The Articles in Law Reviews and Other Academic Journals Series presents scholarly articles written by Washington College of Law faculty and staff and published for academic readership.
Submissions from 2013
Who’s Your Nanny, Lindsay Wiley
The ASBCA's Path to the Mega ADR in Computer Sciences Corporation, Paul Williams and Reba Ann Page
Maritime Piracy: A Sustainable Global Solution, Paul Williams and Lowry Pressly
Submissions from 2012
The Cy Pres Doctrine in Class Action Residual Distributions: Cy Pres as a Best Practice and Recommendations for Regulation, Evelyn Abravanel
Cocos Can Drive Markets Cuckoo, Hilary Allen
Evaluating Merger Enforcement during the Obama Administration, Jonathan Baker and Carl Shapiro
The Perils of Armchair Analysis: Evaluating Merger Enforcement During the Obama Administration, Jonathan Baker and Carl Shapiro
How Well Does the G20 Reflect African Interests and Priorities?: Some Thoughts Following the Los Cabos, Mexico Summit, Daniel D. Bradlow
Copyright's Creative Hierarchy in the Performing Arts, Michael Carroll
Copyright’s Creative Hierarchy in the Performing Arts, Michael W. Carroll
The U.S. Au Pair Program: Labor Exploitation and the Myth of Cultural Exchange, Janie Chuang
Implementing Procedural Safeguards for the Development of Bioinformatics Interoperability Standards, Jorge Contreras
Standards, Patents, and the National Smart Grid, Jorge Contreras
The Law of Operational Targeting: Viewing the LOAC through an Operational Lens, Gary Corn
Film Review: Mississippi Innocence and the Prosecutor’s Guilt, Angela J. Davis
Call in the Feds: Title VI as a Diversifying Force in the Collegiate Head Football Coaching Ranks, N. Jeremi Duru
Bringing the Market to Students: School Choice and Vocational Education in the Twenty-First Century, Lia Epperson
Legislating Inclusion, Lia Epperson
Batson's Grand Jury DNA, Roger Fairfax
Challenges and Choices in Criminal Law Course Design Commentary Symposium: Criminal Law Pedagogy, Roger Fairfax
The "Smart on Crime" Prosecutor, Roger Fairfax
Predictive Policing and Reasonable Suspicion, Andrew Ferguson
The Dialogue Approach to Miranda Warnings and Waiver, Andrew Ferguson
The Washington Declaration on Intellectual Property and the Public Interest, Sean Flynn
The U.S. Proposal for an Intellectual Property Chapter in the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, Sean Flynn, Brook Baker, Margot Kaminski, and Jimmy Koo
Managing Expectations: Beyond Formal Adjudication, Susan Franck
Congress in Court, Amanda Frost
Bankruptcy, Backwards: The Problem of Quasi-Sovereign Debt, Anna Gelpern
Challenges to Freedom of Expression within the Inter-American System A Jurisprudential Analysis, Claudio Grossman
Remarks - Forensic Evidence in the Fight Against Torture, Claudio Grossman
UN Committee Against Torture Chairperson Claudio Grossman's Statement to the UN General Assembly, Claudio Grossman
Foreword, Health Law and Policy Brief, Claudio Grossman and Mirta Roses Periago
The Origins of American Health Libertarianism, Lewis Grossman
Confronting Race in the Criminal Justice System: The ABA's Racial Justice Improvement Project, Cynthia E. Jones
The Case Against For-Profit Charity, Benjamin Leff
Functional Parenting and Dysfunctional Abortion Policy: Reforming Parental Involvement Legislation, Maya Manian
Session One: Using Forensic Medical Evidence in Court, Juan E. Mendez
The Death Penalty and the Absolute Prohibition of Torture and Cruel, Inhuman, and Degrading Treatment or Punishment, Juan E. Mendez
Herding Cats: Role Ambiguity, Governance, and Law School Clinical Programs, Binny Miller
Unified National Legal Treatment of International Commercial Arbitration: A Continuing Challenge, Horacio A Grigera Naon
Invisible Cities in Europe, Fernanda Nicola
Session Five: Expert Panel on Fighting Impunity Remarks of Professor Diane F. Orentlicher, Diane Orentlicher
U.S. Taxes Corporate Income at Comparatively Low Rates, Andrew Pike
Custody Rights of Lesbian and Gay Parents Redux: The Irrelevance of Constitutional Principles, Nancy Polikoff
The New Illegitimacy: Winning Backward in the Protection of the Children of Lesbian Couples, Nancy Polikoff
The New Illegitimacy: Winning Backward in the Protection of the Children of Lesbian Couples, Nancy D. Polikoff
Beneficiaries of Misconduct: A Direct Approach to IT Theft, Andrew Popper