"Teaching the Methods of White-Collar Practice: Investigatios" by Roger Fairfax

Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2014


Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law





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When Ijoined the George Washington University Law School [GW] faculty after practice as a federal prosecutor and white-collar criminal defense attorney, I quickly learned that a GW law student interested in exploring white-collar crime had a great many courses from which to choose. Several of my full-time colleagues teach courses that cover various topics relevant to white-collar crime, including a computer crimes course, a course in criminal tax litigation, and courses on anti-corruption in government contracting and the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act [FCPA]. GW is also fortunate to have a dedicated and talented adjunct faculty, which includes a former senior federal white-collar prosecutor who teaches a very popular white-collar crime survey course, and two of my former colleagues from the Justice Department's Public Integrity Section, who co-teach a seminar on public corruption. There is also a terrific seminar on congressional investigations taught by a sitting federal district judge with experience as both a full-time law professor and an investigative lawyer on the Hill, and a federal sentencing seminar taught by a sitting federal district judge who also is vice-chair of the U.S. Sentencing Commission.



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