Working Group Discussions_April 28-30, 2014

Document Type


Publication Date

April 2014

Conference / Event Title

37th Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Annual Conference on Clinical Legal Education


April 28-30, 2014The conference this year will address the theme of Becoming a Better Clinician. Its overarching goal is to help all of us to take charge of our professional growth. This focus is salient as the changing legal market and renewed critique of traditional legal education bring greater attention to clinical legal education and clinicians. In our home institutions and globally, we are called to explain, defend, demonstrate, and teach clinical legal education and our best practices, while still responding to the needs of our students, clients, communities, and homes. To handle these calls effectively, we need to know how and why we use clinical pedagogy, what our role can be in the current legal education reform movement, and how we can maintain our professional values and identities in the rush to change. In short, we must clarify who we are and what kind of clinician we want to become.The conference will provide tools, ideas, and concrete steps to manage professional growth in these exciting and stressful times. Attendees will identify goals for short-term growth, explore any of three professional contexts for growth - teaching, curriculum reform, and community engagement and mindfulness - and develop a concrete plan for achieving their goals.

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