The Articles in Law Reviews and Other Academic Journals Series presents scholarly articles written by Washington College of Law faculty and staff and published for academic readership.
Submissions from 2003
Restoring Faith in Government: Transparency Reform in the United States and the European Union, Amanda Frost
El Acuerdo sobre Arbitraje Comercial Internacional del Mercosur: Un Analisis Critico, Horacio A. Grigera Naón
Suing the Sovereign from the Latin American Perspective, Claudio Grossman
Earned Sovereignty: The Political Dimension, James Hooper and Paul Williams
Using the World Bank Inspection Panel to Defend the Interests of Project-Affected People, David Hunter
Restitution in Public Concern Cases, Candace Kovacic-Fleischer
Alternative Approaches to Judicial Review of Social Security Disability Cases, Jeffrey Lubbers
Developing a Full and Fair Evidentiary Record in a Nonadversary Setting: Two Proposals for Improving Social Security Disability Adjudications, Jeffrey Lubbers, Frank S. Bloch, and Paul R. Verkuil
Inter-American System, Claudia Martin
The International Human Rights Status of Elderly Persons, Claudia Martin and Diego Rodriguez-Pinzon
Catching the Culprits: Is Sarbanes-Oxley Enough, Joseph F. Morrissey
Mental Health and Incarceration: What a Bad Combination, Olinda Moyd
Carriers of Globalization: Loss of Home and Self Within the African Diaspora, Camille Nelson
Democrativ Principles and Separatist Claims: A Response and Further Inquiry, Diane Orentlicher
International Responses to Separatist Claims: Are Democratic Principles Relevant?, Diane Orentlicher
Judging Global Justice: Assessing the International Criminal Court, Diane Orentlicher
Opening a Door to Help: Legal Services Programs' Key Role in Representing Battered Immigrant Women and Child, Leslye Orloff, Amanda Baran, Laura A. Martinez-McIntoh, and Jennifer Rose
Ending Marriage as We Know It, Nancy Polikoff
Peer Dialogue: The Quagmire of Scientific Expert Testimony: Crumping the Supreme Court's Style, Paul Rice
Inter-American System, Diego Rodriguez-Pinzon
Inter-American System, Diego Rodriguez-Pinzon
Proyecto - Transformación de la condición legal de la mujer: integrando temas de género en la Doctrina y enseñanza del Derecho, Macarena Saez
Legal Interviewing and Counseling: An Introduction, Ann Shalleck, Robert Dinerstein, Stephen Ellmann, and Isabelle Gunning
Battering, Forgiveness and Redemption, Brenda V. Smith
Battering, Forgiveness and Redemption, Brenda V. Smith
Remarks, Brenda V. Smith
The Louisa Van Wezel Schwartz Symposium on Mental Health Issues in Correctional Institutions - Proceedings, Brenda V. Smith
Watching You, Watching Me, Brenda V. Smith
Watching You, Watching Me, Brenda V. Smith
Addressing Sexual Misconduct in Community Corrections, Brenda V. Smith, Maureen Buell, Elizabeth Layman, and Susan W. McCampbell
Cutting Science, Ecology, and Transparency out of National Forest Management: How the Bush Administration Uses the Judicial System to Weaken Environmental Laws, William Snape III
Closing the Deal in Contracts: Introducing Transactional Skills in the First Year, David Snyder
Private Law Making, David Snyder
The Civil Rights Era: A Look Back by Those Who Lived and Litigated Through It, Stephen Wermiel
Introduction The Quest for Equal Education Opportunity: Brown Nears 50, San Antonio Turns 30, Stephen J. Wermiel
Earned Sovereignty: The Road to Resolving the Conflict over Kosovo's Final Status, Paul Williams
Resolving Sovereignty-Based Conflicts: The Emerging Approach of Earned Sovereignty, Paul Williams
Achieving a Final Status Settlement for Kosovo, Paul Williams, R Hitchner, and Janusz Bugajski
Report of the Committee of Experts on Nation Rebuilding in Afghanistan, Paul Williams and Michael Scharff
The Functions of Justice and Anti-Justice in the Peace-Building Process, Paul Williams and Michael Scharff
The Functions of Justice and Anti-Justice in the Peace-Building Process, Paul Williams and Michael Scharff
The Role of Justice in the Former Yugoslavia: Antidote or Placebo for Coercive Appeasement?, Paul Williams and Patricia Taft
International Law Issues in Death Penalty Defense, Richard J. Wilson
The Inter-American Human Rights System: Activities from Late 2000 through October 2002, Richard J. Wilson
Submissions from 2002
A Qualified Defense of Military Commissions and United States Policy on Detainees at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, Kenneth Anderson
Microcredit: Fulfilling or Belying the Universalist Morality of Globalizing Markets, Kenneth Anderson
What to Do with Bin Laden and Al Qaeda Terrorists?: A Qualified Defense of Military Commissions and United States Policy on Detainees at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, Kenneth Anderson
Mavericks, Mergers, and Exclusion: Proving Coordinated Competitive Effects under the Antitrust Laws, Jonathan Baker