The Articles in Law Reviews and Other Academic Journals Series presents scholarly articles written by Washington College of Law faculty and staff and published for academic readership.
Submissions from 2010
Family Law Exceptionalism in Comparative Law, Fernanda Nicola
Preempting Justice: Precrime in Fiction and in Fact, Mark Niles
Supporting Inclusiveness at Seattle U. and in the Law, Mark Niles
Billions (Yes, with a B) for Prevention, Victim Services, Law Enforcement, Underserved Populations and the Courts, and Looking ahead to VAWA IV, Leslye Orloff, Claudia Bayliff, Lisalyn Jacobs, Lynn Hecht Schafran, and Juley Fulcher
Beyond the 'Chilling Effect': Immigrant Worker Behavior and the Regulation of Occupational Safety & Health, Jayesh Rathod
Ghostwriting: Filling in the Gaps of Pro Se Prisoners' Access to the Courts, Ira P. Robbins
Inter-American System, Diego Rodriguez-Pinzon
Inter-American System, Diego Rodriguez-Pinzon
Ahistorical Indians and Reservation Resources, Ezra Rosser
Introduction to Panel on Gender Crimes at the International Level Proceedings of the Third International Humanitarian Law Dialogs, Susana SaCouto
Introductory Note for The International Criminal Court, Susana SaCouto
The Katanga Complementarity Decisions, Susana SaCouto
Comparative Law: Problems and Prospects, David Snyder
Grooming Good Legal Writers through Tailored, Constructive Feedback, David Spratt
Misplaced Modifiers - Say What, David Spratt
Writer's Block: The "Ins and Outs" of Good Legal Writing, Part One, David Spratt
Writer's Block: Why Punctuation Matters, Part Two, David Spratt
John Brown's Constitution, Robert Tsai
John Brown's Constitution, Robert L. Tsai
Review of Beau Breslin's "From Words to Worlds", Robert L. Tsai
Outsiders Inside the Beltway: Latcrit XIV - Critical Outsider Theory and Praxis in the Policymaking of the New American Regime, Anthony E. Varona
Taking Initiatives: Reconciling Race, Religion, Media and Democracy in the Quest for Marriage Equality, Anthony E. Varona
Common-Law Habeas and the Seperation of Powers, Stephen I. Vladeck
Foreword: National Security's Distortion Effects, Stephen I. Vladeck
State Sovereign Immunity and the Roberts Court, Stephen I. Vladeck
Terrorism Trials and the Article III Courts After Abu Ali, Stephen I. Vladeck
The Laws of War as a Constitutional Limit on Military Jurisdiction, Stephen I. Vladeck
The Laws of War as a Constitutional Limit on Military Jurisdiction, Stephen I. Vladeck
The Unreviewable Executive: Kiyemba, Maqalehm, and the Obama Administration, Stephen I. Vladeck
Moving Global Health Law Upstream: A Critical Appraisal of Global Health Law as a Tool for Health Adaptation to Climate Change, Lindsay Wiley
Assessing the Impact of Federal Law on Public Health Preparedness, Lindsay Wiley, Ben Berkman, and Susan C. Kim
Moving Global Health Law Upstream: A Critical Appraisal of Global Health Law as a Tool for Health Adaptation to Climate Change, Lindsay F. Wiley
Teaching International Law: Lessons from Clinical Education: Introductory Remarks, Richard J. Wilson
Submissions from 2009
Transcript: Advocacy Before Regional Human Rights Bodies: A Cross-Regional Agenda, Victor Abramovich, Charlotte de Broutelles, Santiago Canton, Paolo Carozza, Andrew Drzemczewski, Jonathan Fanton, Leonardo Franco, Felipe González, Claudio Grossman, Elizabeth Abi-Mershed, Bahame Tom-Mukirya Nyanduga, Diane Orentlicher, Fatsah Ouguergouz, Diego Rodriguez-Pinzón, Sergio Garcia Ramirez, Manuel Ventura Robles, and Pablo Saavedra
From the Periphery to the Center? The Evolving WTO Jurisprudence on Transparency and Good Governance, Padideh Ala'i
Turkey: At the Crossroads of Secular West and Traditional East, Padideh Ala'i
Does Anyone Really Want a Parliament of Man?, Kenneth Anderson
The Rise of International Criminal Law: Intended and Unintended Consequences, Kenneth Anderson
What NGO Accountability Means - and Does Not Mean, Kenneth Anderson
A Social Movements History of Title VII Disparate Impact Analysis, Susan Carle
Debunking the Myth of Civil Rights Liberalism: Visions of Racial Justice in the Thought of T. Thomas Fortune, 1880-1890, Susan D. Carle
One Size Does Not Fit All: A Framework for Tailoring Intellectual Property Rights, Michael W. Carroll
A New System of Preventative Detention - Let's Take a Deep Breath, Jennifer Daskal
The Phases and Faces of the Duke Lacrosse Controversy: A Conversation, Angela J. Davis, James E. Coleman Jr, Michael Gerhardt, and K.C. Johnson
Alternative Software Protection in View of In re Bilski, Charles Duan, Lauren Katzenellenbogen, and James Skelley