The Articles in Law Reviews and Other Academic Journals Series presents scholarly articles written by Washington College of Law faculty and staff and published for academic readership.
Submissions from 2007
Immigration Relief for Survivors of Domestic Absue, Sexual Assault, Human Trafficking, and Other Crimes: A Violence Against Women Act 2005 Update, Leslye Orloff, Joanne Lin, and Ericka Echavarria
Medical Malpractice Insurance Crisis: An Inquiry into the Relationship between the Crisis and Access to Health Care for Women of Color, Corrine Parver and Tara Hechlik Newsom
Commodification, Intellectual Property and the Women of Gee’s Bend, Victoria F. Phillips
Summing Up the Public Interest. Review of Media Diversity and Localism: Meaning and Metrics, Victoria F. Phillips
No Wealthy Parent Left Behind: An Analysis of Tax Subsidies for Higher Education, Andrew Pike
Settlement Sentiments, Ira Robbins
Inter-American System, Diego Rodriguez-Pinzon
Inter-American System, Diego Rodriguez-Pinzon
Reparations of the Inter-American Human Rights System in Cases of Gross and Systemic Violations of Human Rights: The Colombian Case, Diego Rodriguez-Pinzon
Obligations of Privilege, Ezra Rosser
Obligations of Privilege, Ezra Rosser
Promises of Non-State Representatives, Ezra Rosser
Advances and Missed Opportunities in the International Prosecution of Gender-Based Crimes, Susana SaCouto
Reflections on the Judgment of the International Court of Justice in Bosnia’s Genocide Case against Serbia and Montenegro, Susana SáCouto
Reforming, Reclaiming or Reframing Womanhood: Reflections on Advocacy for Women in Custody, Brenda V. Smith
Anti-Fraternization Policies in Community Corrections: A Tool to Address Staff Sexual Misconduct in Community Correction Agencies, Brenda V. Smith and Nairi M. Simonian
Molecular Federalism and the Structures of Private Lawmaking, David Snyder
Deconstructing Hirota: Habeas Corpus, Citizenship, and Article III, Stephen I. Vladeck
Inchoate Liability and the Espionage Act: The Statutory Framework and the Freedom of the Press, Stephen I. Vladeck
Humanitarian Intervention: The New Missing Link in the Fight to Prevent Crimes against Humanity and Genocide, Paul Williams
Submissions from 2006
Remarks by an Idealist on the Realism of 'the Limits of International Law', Kenneth Anderson
Competition Policy as a Political Bartain, Jonathan Baker
Empirical Methods in Merger Analysis: Econometric Analysis of Pricing in FTC v. Staples, Jonathan Baker, Orley Ashenfelter, David Ashmore, Suzanne Gleason, and Daniel Hosken
Economic Evidence in Antitrust: Defining Markets and Measuring Market Power in Paolo Buccirossi, Jonathan Baker and Timothy Bresnahan
Creating a Client Consortium: Building Social Capital, Bridging Structural Holes, Susan Bennett
Power as a Factor in Lawyers' Ethical Deliberation, Susan Carle
Power as a Factor in Lawyers' Ethical Deliberation, Susan Carle
Creative Commons and the New Intermediaries, Michael W. Carroll
One for All: The Problem of Uniformity Cost in Intellectual Property Law, Michael W. Carroll
The Movement for Open Access Law, Michael W. Carroll
Beyond a Snapshot: Preventing Human Trafficking in the Global Economy, Janie Chuang
Beyond a Snapshot: Preventing Human Trafficking in the Global Economy, Janie Chuang
The United States as Global Sheriff: Using Unilateral Sanctions to Combat Human Trafficking, Janie Chuang
Domestic Violence in the Haitian Culture and the American Legal Response: Fanm Ayisyen ki Gen Kouraj, Mary Clark
Why Care about the History of Women in the Legal Profession, Mary Clark
After Action Review (AAR) of Attendance at the Brazilian Army Command and General Staff College, Gary Corn
Fielding a Team for the Fans: The Societal Consequences and Title Vii Implications of Race-Considered Roster Construction in Professional Sport, N. Jeremi Duru
A Tribute to Professor Charles J. Ogletree, Jr., Roger Fairfax
The Jurisdictional Heritage of the Grand Jury Clause, Roger A. Fairfax
Why We Are Confused About the Trademark Dilution Law, Christine Farley
Trademark Dilution Law: A Remedy in Search of a Harm, Christine Haight Farley
Trademark Dilution Law: What's Behind the Rhetoric?, Christine Haight Farley
Review of the 2006 Trademark Decisions of the Federal Circuit, Christine Farley and Geri Haight
Borrowing Help - Using Conflicts of Law to Aid Clients and Lawyers, Susan Franck
The Role of International Arbitrators, Susan Franck
Transforming into an International Lawyer, Susan Franck
Transforming into an International Lawyer, Susan Franck