The Articles in Law Reviews and Other Academic Journals Series presents scholarly articles written by Washington College of Law faculty and staff and published for academic readership.
Submissions from 2011
Protecting Immigrant Workers Through Interagency Cooperation, Jayesh Rathod
Protecting Immigrant Workers Through Interagency Cooperation, Jayesh Rathod
Arrest Efficiency and the Fourth Amendment, Song Richardson
Sometimes Putting Pen to Paper is Tougher than it Seems, Heather Ridenour and David Spratt
Writings on the Wall: The Need for an Authorship-Centric Approach to the Authentication of Social-Networking Evidence, Ira P. Robbins
Why Misdemeanors Matter: Defining Effective Advocacy in the Lower Criminal Courts, Jenny Roberts
Proving Prejudice, Post-Padilla, Jenny M. Roberts
Why Misdemeanors Matter: Defining Effective Advocacy in the Lower Criminal Courts, Jenny M. Roberts
Getting to Know the Poor, Ezra Rosser
Offsetting and the Consumption of Social Responsibility, Ezra Rosser
Same-Sex Marriage, Same-Sex Cohabitation, and Same-Sex Families Around the World: Why ‘Same’ is so Different?, Macarena Saez
Same-Sex Marriage, Same-Sex Cohabitation, and Same-Sex Families Around the World: Why “Same” is so Different?, Macarena Saez
Introduction Comparative Family Law: What is the Global Family? Family Law in Decolonization, Modernization and Globalization , Ann Shalleck
An Appraisal of the Model Business Corporation Act's Appraisal Rights Provisios, Mary Siegel
Natural Resource “Conflicts” in the U.S. Southwest, William Snape
High temperature ReCOB piezocrystals: Recent developments, David Snyder, Fapeng Yu, Shujun Zhang, Ru Xia, Yiting Fei, Eric Frantz, Xian Zhao, Durong Yuan, Bruce H.T. Chai, and Thomas R. Shrout
Email Etiquette, David Spratt
Making a List and Checking It Twice, David Spratt
The Proof(reading) is in the Pudding, David Spratt
False Dichotomies of Transitional Justice: Gender, Conflict and Combatants in Colombia, Shana Tabak
Aryans, Gender, and American Politics, Robert Tsai
The Ethics of Melancholy Citizenship, Robert L. Tsai
Notes on Borrowing and Convergence, Robert Tsai and Nelson Tebbe
Notes on Borrowing and Convergence, Robert Tsai and Nelson Tebbe
The New Habeas Revisionism, Stephen I. Vladeck
A Punishing Court Docket, Stephen Wermiel
Earned Sovereignty: The Future of Sovereignty-Based Conflict Resolution, Paul Williams
Lawfare: A War Worth Fighting, Paul Williams
Security Council Resolution 1973 on Libya: A Moment of Legal & Moral Clarity, Paul Williams and Colleen Popken
An Essay on the Stages of the Clinical Year in Law school: Group Process with Existentialist Roots, Richard J. Wilson
Remarks on the Arab Spring Symposium, Richard J. Wilson
Submissions from 2010
A Synergistic Pedagogical Approach to First-Year Teaching, Jamie Abrams
The Collateral Consequences of Masculinizing Violence, Jamie Abrams
The Dual Purposes of the U Visa Thwarted in a Legislative Duel, Jamie Abrams
The Impact of the Financial Crisis on Trade and Investment, Padideh Ala'i
Trade and Sustainable Development, Padideh Ala'i
Money Market Fund Reform Viewed through a Systemic Risk Lens, Hilary Allen
Money Market Fund Reform Viewed Through A Systemic Risk Lens, Hilary J. Allen
Do Lawyers and Law Professors Have Any Comparative Advantages in Opining on Financial Regulation Reform?, Kenneth Anderson
Introductory Note to the Supreme Court of the United States: Noriega v. Pastrana, Kenneth Anderson
Predators Over Pakistan, Kenneth Anderson
Preserving a Political Bargain: The Political Economy of the Non-Interventionist Challenge to Monopolization Enforcement, Jonathan Baker
The Year in Economics at the FCC: A National Plan for Broadband, Jonathan Baker and Paul de Sa
A Social Movement History of Title VII Disparate Impact Analysis, Susan Carle
The Copyright Principles Project: Directions for Reform, Michael W. Carroll, Pamela Samuelson, and Members of The CPP
Achieving Accountability for Migrant Domestic Worker Abuse, Janie Chuang
Achieving Accountability for Migrant Domestic Worker Abuse, Janie Chuang
Rescuing Trafficking from Ideological Capture: Prostitution Reform and Anti-Trafficking Law and Policy, Janie Chuang