The Articles in Law Reviews and Other Academic Journals Series presents scholarly articles written by Washington College of Law faculty and staff and published for academic readership.
Submissions from 2015
Inferiority Complex: Should State Courts Follow Lower Federal Court Precedent on the Meaning of Federal Law?, Amanda Frost
Learning from Our Mistakes: Using Immigration Enforcement Errors to Guide Reform, Amanda Frost
When Two Wrongs Make a Right: Deferred Action and the Rule of Law - A Response to Hiroshi Motomura, Amanda Frost
Closing Plenary: Preventing Torture in the Fight against Terrorism, Claudio Grossman
Orthodoxy and 'The Other Man's Doxy': Medical Licensing and Medical Freedom in the Gilded Age, Lewis Grossman
Financial Product Complexity, Moral Hazard, and the Private Law, Heather Hughes
Helping Law Students Get the Help They Need: An Analysis of Data Regarding Law Students' Reluctance to Seek Help and Policy Recommendations for a Variety of Stakeholders, David Jaffe, Jerome M. Organ, and Katherine Bender
Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for the Visual Arts, Peter Jaszi
The Cost of Opportunity: Student Debt and Social Mobility, Daniela Kraiem
Preventing Private Inurement in Tranched Social Enterprises, Benjamin Leff
Fracking, Federalism, and Private Governance, Amanda Leiter
It's Time to Remove the 'Mossified' Procedures for FTC Rulemaking, Jeffrey Lubbers
A Government Success Story: How Data Analysis by the Social Security Appeals Council (with a Push from the Administrative Conference of the United States) is Transforming Social Security Disability Adjudication, Jeffrey Lubbers and Gerald K. Ray
Griswold, Geduldig, and Hobby Lobby: The Sex Gap Continues, Maya Manian
Transitional Justice, International Human Rights, and Humanitarian Law, Claudia Martin and Diego Rodriguez-Pinzon
Increasing Women’s Political Participation in Lebanon: Reflections on Hurdles, Opportunities, and Hope, Camille Nelson, Zeina Chemali, and Tanya Henderson
The Politicization of Legal Expertise in the TTIP Negotiation, Fernanda Nicola
Concord with Which Other Families: Marriage Equality, Family Demographics, and Race, Nancy Polikoff
Crimmigration Creep: Reframing Executive Action on Immigration, Jayesh Rathod
Our Taz, Ira Robbins, Jenny M. Roberts, Angela J. Davis, and Cynthia E. Jones
Author-Meets-Critics Session on Prof. James Jacobs’ The Eternal Criminal Record, Jenny Roberts
Expunging America's Rap Sheet in the Information Age, Jenny Roberts
Destabilizing Property, Ezra Rosser
Political Possibilities of Reparations, Ezra Rosser
Thought and Advocacy About Student Debt: Representation of Low-Income Borrowers in Law School Clinical Programs, Ann Shalleck
Publicly-Traded LLCs: The New Kid on the Exchange, Mary Siegel
Slavery by Another Name: 'Voluntary' Immigrant Detainee Labor and the Thirteenth Amendment, Anita Sinha
Boys, Rape and Masculinity: Reclaiming Boys' Narratives of Sexual Violence in Custody, Brenda V. Smith
Boys, Rape and Masculinity: Reclaiming Boys’ Narratives of Sexual Violence in Custody, Brenda V. Smith
Hitting a Home Run in Your Writing, David Spratt
Negotiator's Nook: The Ins and Outs of Effective Negotiation, David Spratt
Yes, Virginia, There Are Stupid Questions, David Spratt
Three Arguments About War, Robert Tsai
Three Arguments About War, Robert Tsai
Racial Slurs Shouldn’t Be Trademarked: The Washington Football Team’s Name is an Obstacle for Interstate Commerce, Robert Tsai and Christine Farley
Human Rights Hero: The Supreme Court in Griswold v. Connecticut, Stephen Wermiel
In Search of the Real Roberts Court, Stephen Wermiel
Deregulation, Distrust, and Democracy, Lindsay Wiley
Adventures in Nannydom: Reclaiming Collective Action for the Public's Health, Lindsay Wiley, Wendy E. Parmet, and Peter D. Jacobson
Earned Sovereignty Revisited: Creating a Strategic Framework for Managing Self-Determination Based Conflicts, Paul Williams, Carlie Armstrong, and Abigail Avoryie
Submissions from 2014
The Illusion of Autonomy in Women's Medical Decision-Making, Jamie Abrams
Civil Consequences of Corruption in International Commercial Contracts, Padideh Ala'i
Transparency in International Economic Relations and the Role of the WTO, Padideh Ala'i and Matthew D'Orsi
The Pathologies of Banking Business As Usual, Hilary Allen
What Is 'Financial Stability' -The Need for Some Common Language in International Financial Regulation, Hilary Allen
Congress as a Catalyst of Patent Reform at the Federal Circuit, Jonas Anderson
Patent Dialogue, Jonas Anderson
Through Our Glass Darkly: Does Comparative Law Counsel the Use of Foreign Law in U.S. Constitutional Adjudication?, Kenneth Anderson