"Legal Interviewing and Counseling: An Introduction" by Ann Shalleck, Robert Dinerstein et al.

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Clinical Law Review




n this article, the authors, who are writing their own textbook on interviewing and counseling, reflect on the ways in which Gary Bel­low & Bea Mou/ton's groundbreaking textbook, The Lawyering Pro­cess, has shaped and is shaping their work. The authors include the introductory chapter of their forthcoming textbook interspersed with commentary on the influence of Bellow & Moulton on each of the primary themes through which their textbook will explore interview­ing and counseling: variations in the lawyer-client relationship, con­text, connection, ethics and theory-driven lawyering. This review allows them to evaluate, not only how deeply and pervasively the Bel­low & Moulton text has shaped clinical education, but also how much of the environment of clinical education and scholarship has changed since the publication of The Lawyering Process.



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