The Articles in Law Reviews and Other Academic Journals Series presents scholarly articles written by Washington College of Law faculty and staff and published for academic readership.
Submissions from 2014
Adapting the Law of Armed Conflict to Autonomous Weapon Systems, Kenneth Anderson, Daniel Reisner, and Matthew Waxman
Channeling and Contending with Bill Kovacic, Jonathan B. Baker
The G20 and Africa: A Critical Assessment, Daniel D. Bradlow
Problems Faced by Mexican Asylum Seekers in the United States, Anna Cabot
Conceptions of Agency in Social Movement Scholarship: Mack on African American Civil Rights Lawyers [comments], Susan Carle
Pinterest and Copyright's Safe Harbors for Internet Providers, Michael W. Carroll
Exploitation Creep and the Unmaking of Human Trafficking Law, Janie Chuang
After the AUMF, Jennifer Daskal
Pre-Crime Restraints: The Explosion of Targeted, Non-Custodial Prevention, Jennifer Daskal
The Future Now: Canada's Libraries, Archives, and Public Memory, Patricia Demers, Guylaine Beaudry, Pamela Bjornson, Michael Carroll, Carol Couture, Charlotte Gray, Judith Hare, Ernie Ingles, Eric Ketelaar, Gerald McMaster, and Ken Roberts
The Ohio State University Dispute Resolution in Special Education Symposium Panel, Robert Dinerstein
Building Blogs (and Law Firm Web Sites): Ethically, Effectively, Walter Effross
Brown's Dream Deferred: Lessons on Democracy and Identity from Cooper v. Arron to the School-to-Prison Pipeline, Lia Epperson
Teaching the Methods of White-Collar Practice: Investigatios, Roger Fairfax
Teaching the Wire: Integrating Capstone Policy Content into the Criminal Law Curriculum, Roger Fairfax
Stabilizing Morality in Trademark Law, Christine Farley
Territorial Exclusivity in U.S. Copyright and Trademark Law, Christine Farley
The Protection of Geographical Indications in the Inter-American Convention, Christine Farley
TRIPS-Plus Trade and Investment Agreements: Why More May Be Less for Economic Development, Christine Farley
Stabilizing Morality in Trademark Law, Christine Haight Farley
The Protection of Geographical Indications in the Inter-American Convention, Christine Haight Farley
Big Data Distortions: Exploring the Limits of the ABA LEATPR Standards, Andrew Ferguson
Constitutional Culpability: Questioning the New Exclusionary Rules, Andrew Ferguson
Personal Curtilage: Fourth Amendment Security in Public, Andrew Ferguson
Trial by Google: Judicial Notice in the Information Age, Andrew Ferguson
Conflating Politics and Development? Examining Investment Treaty Arbitration Outcomes, Susan Franck
Foreign Investments and the Market for Law, Susan Franck
Using Investor-State Mediation Rules to Promote Conflict Management, Susan Franck
Aging and Disability Disparities, Ahaviah Glaser, Chris Herman, and Daniela Kraiem
Foreword, The Future of International Criminal Justice, Claudio Grossman
Implementing Human Rights in Closed Environments through the United Nations Convention against Torture, Claudio Grossman
The International Human Rights Treaty System: Impact at the Domestic and International Levels, Claudio Grossman
The U.N. Committee Against Torture and Eradication of Torture in Health Care Settings, Claudio Grossman
The ICC's Exit Problem, Rebecca Hamilton
Non-Party Interests in Closing Opinion Letters, Heather Hughes
Fracking as a Federalism Case Study, Amanda Leiter
Fracking, Federalism, and Private Governance, Amanda Leiter
Soft Whistleblowing, Amanda Leiter
Utility Air Regulatory Group v. EPA: A Shot Across the Bow of the Administrative State, Amanda Leiter
The Consequences of Abortion Restrictions for Women's Healthcare, Maya Manian
The Rights of Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgendered Peoples and International Human Rights Law, Claudia Martin and Diego Rodriguez-Pinzon
Modest Response to a Simple Proposal, Camille Nelson
Comparative Urban Governance for Lawyers, Fernanda Nicola
The Contractualization of Family Law in the United States, Fernanda Nicola and Adrienne Hunter Jules
Remarks: The Tension between Law and Politics: Can the ICC Navigate a Multi-polar World?, Diane Orentlicher
From Third Parties to Parents: The Case of Lesbian Couples and Their Children, Nancy Polikoff
More than the Sum of All Parts: Taking on IP and IT Theft Through a Global Partnership, Andrew F. Popper
Citizens Derided: Corporate Politics in the Roberts Court, Jamin B. Raskin
Democratic Capital: A Voting Rights Surge in Washington Could Strengthen the Constitution for Everyone, Jamin B. Raskin