Property Law and Real Estate Transactions Joint Program, Co-Sponsored by Community Economic Development, Clinical Legal Education, and State and Local Government
Document Type
Publication Date
Conference / Event Title
2024 AALS Annual Meeting
Conference / Event Location
Washington, D.C.
The Association of American Law School
Hosting Organization
The Association of American Law School
Corporate landlords have been acquiring an increasing share of the U.S. rental housing stock. Data and anecdotal evidence indicate that such owners operate differently across a variety of measures, including rent setting, property maintenance, fee collection, and evictions. Some argue that institutional landlords offer advantages related to access to capital and economies of scale. By contrast, developments like algorithm-based rent setting and anonymous corporate entity structuring have caused concern. This program will analyze the shifting terrain in the rental housing market and consider responses like rent stabilization, good cause eviction protections, landlord registries, and universal access to counsel, among others. The Sections on Property Law and Real Estate Transactions held a virtual business meeting prior to the Annual Meeting.
Recommended Citation
Weiss, Brandon, "Property Law and Real Estate Transactions Joint Program, Co-Sponsored by Community Economic Development, Clinical Legal Education, and State and Local Government" (2024). Presentations. 1011.