The Articles in Law Reviews and Other Academic Journals Series presents scholarly articles written by Washington College of Law faculty and staff and published for academic readership.
Submissions from 2012
The Death Penalty and the Absolute Prohibition of Torture and Cruel, Inhuman, and Degrading Treatment or Punishment, Juan E. Mendez
Herding Cats: Role Ambiguity, Governance, and Law School Clinical Programs, Binny Miller
Unified National Legal Treatment of International Commercial Arbitration: A Continuing Challenge, Horacio A Grigera Naon
Invisible Cities in Europe, Fernanda Nicola
Session Five: Expert Panel on Fighting Impunity Remarks of Professor Diane F. Orentlicher, Diane Orentlicher
U.S. Taxes Corporate Income at Comparatively Low Rates, Andrew Pike
Custody Rights of Lesbian and Gay Parents Redux: The Irrelevance of Constitutional Principles, Nancy Polikoff
The New Illegitimacy: Winning Backward in the Protection of the Children of Lesbian Couples, Nancy Polikoff
The New Illegitimacy: Winning Backward in the Protection of the Children of Lesbian Couples, Nancy D. Polikoff
Beneficiaries of Misconduct: A Direct Approach to IT Theft, Andrew Popper
Civil Liability Theories for Insufficient Security Authentication in Online Banking, Paul Rice
Putting Your Best Foot Forward, Heather Ridenour
"Bad Juror" Lists and the Prosecutor's Duty to Disclose, Ira Robbins
Hiding Behind the Cloak of Invisibility: The Supreme Court and Per Curiam Opinions, Ira Robbins
Hiding Behind the Cloak of Invisibility: The Supreme Court and Per Curiam Opinions, Ira P. Robbins
Crashing the Misdemeanor System, Jenny Roberts
Poverty Offsetting, Ezra Rosser
Reclaiming Demographics: Women, Poverty, and the Common Interest in Particular Struggles, Ezra Rosser
Victim Participation at the International Criminal Court and the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia: A Feminist Project?, Susana SaCouto
The Feminist Academic's Challenge to Legal Education: Creating Sites for Change, Ann Shalleck
Business lessons for Father’s Day, Steven Shapiro
Uncomfortable Places, Close Spaces: Theorizing Female Correctional Officers’ Sexual Interactions with Men and Boys in Custody, Brenda V. Smith
Legal Responses to Sexual Violence in Custody: Sex Offender Registration Statutes: Impact on Addressing Sexual Abuse in Custodial Settings, Brenda V. Smith and Mary Beth Pavlik
Juveniles Convicted as Adults: An Annotated Bibliography of Current Research., Brenda V. Smith and Jaime Yarussi
Learning from the Master: Things Betty Thompson Taught Me, David Spratt
One Size Does Not Fit All, David Spratt
The People's Peremptory Challenge and Batson: Aiding the People's Voice and Vision Through the Representative Jury, Andrew E. Taslitz
The Politics of Hate, Robert Tsai
The Politics of Hate, Robert Tsai
Gazing into the Future: The 100-Year Legacy of Justice William J. Brennan, Stephen Wermiel
Heroes of the Struggle for Voting Rights, Stephen Wermiel
Using the Papers of U.S. Supreme Court Justices: A Reflection, Stephen Wermiel
The Making of Modern Libel Law: A Glimpse Behind the Scenes, Stephen Wermiel and Lee Levine
Rethinking the New Public Health, Lindsay Wiley
What Makes a States: Territory, Paul Williams
U.S. Foreign Policy and the Arab Spring: Ten Short-Term Lessons Learned, Paul Williams and Colleen Popken
Military Intervention and Diplomatic Engagement in Libya: A Collage of Policy, Force and Law, Paul Williams and ANna Triponel
Preventing Mass Atrocity Crimes: The Responsibility to Protect and the Syria Crisis, Paul Williams, J. Trevor Ulbrick, and Jonathan Worboys
Practical Training in Law in the Netherlands: Big Law Model or Clinical Model, and the Call of Public Interest Law, Richard Wilson
Omar Khadr: Domestic and International Litigation Strategies for a Child in Armed Conflict Held at Guantanamo, Richard J. Wilson
Submissions from 2011
Examining Entrenched Masculinities within the Republican Government Tradition, Jamie Abrams
From 'Barbarity' to Regularity: A Case Study of 'Unnecesarean' Malpractice Claims, Jamie Abrams
Trade and Sustainable Development, Padideh Ala'i
Transparency and the Expansion of the WTO Mandate, Padideh Ala'i
Basel's Gone Cold on Cocos, But Is This a Blessing in Disguise for Banks?, Hilary Allen
Consumer Financial Protection: It's A Smaller World After All.pdf, Hilary Allen
SEC and CFTC Joint Rulemakings Under Dodd-Frank - A Regulatory Odd Couple?, Hilary Allen and Donald Lamson