The Articles in Law Reviews and Other Academic Journals Series presents scholarly articles written by Washington College of Law faculty and staff and published for academic readership.
Submissions from 2007
Beyond Schumpeter vs. Arrow: How Antitrust Fosters Innovation, Jonathan Baker
Beyond Schumpeter vs. Arrow: How Antitrust Fosters Innovation, Jonathan Baker
Market Definition: An Analytical Overview, Jonathan Baker
Market Definition: An Analytical Overview, Jonathan Baker
Private Finance, Social Responsibility, and Transitional Justice: The Case for South African Reconciliation and Development Bonds, Daniel D. Bradlow
Training Law Students to Be International Transactional Lawyers - Using an Extended Simulation to Educate Law Students About Business Transactions, Daniel D. Bradlow and Jay Finkelstein
Progressive Lawyering in Politically Depressing Times, Susan Carle
Fixing Fair Use, Michael W. Carroll
Patent Injunctions and the Problem of Uniformity Cost, Michael W. Carroll
Racial Fairness in the Criminal Justice System: The Role of the Prosecutor, Angela J. Davis
Legal Profession's Failure to Discipline Unethical Prosecutors, Angela J. Davis
Racial Fairness in the Criminal Justice System: The Role of the Prosecutor, Angela J. Davis
The Legal Profession's Failure to Discipline Unethical Prosecutors, Angela J. Davis
Review of the 2006 Trademark Decisions of the Federal Circuit, Christine Haight Farley and Geri L. Haight
An Empirical Analysis of Investment Treaty Awards, Susan Franck
Empirically Evaluating Claims about Investment Treaty Arbitration, Susan Franck
Empirically Evaluating Claims About Investment Treaty Arbitration, Susan Franck
Empiricism and International Law: Insights for Investment Treaty Dispute Resolution, Susan Franck
Foreign Direct Investment, Investment Treaty Arbitration and the Rule of Law, Susan Franck
Foreign Direct Investment, Investment Treaty Arbitration, and the Rule of Law, Susan Franck
Foreword: A Symposium Exploring the Modern Legacy of William Jennings Bryan, Susan Franck
ICSID Institutional Reform: The Evolution of Dispute Resolution and the Role of Structural Safegaurds, Susan Franck
Integrating Investment Treaty Conflict and Dispute Systems Design, Susan Franck
Sanctions for Frivolous Challenges to Arbitration Awards, Susan Franck
Certifying Questions to Congress, Amanda Frost
The State Secrets Privilege and Separation of Powers, Amanda Frost
Wal-Mart Bank in Mexico: Money to the Masses and the Home-Host Hole, Anna Gelpern
Internal Displacement: The Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement-Normative Status, and the Need for Effective Domestic Implementation, Robert K. Goldman
El Desarrollo del Arbitraje Comercial Internacional: Sofisticacion o Complejdad, Horacio A. Grigera Naón
Langdell Upside-Down: James Coolidge Carter and the Anticlassical Jurisprudence of Anticodification, Lewis Grossman
Emerging Standards for Sustainable Finance of the Energy Sector, Kirk Herbertson and David Hunter
Aesthetics of Commercial Law: Domestic and International Implications, Heather Hughes
Counterintuitive Thoughts on Legal Scholarship and Secured Transactions, Heather Hughes
Counterintuitive Thoughts on Legal Scholarship and Secured Transactions, Heather Hughes
Creditors' Imagined Communities and the Unfettered Expansion of Secured Lending, Heather Hughes
Negligence in the Air: The Duty of Care in Climate Change Litigation, David Hunter and James Salzman
Reparations: A Remedies Law Perspective, Darren L. Hutchinson
Copyright, Fair Use and Motion Pictures, Peter Jaszi
Quantum Meruit and the Restatement (Third) of Restitution and Unjust Enrichment, Candace Kovacic-Fleischer
The Social Security Administration's New Disability Adjudication Rules: A Significant and Promising Reform, Jeffrey Lubbers
Inter-American System, Claudia Martin
Lou Henkin, Transitional Justice and the Prevention of Genocide, Juan Mendez
Remarks on Intervention, Juan E. Mendez
American Husbandry: Legal Norms Impacting the Production of (Re)Productivity, Camille Nelson
Lovin’ the Man: Examining the Nexus of Irony, Hypocrisy and Curiosity, Camille Nelson
Reparations: A Comparative Perspective, Fernanda G. Nicola
A 'Social Dimension' in European Private Law? The Call for Setting a Progressive Agenda, Fernanda Nicola and Ugo Mattei
‘Settling Accounts’ Revisited: Reconciling Global Norms with Local Agency, Diane F. Orentlicher