"Reflections on Law Student Mental Health by a Dean of Students after 2" by David Jaffe

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Publication Date

Spring 2022


University of Louisville Law Review





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Your faculty need to be educated about how to refer students, how to speak with students who pop into their office. Your Dean, writ-large nationally, Deans need to have the willingness, and again, the bravado, the willingness to go to the faculty and say, "You need to be part of this movement." Whatever that may mean. I would love to see every faculty member taking 30 seconds at the beginning of every class for students to breathe. Thirty seconds of breathing. If you've never done it, do it at home today, deep breaths, and see what it feels like. I would like our faculty to make sure that the syllabi are available to the students before the semester begins. Not a big deal at the end of the day. It gets our students crazy! Should be able to do that, particularly if you've been teaching for twenty years, right? And you may not be changing it a ton. And again, I don't mean to be critical. Small steps, right?



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