The Articles in Law Reviews and Other Academic Journals Series presents scholarly articles written by Washington College of Law faculty and staff and published for academic readership.
Submissions from 2005
Lessons from the World Trade Center for Open Space Planning Generally and Boston's Big Data Specifically, Mary Clark
Women as Supreme Court Advocates, 1879-1979, Mary Clark
Thwarting Ethical Violations with Web Site Disclaimers, Walter Effross
True Integration: Advancing Brown's Goal of Educational Equity in the Wake of Grutter, Lia Epperson
True Integration: Advancing Brown's Goal of Educational Equity in the Wake of Grutter, Lia Epperson
Judging Art, Christine Farley
Dispelling Myths: A Real World Perspective on Trinko, Sean Flynn
International Decisions: Occidental Exploration and Production Company V. The Republic of Ecuador, Susan Franck
International Decisions: Occidental Exploration and Production Company v. The Republic of Ecuador, Susan Franck
The Legitimacy Crisis in Investment Treaty Arbitration: Privatizing Public International Law through Inconsistent Decisions, Susan Franck
The Nature and Enforcement of Investor Rights Under Investment Treaties: Do Investment Treaties Have a Bright Future?, Susan Franck
The Nature and Enforcement of Investor Rights under Investment Treaties: Do Investment Treaties Have a Bright Future, Susan Franck
Keeping up Appearances: A Process-Oriented Approach to Judicial Recusal, Amanda Frost
What Iraq and Argentina Might Learn from Each Other, Anna Gelpern
Creditors' Imagined Communities and the Unfettered Expansion of Secured Lending, Heather Hughes
New Challenges in an Era of Global Water Scarcity , David Hunter
Evidence Destroyed, Innocence Lost: The Preservation of Biological Evidence under Innocence Protection Statutes, Cynthia Jones
Approaches to Regulatory Reform in the United States: A Response to the Remarks of Professors Levin and Freeman, Jeffrey Lubbers
Consensus-Building in Administrative Law: The Revival of the Administrative Conference of the U.S., Jeffrey Lubbers
Inter-American System, Claudia Martin
Inter-American System, Claudia Martin
Constitutionalizing Tobacco: The Ambivalence of European Federalism, Fernanda Nicola
Screening the Law: Ideology and Law in American Popular Culture, Mark Niles and Naomi Mezey
Criminalizing Hate Speech: A Comment on the ICTR’s Judgment in The Prosecutor v. Nahimana, et al., Diane F. Orentlicher
Criminalizing Hate Speech in the Crucible of Trial: Prosecutor v. Nahimana, Diane F. Orentlicher
For the Sake of All Children: Opponents and Supporters of Same-Sex Marriage Both Miss the Mark, Nancy Polikoff
Lesbian and Gay Parenting: The Last Thirty Years, Nancy Polikoff
Inter-American System, Diego Rodriguez-Pinzon
Inter-American System, Diego Rodriguez-Pinzon
Ambiguity and the Academic: The Dangerous Attraction of Pan-Indian Legal Analysis, Ezra Rosser
The Nature of Representation: The Cherokee Right to a Congressional Delegate, Ezra Rosser
The Trade-off Between Self-Determination and the Trust Doctrine: Tribal Government and the Possibility of Failure, Ezra Rosser
Institutions and the Development of Legal Theory: The Significance of the Feminism and Legal Theory Project, Ann Shalleck
Writing Like a Contemporary (and Effective Lawyer): The Joys and Pitfalls of Legal Writing, David Spratt
Sacred Visions of Law, Robert Tsai
Sacred Visions of Law, Robert Tsai
Brown v. Board of Education: A Moot Court Argument, Stephen Wermiel
Resegregation in Public Education, Stephen Wermiel
Submissions from 2004
Developing Legal Benchmarks for Monitoring Implementations of Euro-Mediterranean Association Agreements, Padideh Ala'i
Humanitarian Inviolability in Crisis: The Meaning of Impartiality and Neutrality for U.N. and NGO Agencies Following the 2003-2004 Afghanistan and Iraq Conflicts, Kenneth Anderson
The Selection of an Arbitrator: A Human Resource Management Perspective, Kenneth Anderson
Introduction to Symposium on Integrating New Economic Learning with Antitrust Doctrine, Jonathan Baker
Econometric Methods in Staples, Jonathan Baker, Orley Ashenfelter, David Ashmore, Suzanne Gleason, and Daniel Hosken
Development Decision Making and the Content of International Development Law, Daniel D. Bradlow
Association of American Law Schools Conference: Transcript of the Section on Natural Resources in Atlanta, Georgia, Barlow Burke
Association of American Law Schools Conference: Transcript of the Sections on Natural Resources in Atlanta, Georgia, Barlow Burke
The Effect of Context on Practice [Book Review], Susan Carle