The Articles in Law Reviews and Other Academic Journals Series presents scholarly articles written by Washington College of Law faculty and staff and published for academic readership.
Submissions from 1995
The Inter-American System: Opportunities for Women's Rights, Claudio Grossman
A Festschrift in Honor of Seymour J. Rubin, Claudio Grossman, Tom Farer, Andreas J. Jacovides, Herman Schwartz, Bennett Boskey, William Diebold, and Christina M. Cerna
Environment and Trade Concepts and Principles of International Law: An Introduction, David Hunter
Justice Stephen Breyer: Purveyor of Common Sense in Many Forums, Jeffrey Lubbers
Regulatory Reform Recommendations of the National Performance Review, Jeffrey Lubbers
Inter-American Systems News, Claudia Martin
No Justice, No Peace: Accountability for Rape and Gender-Based Violence in the Former Yugoslavia, Diane Orentlicher
War Crimes Tribunal Dismisses Jurisdictional Challenge, Diane F. Orentlicher
Drzemczewski Discusses The System in Motion, Françoise Roth and Claudia Martin
The European System for the Protection of Human Rights:A System in Motion, Françoise Roth and Claudia Martín
Conference on the Interventional Protection of Reproductive Rights: Preface, Ann Shalleck, Lauren Gilbert, and Claudio Grossman
Recipe for Reauthorization of the Endangered Species Act, William Snape III
Ancient Law and Modern Eyes, David Snyder
The Case of Natural Obligations, David Snyder
The Nomination of Justice Brennan: Eisenhower's Mistake: A Look at the Historical Record, Stephen Wermiel
Can International Legal Principles Promote the Resolution of Central and East European Transboundary Environmental Disputes?, Paul Williams
Bankruptcy in Russia: The Evolution of a Comprehensive Russian Bankruptcy Code, Paul Williams and Paul Wade
Submissions from 1994
Nuremberg Sensibility: Telford Taylor's Memoir of the Nuremberg Trials, Kenneth Anderson
Sensibility at Nuremberg: A Review Essay on Telford Taylor's The Anatomy of the Nuremburg Trials, Kenneth Anderson
Predatory Pricing after Brooke Group: An Economic Perspective, Jonathan Baker
Co-Directors' Message, Robert Goldman, Claudio Grossman, and Herman Schwartz
The Inter-American System and Asylum, Claudio Grossman
Codification and the California Mentality, Lewis Grossman
Elder Law: Portfolio Series, Billie Jo Kaufman
Home Health Care Law: Liability and Risk Management, Billie Jo Kaufman
Federalism Myth, Fernando Laguarda
Anatomy of a Regulatory Program: Comment on 'Strategic Regulators and the Choice of Rulemaking Procedures', Jeffrey Lubbers
Better Regulations: The National Performance Review's Regulatory Reform Recommendations, Jeffrey Lubbers
News From the Inter-American System, Claudia Martin and Xavier Mena
Grossman Criticizes Recent Court Decisions Involving Suriname, Claudia Martin and Françoise Roth
Suriname Faces Past Human Rights Violations, Claudia Martin and Françoise Roth
Suriname Faces Past Human Rights Violations: The Gangaram-Panday Case, Claudia Martin and Françoise Roth
Give Them Back Their Lives: Recognizing Client Narrative in Case Theory, Binny Miller
Addressing Gross Human Rights Abuses: Punishment and Victim Compensation, Diane Orentlicher
Sabbaticals for State and Federal Judges: Necessary in the Pursuit of Judicial Excellence, Ira P. Robbins
Searching for GATT's Environmental Miranda, William Snape
Ancient Law and Modern Eyes, David Snyder
Writing Supreme Court Biography: A Single Lens View of a Nine-Sided Image, Stephen Wermiel
State Succession and the International Financial Institutions: Political Criteria v. Protection of Outstanding Financial Obligations, Paul Williams
State Succession to Debts and Assets: The Modern Law and Policy, Paul Williams and Jennifer Harris
Submissions from 1993
Illiberal Tolerance: An Essay on the Fall of Yugoslavia and the Rise of Multiculturalism in the United States, Kenneth Anderson
Two Sherman Act Section 1 Dilemmas: Parallel Pricing, the Oligopoly Problem, and Contemporary Economic Theory, Jonathan Baker
Disentitling the poor: waivers and welfare “reform”, Susan Bennett and Kathleen A. Sullivan
Assaying Computer Associates v. Altai: How Will the Golden Nugget Test Pan Out, Walter Effross
Grammarians at the Gate: The Rehnquist Court's Evolving Plain Meaning Approach to Bankruptcy Jurisprudence, Walter Effross
Turning Back the Tide of Director and Officer Liability, Walter Effross
International Humanitarian Law: Americas Watch's Experience in Monitoring Internal Armed Conflicts, Robert Kogod Goldman
Are We Being Propelled Towards a People Centered Transnational Legal Order?, Claudio Grossman and Daniel Bradlow