The Articles in Law Reviews and Other Academic Journals Series presents scholarly articles written by Washington College of Law faculty and staff and published for academic readership.
Submissions from 2009
Law that Values All Families: Beyond (Straight and Gay) Marriage, Nancy Polikoff
No Enclaves of Totalitarianism: The Triumph and Unrealized Promise of the Tinker Decision, Jamin B. Raskin
Immigrant Labor and the Occupational Safety & Health Regime; Part I: A New Vision for Workplace Regulation, Jayesh Rathod
Immigrant Labor and the Occupational Safety & Health Regime; Part I: A New Vision for Workplace Regulation, Jayesh Rathod
Patient Negligence: The Unreasonableness of Relying on Trust, Song Richardson
When Human Experimentation is Criminal, Song Richardson
Best Practices on "Best Practices": Legal Education and Beyond, Ira P. Robbins
"Best Practices": What's the Point?, Ira P. Robbins
Ignorance Is Effectively Bliss: Collateral Consequences, Silence, and Misinformation in the Guilty-Plea Process, Jenny Roberts
Ignorance Is Effectively Bliss: Collateral Consequences, Silence, and Misinformation in the Guilty-Plea Process, Jenny M. Roberts
Inter-American System, Diego Rodriguez-Pinzon
Assumptions Regarding Indians and Judicial Humility: Thoughts from a Property Law Lens, Ezra Rosser
On Becoming ‘Professor’: A Semi-Serious Look in the Mirror, Ezra Rosser
The Women's Protocol to the African Charter and Sexual Violence in the Context of Armed Conflict or Other Mass Atrocity, Susana Sacouto and Katherine A. Cleary
Offspring and Bodies: Dependency and Vulnerability in the Constitutional Jurisprudence of Reproductive Rights, Ann Shalleck
The Dangers of Equitable Remedies, Mary Siegel
Legal Responses to Sexual Violence in Custody: State Criminal Laws Prohibiting Staff Sexual Abuse of Individuals under Custodial Supervision, Brenda V. Smith and Jaime M. Yarussi
Grammar Confidential: Dispelling Common Writing Myths, David Spratt
Never Too Late to Go Home Again, David Spratt
Why Punctuation Matters; Part One, David Spratt
Writer's Block - Resolve to Become a Better Writer, David Spratt
Article 124, War Crimes, and the Development of the Rome Statute, Shana Tabak
Constitutional Borrowing, Nelson Tebbe and Robert Tsai
Control the Defense: Representing Zacarias Moussaoui, Kenneth Troccoli
Constitutional Borrowing, Robert L. Tsai
Toward a Broadband Public Interest Standard, Anthony E. Varona
AEDPA, Saucier, and the Stronger Case for Rights-First Constitutional Adjudication, Stephen I. Vladeck
Boumediene’s Quiet Theory: Access to Courts and the Separation of Powers., Stephen I. Vladeck
Problem of Jurisdictional Non-Precedent, The Symposium: Supreme Court Review, Stephen I. Vladeck
The Case against National Security Courts, Stephen I. Vladeck
The Case against National Security Courts, Stephen I. Vladeck
The Problem of Jurisdictional Non-Precedent, Stephen I. Vladeck
Climate Change, Corporate Strategy, and Corporate Law Duties, Perry E. Wallace
Human Rights Hero - President Barack Obama, Stephen Wermiel
Human Rights Hero - Sandra Day O'Connor, Stephen Wermiel and Michael S. Greco
Healthy Planet, Healthy People: Integrating Global Health into the International Response to Climate Change, Lindsay Wiley
Western Europe: Last Holdout in the Worldwide Acceptance of Clinical Legal Education, Richard J. Wilson
Submissions from 2008
Cross-Racial Identification of Defendants in Criminal Cases - A Proposed Model Jury Instruction, David Aaronson
Reflections: The Honorable Irma S. Raker – Judge, Teacher, and Role Model, David E. Aaronson
Banding Together: Reflections on the Role of the Women's Bar Association of the District of Columbia and the Washington College of Law in Promoting Women's Rights, Jamie Abrams and Daniela Kraiem
From the Periphery to the Center? The Evolving WTO Jurisprudence on Transparency and Good Governance, Padideh Ala'i
The WTO and the Anti-Corruption Movement, Padideh Ala'i
Hiding Behind Reciprocity: The Temporary Presence Exception and Patent Infringement Avoidance, Jonas Anderson
The Assumptions Behind the Assumptions in the War on Terror: Risk Assessment as an Example of Foundational Disagreement in Counterterrorism Policy, Kenneth Anderson
'Dynamic Competition' Does Not Excuse Monopolization, Jonathan Baker
Merger to Monopoly to Serve a Single Buyer: Comment, Jonathan Baker
Paper Trail: Working Papers and Recent Scholarship, Jonathan Baker
Turning on Itself: How Dueling Agencies in the Bush Administration Made Mincemeat of Antitrust Regulation Policy, Jonathan Baker