The Articles in Law Reviews and Other Academic Journals Series presents scholarly articles written by Washington College of Law faculty and staff and published for academic readership.
Submissions from 2017
Carpenter v. United States: Brief of Scholars of Criminal Procedure and Privacy as Amici Curiae in Support of Petitioner, Andrew Ferguson
Policing Predictive Policing, Andrew Ferguson
The 'Smart' Fourth Amendment, Andrew Ferguson
The Miranda App: Metaphor and Machine, Andrew Ferguson and Richard Leo
Issues Concerning Enforcement and Dispute Resolution, Sean Flynn
South Africa takes steps to adjust copyright law to the digital age, Sean Flynn
Inside the Arbitrator's Mind, Susan Franck
Can the Government Deport Immigrants Using Information it Encouraged Them to Provide?, Amanda Frost
Cooperative Enforcement in Immigration Law, Amanda Frost
Ending Disparities and Achieving Justice for Individuals with Mental Disabilities, Robert K. Goldman and Sheila Shea
Property and the True-Sale Doctrine, Heather Hughes
The Commercial Appropriation of Frame: A Cultural Analysis of Right of Publicity and Passing off, Peter Jaszi
Comments on OMB's Interim Guidance Implementing Section 2 of Executive Order 13,771 Reducing Regulation and Controlling Regulatory Costs, Jeffrey Lubbers
Privatizing Bars on Abortion: Eviscerating Constitutional Rights through Tort Remedies, Maya Manian
Side Effects of the Abortion Wars, Maya Manian
Teenage Pregnancy, Parenting, and Abortion: Legal Limits on Adolescents' Reproductive Rights, Maya Manian
Extractive Industries And Human Rights, Claudia Martin and Diego Rodriguez-Pinzon
Academy on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law Articles and Essays on Extractive Industries and Human Rights: Introduction, Claudia Martin and Diego Rodriguez-Pnzon
We Have Lost a Sense of Purpose about Eliminating Torture, Juan E. Mendez
Cultural Brokers in the Changing Landscape of Legal Education: Associate Deans for Experiential Education, Binny Miller
Introduction: Judges As Diplomats in Advancing The Rule of Law: A Conversation With President Koen Lenaerts and Justice Stephen Breyer, Fernanda Nicola
Luxembourg Judicial Style With or Without the UK, Fernanda Nicola
A New Balance of Evils: Prosecutorial Misconduct, Iqbal, and the End of Absolute Immunity, Mark Niles
The Washington Redskins Case and the Search for Dignity, Victoria Phillips
Expanding Our Reach: Direct Client Representation vs. Policy and Advocacy Impact in a Transactional Clinic, Joseph Pileri
How Does a Radical Lesbian Feminist Who Just Knows How to Holler Somehow Become a Noted Legal Scholar, Nancy Polikoff
On The Necessity of Preserving Access to State Courts and Civil Justice: Rediscovering Federalism & Debunking “Fraudulent” Joinder, Andrew F. Popper
Damaged Bodies, Damaged Lives: Immigrant Worker Injuries as Dignity Takings, Jayesh Rathod and Rachel Nadas
Regulating Gun Rentals, Ira P. Robbins
Informed Misdemeanor Sentencing, Jenny M. Roberts
Building Prevention to Protect: The Inter-American Human Rights System, Diego Rodriguez-Pinzon
Exploiting the Poor: Housing, Markets, and Vulnerability, Ezra Rosser
Laying the Foundation: The Private Rental Market and Affordable Housing, Ezra Rosser
Exploring the InterSections between International and Domestic Justice Efforts, Susana Sacouto
ABA Criminal Justice Section Task Force on College Due Process Rights and Victim Protections: Recommendations for Colleges and Universities in Resolving Allegations of Campus Sexual Misconduct, Brenda V. Smith, Andrew S. Boutros, Tamara Rice Lave, Pamela J. Bernard, Caroline Bettinger-Lopez, Robert M. Cary, Laura L. Dunn, Cynthia P. Garrett, Marcos E. Hasbun, Janet P. Judge, Bridget M. Maricich, Robin Rachel Runge, Lauren Schoenthaler, Mary P. Koss, Elise Lopez, and Patrice Payne
If You've Seen One, You Have Not Seen Them All, David Spratt
Paying It Forward to Build the Perfect Lawyer, David Spratt
Obama's Conversion on Same-Sex Marriage, Robert Tsai
Narrowly-Tailored Privatization, Brandon Weiss
Human Rights Hero: Abner J. Mikva, Stephen Wermiel
Health Care System Transformation and Integration: A Call to Action for Public Health, Lindsay Wiley
Shaming Vaccine Refusal, Lindsay Wiley
Teaching Health Law from a Social-Ecological Perspective, Lindsay Wiley
Tobacco, Denormalization, Anti-Healthism, and Health Justice, Lindsay Wiley
Blood Antiquities: Addressing a Culture of Impunity in the Antiquities Market, Paul Williams and Christin Coster
A Legal Perspective on Yemen's Attempted Transition from a Unitary to a Federal System of Government, Paul Williams, Tiffany Sommadossi, and Ayat Mujais
Submissions from 2016
Debunking the Myth of Universal Male Privilege, Jamie Abrams
The Feminist Case for Acknowledging Women's Acts of Violence, Jamie Abrams
Ch. 14 Climate Change Innovation, Products and Services Under the GATT/WTO System, Padideh Ala'i
Judge Shopping in the Eastern District of Texas, Jonas Anderson