The Articles in Law Reviews and Other Academic Journals Series presents scholarly articles written by Washington College of Law faculty and staff and published for academic readership.
Submissions from 2001
A Claim for Third Party Standing in America's Prisons, N. Jeremi Duru
Certain Legal Questions Raised by the Septermber 11th Attacks, Robert K. Goldman
Freedom of Expression in the Inter-American System for the Protection of Human Rights, Claudio Grossman
La Libertad de Expresion en el Sistema Interamericano de Proteccion de los Derechos Humanos, Claudio Grossman
How to Push an Elephant Through a Straw: Using Wireless Technology in a Web-enhanced Skills Program, Billie Jo Kaufman
Teaching Restitution, Candace Kovacic-Fleischer
Environmental Insurance: Does it Defy the Rules, Amanda Leiter
Inter-American System, Claudia Martin and Diego Rodriguez-Pinzon
Ethical and Humanitarian Concerns Add a New Dimension to International Security in the Post-Cold War World, Juan E. Mendez
Reconciling Amnesties with Universal Jurisdiction - A Reply to Mr. Phenyo Keiseng Rakate, Juan E. Mendez and Garth Meintjes
Lifesaving Welfare Safety Net Access for Battered Immigrant Women and Children: Accomplishments and Next Steps, Leslye Orloff
Polling Establishment: Judicial Review, Democracy, and the Endorsement Theory of the Establishment Clause - Commentary on 'Measured Endorsement', Jamin B. Raskin
Reason, Justice and Love: The Constitutional Humanism of Peter Cicchino, Jamin B. Raskin
Disfavored Speech About Favored Rights: Hill v. Colorado, the Vanishing Public Forum and the Need for an Objective Speech Discrimination Test, Jamin B. Raskin and Clark L. LeBlanc
The Victim Requirement, the Fourth Instance Formula and the Notion of Person in the Individual Complaint Procedure of the Inter-American Human Rights System, Diego Rodriguez-Pinzon
Domestic Violence and US Asylum Law: Eliminating the 'Cultural Hook' for Claims Involving Gender-Related Persecution, Anita Sinha
Sexual Abuse Against Women in Prison, Brenda V. Smith
Protecting Ecosystems Under the Endangered Species Act, William Snape
Language and Formalities in Commercial Contracts: A Defense of Custom and Conduct, David Snyder
Submissions from 2000
Judicial Lobbying at the WTO: The Debate Over the Use of Amicus Curiae Briefs and the U.S. Experience, Padideh Ala'i
The Legacy of Geographical Morality and Colonialism: A Historical Assessment of the Current Crusade Against Corruption, Padideh Ala'i
Guest Editor's Introduction to the Symposium: War and the United States Military, Kenneth Anderson
The Ottawa Convention Banning Landmines, the Role of International Non-governmental Organizations and the Idea of International Civil Society, Kenneth Anderson
Stepping out in an Old Brown Shoe: In Qualified Praise of Submarkets, Jonathan Baker
Symposium: Antitrust at the Millennium (Part I), Jonathan Baker
Two and Three: Sponsored by the FTC, Jonathan Baker and David Marcus
“The possibility of a beloved place”: residents and placemaking in public housing communities., Susan Bennett
Resolving Tensions between Copyright and the Internet, Walter Effross
Conflicts Between U.S. Law and International Treaties Concerning Geographical Indications, Christine Farley
The Liability of International Arbitrators: A Comparative Analysis and Proposal for Qualified Immunity, Susan Franck
The Liability of International Arbitrators: A Comparative Analysis and Proposal for Qualified Immunity, Susan Franck
The Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Private Parties - An Overview from the Perspective of the ICC, Horacio A. Grigera Naón
Building the World Community: Challenges for Legal Education, Claudio Grossman
Moving toward Improved Human Rights Enforcement in the Americas, Claudio Grossman
Moving toward Improved Human Rights Enforcement in the Americas, Claudio Grossman
Reflections on Being a Law School Dean in an Interconnected World, Claudio Grossman
Pulliam v. Coastal Emergency Services of Richmond, Inc.: Reconsidering the Standard of Review and Constitutionality of Virginia's Medical Malpractice, Elizabeth Keith
Reconciling Amnesties with Universal Jurisdiction, Juan E. Mendez and Garth Meintjes
Telling Stories about Cases and Clients: The Ethics of Narrative, Binny Miller
The Imprint of Kosovo on International Law, Diane Orentlicher
Why Lesbians and Gay Men Should Read Martha Fineman, Nancy Polikoff
The Corporate Attorney-Client Privilege: Loss of Predictability Does Not Justify Crying Wolfinbarger, Paul Rice
Concurring in Result Without Written Opinion: A Condemnable Practice, Ira Robbins
Foundational Myths and the Reality of Dependency: The Role of Marriage, Ann Shalleck
The Bill of Rights and the Constitution: Facing the Challenge of the Future, Stephen Wermiel
The Norm of Justice and the Negotiation of the Rambouillet/Paris Peace Accords, Paul Williams
NATO Intervention on Trial: The Legal Case that Was Never Made, Paul Williams and Michael Scharff
The Index of Individual Case Reports of the Inter-American Commmission on Human Rights: 1994-1999, Richard J. Wilson
The Inter-American Human Rights Systems: Activities During 1999 Through October 2000, Richard J. Wilson