The Articles in Law Reviews and Other Academic Journals Series presents scholarly articles written by Washington College of Law faculty and staff and published for academic readership.
Submissions from 2010
Money Market Fund Reform Viewed through a Systemic Risk Lens, Hilary Allen
Money Market Fund Reform Viewed Through A Systemic Risk Lens, Hilary J. Allen
Do Lawyers and Law Professors Have Any Comparative Advantages in Opining on Financial Regulation Reform?, Kenneth Anderson
Introductory Note to the Supreme Court of the United States: Noriega v. Pastrana, Kenneth Anderson
Predators Over Pakistan, Kenneth Anderson
Preserving a Political Bargain: The Political Economy of the Non-Interventionist Challenge to Monopolization Enforcement, Jonathan Baker
The Year in Economics at the FCC: A National Plan for Broadband, Jonathan Baker and Paul de Sa
A Social Movement History of Title VII Disparate Impact Analysis, Susan Carle
The Copyright Principles Project: Directions for Reform, Michael W. Carroll, Pamela Samuelson, and Members of The CPP
Achieving Accountability for Migrant Domestic Worker Abuse, Janie Chuang
Achieving Accountability for Migrant Domestic Worker Abuse, Janie Chuang
Rescuing Trafficking from Ideological Capture: Prostitution Reform and Anti-Trafficking Law and Policy, Janie Chuang
Data Sharing, Latency Variables and Science Commons, Jorge Contreras
This Field is our Field: Foreign Players, Domestic Leagues, and the Unlawful Racial Manipulation of American Sport_Tulane Law Review, N. Jeremi Duru
Grand Jury Innovation: Toward a Functional Makeover of the Ancient Bulwark of Liberty, Roger Fairfax
Outsourcing Criminal Prosecution?: The Limits of Criminal Justice Privatization, Roger Fairfax
In Defense of Feres: An Unfairly Maligned Opinion, Paul F. Figley
International Disparities Panel, Sean Flynn
Special 301 and Access to Medicine in the Obama Administration, Sean Flynn
Special 301 of the Trade Act of 1974 and Global Access to Medicine, Sean Flynn
Empirical Modalities: Lessons for the Future of International Investment, Susan Franck
Countering the Majoritarian Difficulty, Amanda Frost
Defending the Majoritarian Court, Amanda Frost
Mark Tushnet on Why the Constitution Doesn't Matter, Amanda Frost
Of Lawyers, Leaders, and Returning Riddles in Sovereign Debt: An Introduction, Anna Gelpern
Legal Education Reform, Claudio Grossman
Legal Education Reform, Claudio Grossman
Raising the Bar: US Legal Education in an International Setting, Claudio Grossman
Remarks - Strengthening the Prohibition against Torture The Evolution of the UN Committee against Torture, Claudio Grossman
The Role of a Law School Dean: Balancing a Variety of Roles and Interests - The American University Washington College of Law Experience, Claudio Grossman
Enabling Investment in Environmental Sustainability, Heather Hughes
Enabling Investment in Environmental Sustainability, Heather Hughes
Human Rights Implications for the Climate Negotiations, David Hunter
Implications of the Copenhagen Accord for Global Climate Change, David Hunter
Implications of the Copenhagen Accord for Global Climate Governance, David B. Hunter
Getting to Best Practices - A Personal Voyage around Fair Use, Peter Jaszi
Recut, Reframe, Recycle: The Shaping of Fair Use Best Practices for Online Video, Peter Jaszi
The Statute of Anne: Today and Tomorrow, Peter Jaszi, Craig Joyce, Marshall A. Leaffer, and Tyler Trent Ochoa
A Reason to Doubt: The Suppression of Evidence and the Inference of Innocence, Cynthia Jones
A Reason to Doubt: The Suppression of Evidence and the Inference of Innocence, Cynthia E. Jones
Introduction to Essays on the Future of Digital Communications, Fernando Laguarda
A Survey of Federal Agency Rulemakers’ Attitudes About E-Rulemaking, Jeffrey Lubbers
Giving Applicants for Veterans' and Other Government Benefits Their Due (Process), Jeffrey Lubbers
The Potential of Rulemaking by the NLRB, Jeffrey Lubbers
The U.S. Rulemaking Process: Has it Become Too Difficult?, Jeffrey Lubbers
The Merits of ‘Merits’ Review: A Comparative Look at the Australian Administrative Appeals Tribunal, Jeffrey Lubbers and Michael Asimow
The 9/11 Commission and the White House: Issues of Executive Privilege and Separation of Powers, Daniel Marcus
Inter-American System, Claudia Martin
Significance of the Fujimori Trial, Juan E. Mendez
Racializing Disability, Disabling Race: Policing Race and Mental Status, Camille Nelson