The Articles in Law Reviews and Other Academic Journals Series presents scholarly articles written by Washington College of Law faculty and staff and published for academic readership.
Submissions from 2013
The Promise and Pitfalls of Empiricism in Educational Equality Jurisprudence, Lia Epperson
Searching for Solutions to the Indigent Defense Crisis in the Broader Criminal Justice Reform Agenda, Roger Fairfax
Supreme Court Amicus Brief of Law Professors in Support of Petitioner, Abraham v. Alpha Chi Omega, Christine Farley
Jury Instructions as Constitutional Education, Andrew Ferguson
The Jury as Constitutional Identity, Andrew Ferguson
Using Problems to Teach Quantitative Damages in a First Year Torts Class, Paul F. Figley
In Defense of Scholars' Briefs: A Response to Richard Fallon, Amanda Frost
Judicial Ethics and Supreme Court Exceptionalism, Amanda Frost
Procedural Hurdles and Thwarted Efficiency: Immigration Relief in Wage and Hour Collective Actions, Llezlie Green
Introduction - The Future of the Inter-American System of Human Rights, Claudio Grossman
FDA and the Rise of the Empowered Consumer, Lewis Grossman
Fair Use and Education: The Way Forward, Peter Jaszi
"Give Us Free": Addressing Racial Disparities in Bail Determinations, Cynthia E. Jones
"I AM Ronald Cotton": Teaching Wrongful Convictions in a Criminal Law Class, Cynthia E. Jones
Remedies Reveals the Seamless Web, Candace Kovacic-Fleischer
Tax Planning for Marijuana Dealers, Benjamin Leff
Panel I: The Use of Interim Measures by the Committee against Torture: Towards a Comprehensive Instrument for the Protection of Victims and Witnesses in Torture Cases, Hélène Legeay, Carla Ferstman, and Diego Rodríguez-Pinzón
Should Congress Create a Special Category of SSA ALJs, Jeffrey Lubbers
Lessons from Personhood's Defeat: Abortion Restrictions and Side Effects on Women's Health, Maya Manian
The Rights of Indigenous Peoples and International Human Rights Law, Claudia Martin and Diego Rodríguez-Pinzón
Panel IV: Challenges to Proving Cases of Torture before the Committee against Torture, Juan E. Mendez
Critical Legal Histories in EU Law, Fernanda Nicola
Critical Legal Histories in EU Law, Fernanda Nicola
Intimate Liability: Emotional Harm, Family Law, and Stereotyped Narratives in Interspousal Torts, Fernanda Nicola
Owning Justice and Reckoning with its Complexity, Diane Orentlicher
Remarks by Diane Orentilcher, Diane Orentlicher
A Supreme Court Ruling That's about Way More than Preemption, Nancy Polikoff
What Marriage Equality Arguments Portend for Domestic Partner Employee Benefits, Nancy Polikoff
In Personam and Beyond the Grasp: In Search of Jurisdiction and Accountability for Foreign Defendants, Andrew Popper
Pharaohs, Nubians, and Antiquities: International Law Suggests It's Time for a Change in Egypt, Angi Porter
The Marshall-Brennan Constitutional Literacy Project: American Legal Education's Ambitious Experiment in Democratic Constitutionalism, Jamin B. Raskin
The Transformative Potential of Attorney Bilingualism, Jayesh Rathod
Promoting Language Access in the Legal Academy, Jayesh Rathod, Gillian Dutton, Beth Lyon, and Deborah M. Weissman
Reimagining the Law of Self-Employment: A Comparative Perspective, Jayesh Rathod and Michal Skapski
What Is the Meaning of Like: The First Amendment Implications of Social-Media Expression, Ira Robbins
Crashing the Misdemeanor System, Jenny M. Roberts
Effective Plea Bargaining Counsel, Jenny M. Roberts
Effective Plea Bargaining Counsel, Jenny M. Roberts
Precautionary Measures of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights: Legal Status and Importance, Diego Rodríguez-Pinzón
The Ambition and Transformative Potential of Progressive Property, Ezra Rosser
International Law Weekend, American Branch of the International Law Association Perspectives on Crimes of Sexual Violence in International Law, Susana Sacouto
Perspectives on Crimes of Sexual Violence in International Law, Susana SaCouto
The Referendum Process in Maryland: Balancing Respect For Representative Government with the Right to Direct Democracy, Steven G. Shapiro
The Illusion of Enhanced Review of Board Actions, Mary Siegel
After Dothard: Female Correctional Workers and the Challenge to Employment Law, Brenda V. Smith and Melisa C. Loomis
After Dothard: Female Correctional Workers and the Challenge to Employment Law, Brenda V. Smith and Melissa C. Loomis
After Dothard: Female Correctional Workers and the Challenge to Employment Law, Brenda V. Smith and Melissa C. Loomis
Legal Responses to Sexual Violence in Custody: Protections Provided by Vulnerable Persons Statutes, Brenda V. Smith and Mary Beth Pavlik
Legal Responses to Sexual Violence in Custody: Using Existing State Mandatory Reporting Statutes to Improve Disclosure of Sexual Violence in Correctional Settings, Brenda V. Smith, Loren Ponds, and Melissa Loomis