to provide federally funded social services. In particular, the OFBCI and its corresponding centers in various executive agencies sought to help religious organizations obtain federal grant monies by providing technical assistance to help them navigate the often byzantine bureaucracy surrounding federal grant-making. The OFBCI achieved its goal of increasing federal grants to religious organizations, in part by funding workshops and conferences designed to aid religious groups pursuing federal financing. Concerned that the Bush Administration was using taxpayer dollars to support religious activity, the Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF), a Wisconsin organization that works to defend the constitutional principle of separation of church and state, filed suit in federal court seeking to enjoin the activities of the OFBCI as violative of the Establishment Clause. FFRF asserted that it had taxpayer standing to challenge the OFBCI program.



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