Policies & Tools for Ensuring Access to Scholarship: The Future of Open Access

Streaming Media

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Publication Date


Conference / Event Title

Copyright Limitations and Exceptions: From Access to Research to Transformative Use


Duke Law

Hosting Organization

Center for the Study of the Public Domain


Professor Michael W. Carroll, American University Washington College of Law, discusses "Policies and Tools for Ensuring Access to Scholarship; the Future of Open Access" in this presentation from the Center for Study of the Public Domain's "Copyright Limitations and Exceptions: From Access to Research to Transformative Use" workshop. More information at http://www.law.duke.edu/cspd/conferen....

Conference URL



Copyright Limitations and Exceptions: from access to research to transformative use

This international workshop focused on the introduction of new – and the use of old – flexibilities in the copyright system in order to promote greater access to scientific and scholarly knowledge, particularly in the digital environment. It also explored ways to foster creative or “transformative” uses of digital content. The discussion generated recommendations for the European Commission’s Green Paper on Copyright in the Knowledge Economy and its larger i2010 initiative on digital libraries and scientific publishing. It also developed strategies to inform related efforts in the US, and to fortify other access to knowledge initiatives around the world. The panels covered such diverse topics as: “The importance of copyright limitations and exceptions in fulfilling the goals of the system”; “Access to Scholarly Literature”; “Scientific Data and the Copyright/IP Connection”; “Limitations and Exceptions to Promote Access to Knowledge”; and “Transformative Use.”

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