The Articles in Law Reviews and Other Academic Journals Series presents scholarly articles written by Washington College of Law faculty and staff and published for academic readership.
Submissions from 1998
Exploring the Concept of Post-Tenure Review in Law Schools, Ira Robbins
Rape in Wartime: Redress in United States Courts under the Alien Tort Claims Act, Susana SáCouto
Feminist Theory and Feminist Method: Transforming the Experience of the Classroom, Ann Shalleck
Comparative Law in Action: Promissory Estoppel, the Civil Law, and the Mixed Jurisdiction, David Snyder
Comparative Law in Action: Promissory Estoppel, the Civil Law, and the Mixed Jurisdiction, David Snyder
Law and Human Dignity: The Judicial Soul of Justice Brennan, Stephen Wermiel
News Media Coverage of the United States Supreme Court, Stephen Wermiel
Creating International Space for Taiwan: The Law and Politics of Recognition, Paul Williams
Submissions from 1997
Three Roles for the Private Equity Market in Foreign Investments: Comment on Mailander's "Seraching for Liquidity", Kenneth Anderson
Contemporary Empirical Merger Analysis, Jonathan Baker
Continuous Regulatory Reform at the Federal Trade Commission, Jonathan Baker
Product Differentiation Through Space and Time: Some Antitrust Policy Issues, Jonathan Baker
The Problem with Baker Hughes and Syufy: On the Role of Entry in Merger Analysis, Jonathan Baker
Unilateral Competitive Effects Theories in Merger Analysis, Jonathan Baker
Reclaiming the Law of Suretyship, Barlow Burke
Race, Cops, and Traffic Stops, Angela J. Davis
Race, Cops, and Traffic Stops, Angela J. Davis
High-Tech Heroes, Virtual Villians, and Jacked-In Justice: Visions of Law and Lawyers in Cyberpunk Science Fiction, Walter Effross
Piracy, Privacy, and Privitization: Fictional and Legal Approaches to the Electronic Future of Cash, Walter Effross
Putting the Cards before the Purse: Distinctions, Differences, and Dilemmas in the Regulation of Stored Value Card Systems, Walter Effross
The Legal Architecture of Virtual Stores: World Wide Web Sites and the Uniform Commercial Code, Walter Effross
Protecting Folklore of Indigenous Peoples: Is Intellectual Property the Answer?, Christine Farley
United States. v. Virginia New Gender Equal Protection Analysis with Ramifications for Pregnancy, Parenting and Title VII, Candace Kovacic-Fleischer
Writing Wrongs in Welfare: Why Legislating Morality Will Not Solve the Crisis of Poverty, Daniela Kraiem
Towards a Federal Counselor-Battered Woman Privilege, Fernando Laguarda
Jaffee v. Redmond: Towards Recognition of a Federal Counselor-Battered Woman Privilege, Fernando Laguarda and Michael B. Bressman
Paperwork Redux: The (Stronger) Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, Jeffrey Lubbers
The Administrative Law Agenda for the Next Decade, Jeffrey Lubbers
Science, Politics, and the Evolution of Law and Neoclassical Economics, James May
The Factional Foundations of Competition Policy in America 1888-1992, James May
Accountability for Past Abuses, Juan E. Mendez
International Criminal Law and the Cambodian Killing Fields, Diane Orentlicher
Sexual Assault Issues Before the War Crimes Tribunal, Diane Orentlicher
Swapping Amnesty for Peace and the Duty to Prosecute Human Rights Crimes, Diane Orentlicher
Administrative Law in the 21st Century, Andrew Popper
The Uneasy Integration of Adjunct Teachers into American Legal Education, Andrew Popper
The Case against the Prison-Industrial Complex, Ira P. Robbins
Revisiting Equality: Feminist Thought About Intermediate Scrutiny, Ann Shalleck
Theory and Experience in Constructing the Realitonship between Lawyer and Client: Representing Women Who Have Been Abused, Ann Shalleck
Using Citizen Suits to Protect Biodiversity, William Snape
Mergers and Acquisitions in the European Community and the United States: A Movement toward a Uniform Enforcement Body, David Snyder
The Civil Opinions of Judge Phyllis A. Kravitch: A Tribute, Stephen Wermiel
The Treaty Obligations of the Successor States of the Former Soviet Union, Yogoslavia, and Czechoslovakia: Do They Continue in Force, Paul Williams
Toward the Enforcement of Universal Human Rights through Abrogation of the Rule of Non-Inquiry in Extradition, Richard J. Wilson
Using International Human Rights Law and Machinery in Defending Borderless Crime Cases, Richard J. Wilson
Submissions from 1996
Identifying Horizontal Price Fixing in the Electronic Marketplace, Jonathan Baker
Vertical Restraints with Horizontal Consequences: Competitive Effects of Most-Favored-Customer Clauses, Jonathan Baker