Feminist Scholarship | Women and the Law | American University Washington College of Law


Submissions from 2017


Using Global Migration Law to Prevent Human Trafficking, Janie Chuang

Submissions from 2005


Institutions and the Development of Legal Theory: The Significance of the Feminism and Legal Theory Project, Ann Shalleck

Chapter 19. Battering, Forgiveness, and Redemption: Exploring Alternative Models for Addressing Domestic Violence in Communities of Color, Brenda Smith, Natalie J. Sokoloff, Carolyn West, Ida Dupont, Christina Pratt, Rhea Almeida, Judith Lockard, Leti Volpp, Kathryn Laughon, Michelle Fine, Rosemarie Roberts, Lois Weis, Andrea Smith, and Beth Richie

Submissions from 2004

Trafficking in Women: The United States as Global Sheriff?, Janie Chuang

Submissions from 1996


Confronting Expectations: Women in the Legal Academy, Christine Haight Farley