Volume 21, Issue 1 (2014)
Letter from the Editors
Human Rights Brief
A Jail by Any Other Name: Labor Camp Abolition in the Context of Arbitrary Detention in China
Harry Wu and Cole Goodrich
Building a Dangerous Precedent in the Americas: Revoking Fundamental Rights of Dominicans
Marselha Gonçalves Margerin, Monika Kalra Varma, and Salvador Sarmiento
Regulation 55 and the Rights of the Accused at the International Criminal Court
Susana SáCouto and Katherine Cleary Thompson
The International Human Rights Treaty System: Impact at the Domestic and International Levels
Navi Pillay
The International Human Rights Treaty System: Impact at the Domestic and International Levels
Claudio Grossman
Selected Coverage of the 149th Session of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
Brittany West, Whitney-Ann Mulhauser, and Jason Cowin
Seleccionado Cobertura De El 149 Período De Sesiones De La Comisión Interamericana De Derechos Humanos
Marianna Belalba, Sebastian Valencia, and Paula Cortes
European Court of Human Rights
Sydney Pomykata
Judgment Summaries: International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
Jacqueline Niba and Davina Ugochukwu
Austin Shangraw, Ross Boone, Angela Chen, Shereen Kajouee, Jason Cowin, Whitney-Ann Mulhauser, James Toliver, Min Jung Kim, and Ada Lacevic
Regional Human Rights System
Brittany West, Sydney Pomykata, and Whitney Hood
Criminal Courts and Tribunals
Chris Keeler
Inter-Governmental Organizations
Andrea Flynn-Schneider
Center News and Faculty Updates
Human Rights Brief