"Rebel Canadian Grocer Pirate Joe's Prepares for Trader Joe's Court Bat" by Amanda Holpuch and Christine Haight Farley

Rebel Canadian Grocer Pirate Joe's Prepares for Trader Joe's Court Battle

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News Article

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The ninth circuit decision has had a significant impact on US trademark law. “Just opening the door to trademark owners to sue in US courts for acts that occurred abroad and to be able to survive a motion to dismiss is huge,” said Christine Farley, a professor at American University Washington College of Law.

Farley said the onus was now on Trader Joe’s, to prove that Hallatt’s business has affected its commerce and trademark rights in the US.

“The ninth circuit has essentially rolled out the red carpet for Trader Joe’s to make the claim and now the ball is in their court,” she said, “they have to figure out how to do it with this quirky set of facts.”

Source Publication

The Guardian
