"Indecency Regulation of the FCC and censorship law in Republic Korea: " by Min-soo "Minee" Roh

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Regulating music on radio or television is not a straightforward process, as the music is comprised of lyrics of words. On top of the lyrics, any music performance has an additional layer of choreography and dress code. If any individual elements or combined elements is obscene or indecent, the government attempts to regulate broadcasting both music and performance. This leads to regulating general speech on communications and it requires this paper to look into regulation of broadcasting in general and specific examples of music broadcasting regulation on radio and television, particularly, in the United States (“States”) and in Republic of Korea (“South Korea” or “Korea”).

First, this paper compares how different governmental Acts created each country’s governmental institution solely dedicated to regulating materials on radio or television. Second, it examined different types of law to narrow down the scope of authority of these institutions and contrasts different provisions by referring to certain historical background which influenced including those provisions. In this section, only provisions with similar contents will be discussed. Third, it extensively explores how each institution applied its own regulations by discussing significant cases in chronological order. Fourth, it comes with recommendations for both agencies.
