Submissions from 2019
Staying the Course: A Call for Sustained Support of Accountability for Conflict-Related Sexual Violence in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Susana SáCouto and Chanté Lasco
Submissions from 2016
Protecting Abortion Rights After Whole Woman's Health, Maya Manian
Submissions from 2015
Increasing Women’s Political Participation in Lebanon: Reflections on Hurdles, Opportunities, and Hope, Camille Nelson, Zeina Chemali, and Tanya Henderson
Same-Sex Couples - Comparative Insights on Marriage and Cohabitation, Macarena Sáez
Submissions from 2014
The Rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered Peoples and International Human Rights Law, Claudia Martin and Diego Rodríguez-Pinźon
State Obligations to Protect the Lives and Health of Women after Abortion or Miscarriage, Angie McCarthy
Transforming Family Law Through Same-Sex Marriage: Lessons from (and to) the Western World, Macarena Saez
Submissions from 2013
On Fertile Ground: The Environmental and Reproductive Justice Movements as a Unified Force fo r Refo rming Toxic Chemical Regulation, Angie McCarthy
Gender and Sexuality in Latin America - Cases and Decisions, Christina Motta and Macarena Saez
Intimate Liability: Emotional Harm, Family Law, and Stereotyped Narratives in Interspousal Torts, Fernanda Nicola
After Dothard: Female Correctional Workers and the Challenge to Employment Law, Brenda V. Smith and Melissa C. Loomis
Submissions from 2012
The New Illegitimacy: Winning Backward in the Protection of the Children of Lesbian Couples, Nancy Polikoff
General Report on Same-Sex Marriage around the World, Macarena Saez
Submissions from 2011
A Social Movement History of Title VII Disparate Impact Analysis, Susan Carle
Commentary on CEDAW Article 6, Janie Chuang
Gender and Invention: Mapping the Connections, Victoria Phillips
Same-Sex Marriage, Same-Sex Cohabitation, and Same-Sex Families Around the World: Why ‘Same’ is so Different?, Macarena Saez
Submissions from 2010
Achieving Accountability for Migrant Domestic Worker Abuse, Janie Chuang
Rescuing Trafficking from Ideological Capture: Prostitution Reform and Anti-Trafficking Law and Policy, Janie Chuang
Taking Initiatives: Reconciling Race, Religion, Media and Democracy in the Quest for Marriage Equality, Anthony E. Varona
Submissions from 2009
Transcript: Taking the Heat: Gender Discrimination in Firefighting Event, American University Women and the Law Program
Feminist Theory in the Context of International Conflict, Teresa G. Phelps
A Mother Should Not Have to Adopt Her Own Child: Parentage Laws for Children of Lesbian Couples in the Twenty-First Century, Nancy Polikoff
Equality and Justice for Lesbian and Gay Families and Relationships, Nancy Polikoff
Law that Values All Families: Beyond (Straight and Gay) Marriage, Nancy Polikoff
Offspring and Bodies: Dependency and Vulnerability in the Constitutional Jurisprudence of Reproductive Rights, Ann Shalleck
Submissions from 2008
The Feminine Mystique of the Brand in Trademark Law Today, Christine Farley
Banding Together: Reflections of the Role of the Women's Bar Association of the District of Columbia and the Washington College of Law in Promoting Women's Rights, Daniela Kraiem and Jamie Rene Abrams
The Importance of Effective Investigation of Sexual Violence and Gender-Based Crimes at the International Criminal Court, Susana SaCouto
Reforming, Reclaiming or Reframing Womanhood: Reflections on Advocacy for Women in Custody, Brenda V. Smith
Submissions from 2007
Commodification, Intellectual Property and the Women of Gee’s Bend, Victoria F. Phillips
Transcript: Introduction to the Third Annual IP/Gender: The Unmapped Connections Symposium, Victoria F. Phillips
Submissions from 2006
Beyond a Snapshot: Preventing Human Trafficking in the Global Economy, Janie Chuang
Multicultural Feminism: Assessing Systemic Fault in a Provocative Context, Camille Nelson
Sexual Abuse of Women in United States Prisons: A Modern Corollary of Slavery, Brenda V. Smith
Submissions from 2005
Institutions and the Development of Legal Theory: The Significance of the Feminism and Legal Theory Project, Ann Shalleck
Chapter 19. Battering, Forgiveness, and Redemption: Exploring Alternative Models for Addressing Domestic Violence in Communities of Color, Brenda Smith, Natalie J. Sokoloff, Carolyn West, Ida Dupont, Christina Pratt, Rhea Almeida, Judith Lockard, Leti Volpp, Kathryn Laughon, Michelle Fine, Rosemarie Roberts, Lois Weis, Andrea Smith, and Beth Richie
Submissions from 2004
Trafficking in Women: The United States as Global Sheriff?, Janie Chuang
Submissions from 2003
Submissions from 2002
Contradictions, Open Secrets, and Feminist Faith in Enlightenment, Heather Hughes
Offering a Helping Hand: Legal Protections for Battered Immigrant Women: A History of Legislative Responses , Leslye E. Orloff and Janice V. Kaguyutan
Submissions from 2001
Domestic Violence and US Asylum Law: Eliminating the 'Cultural Hook' for Claims Involving Gender-Related Persecution, Anita Sinha
Submissions from 2000
Women in Law, Susan Carle
Why Lesbians and Gay Men Should Read Martha Fineman, Nancy Polikoff
Foundational Myths and the Reality of Dependency: The Role of Marriage, Ann Shalleck
Submissions from 1999
Gender in the Construction of the Lawyer’s Persona (Review Essay), Susan Carle
El Liberalismo Feminista de Martha Nussbaum, Macarena Saez
Feminist Theory and Feminist Method: Transforming the Experience of the Classroom, Ann Shalleck
Submissions from 1998
Gender, Legal Education, and Judicial Philosophy in the Region, Claudio Grossman
Same-Sex Marriage and Simulacra: Exploring Conceptions of Equality, Heather Hughes
Submissions from 1997
Sexual Assault Issues Before the War Crimes Tribunal, Diane Orentlicher
Revisiting Equality: Feminist Thought About Intermediate Scrutiny, Ann Shalleck
Submissions from 1996
Confronting Expectations: Women in the Legal Academy, Christine Haight Farley
Submissions from 1995
Conference on the Interventional Protection of Reproductive Rights: Preface , Lauren Gilbert, Ann Shalleck, and Claudio Grossman
The Inter-American System: Opportunities for Women's Rights, Claudio Grossman
Submissions from 1985
Court Rules to Achieve Permancy for Foster Children: Sample Rules and Commentary, Ann Shalleck