The Articles in Law Reviews and Other Academic Journals Series presents scholarly articles written by Washington College of Law faculty and staff and published for academic readership.
Submissions from 2008
Exploring Jethroe’s Injustice: The Impact of an Ex-Ballplayer’s Legal Quest for a Pension on the Movement for Restorative Racial Justice, N. Jeremi Duru
Grand Jury Discretion and Constitutional Design, Roger Fairfax
Harmless Constitutional Error and the Institutional Significance of the Jury, Roger Fairfax
Clinical Legal Education and the Public Interest in Intellectual Property Law, Christine Haight Farley, Peter Jaszi, Victoria Phillips, Joshua D. Sarnoff, and Ann Shalleck
Clinical Legal Education and the Public Interest i Intellectual Property Law, Christine Farley, Ann Shalleck, Peter Jaszi, Victoria Phillips, and Joshua D. Sarnoff
The 'High Crime Area' Question: Requiring Verifiable and Quantifiable Evidence for Fourth Amendment Reasonable Suspicion Analysis, Andrew Ferguson and Damien Bernache
Overvaluing Uniformity, Amanda Frost
Domestic Bonds, Credit Derivatives, and the Next Transformation of Sovereign Debt, Anna Gelpern
The Inter-American System of Human Rights: Challenges for the Future, Claudio Grossman
The Inter-American System of Human Rights: Challenges for the Future, Claudio Grossman
Codes and Codification: United States Law, Lewis Grossman
Food, Drugs, and Droods: A Historical Consideration of Definitions and Categories in American Food and Drug Law, Lewis Grossman
John Norton Pomeroy in Yale Biographical Dictionary of American Law, Lewis Grossman
Bosnia v. Serbia: Lessons from the Encounter of the International Court of Justice with the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, Rebecca Hamilton and Richard J. Goldstone
Civil Society Networks and the Development of Environmental Standards at International Financial Institutions, David Hunter
Narrowing the Accountability Gap: Toward a New Foreign Investor Accountability Mechanism, David Hunter and Natalie L. Bridgeman
Banding Together: Reflections of the Role of the Women's Bar Association of the District of Columbia and the Washington College of Law in Promoting Women's Rights, Daniela Kraiem and Jamie Rene Abrams
Risky Business: Massachusetts v. EPA, Risk-Based Harm, and Standing in the D.C. Circuit, Amanda Leiter
The Perils of a Half-Built Bridge: Risk Perception, Shifting Majorities, and the Nuclear Power Debate, Amanda Leiter
Achieving Policymaking Consensus: The (Unfortunate) Waning of Negotiated Rulemaking, Jeffrey Lubbers
The Transformation of the U.S. Rulemaking Process - For Better or Worse, Jeffrey Lubbers
Inter-American System, Claudia Martin
Inter-American System, Claudia Martin
Preventing, Implementing and Enforcing International Humanitarian Law, Juan E. Mendez
Symposium 2008: The United Nations Genocide Convention: A 60th Anniversary Commemoration: Keynote Address, Juan E. Mendez
Reflections: The Honorable Irma S. Raker – Judge, Teacher, and Role Model, Anthony C. Morella
Lyrical Assault: Dancehall versus the Cultural Imperialism of the North- West, Camille Nelson
O.J., Batson and Snyder: Lessons from an Intersecting Trilogy, Camille Nelson
Transatlanticisms: Constitutional Asymmetry and Selective Reception of U.S. Law and Economics in the Formation of European Private Law, Fernanda Nicola
Civil Society's Involvement in Post-Conflict Peacebuilding, Corinne Parver and Rebecca Wolf
Patient-Tailored Medicine, Part One: The Impact of Race and Genetics on Medicine, Corrine Parver
Valuing All Families: An Introduction to the 2008 Santa Clara Law Review Symposium, Nancy Polikoff
Unavailable and Unaccountable: A Free Ride for Foreign Manufacturers of Defective Consumer Goods, Andrew Popper
Unavailable and Unaccountable: A Free Ride for Foreign Manufacturers of Defective Consumer Goods, Andrew F. Popper
Student Speech: The Enduring Greatness of Tinker, Jamin B. Raskin
Convicting the Innocent in Transnational Criminal Cases: A Comparative Institutional Analysis Approach to the Problem, Song Richardson
Due Process for the Global Crime Era: A Proposal, Song Richardson
Digitus Impudicus: The Middle Finger and the Law, Ira Robbins
Lessons from Hurricane Katrina: Prison Emergency Preparedness as a Constitutional Imperative, Ira P. Robbins
The Mythical Divide Between Collateral and Direct Consequences of Criminal Convictions: Involuntary Commitment of "Sexually Violent Predators", Jenny M. Roberts
Inter-American System, Diego Rodriguez-Pinzon
Inter-American System, Diego Rodriguez-Pinzon
Customary Law: The Way Things Were, Codified, Ezra Rosser
Immigrant Remittances, Ezra Rosser
Protecting Non-Indians from Harm? The Property Consequences of Indians, Ezra Rosser
The Importance of Effective Investigation of Sexual Violence and Gender-Based Crimes at the International Criminal Court, Susana SaCouto
Victims’ Participation in the Investigations of the International Criminal Court.pdf, Susana SaCouto