The Articles in Law Reviews and Other Academic Journals Series presents scholarly articles written by Washington College of Law faculty and staff and published for academic readership.
Submissions from 2018
"Everything you need is in here": Missing Elements in a Trauma-Sensitive, Multiracial Framework for Foster Parentig, Binny Miller and Maya Coleman
Another view of the Cathedral: What does the rule of law crisis tell us about democratizing the EU?, Fernanda Nicola
Building Victim-Led Coalitions in the Pursuit of Accountability, Diane Orentlicher
Book Review Some Kind of Justice: The ICTY's Impact in Bosnia and Serbia, Diane Orentlicher and Ivan Vukusic
Innovation and Tradition, Victoria Phillips
Innovation and Tradition: A Survey of Intellectual Property and Technology Legal Clinics, Victoria Phillips
Intellectual Property Law Gets Experienced, Victoria Phillips
Uncharted Waters? Legal Ethics and the Benefit Corporation, Joseph Pileri
Taking The States' Congressional Delegations Seriously: A Twelfth Amendment and First Amendment Approach to Identifying the Worst Gerrymanders, Jamin B. Raskin
Criminalization and the Politics of Migration in Brazil, Jayesh Rathod
Legal Education En Español: A Pedagogical Model, Jayesh Rathod
Equity in Contemporary Immigration Enforcement: Defining Contributions and Countering Criminalization, Jayesh Rathod and Alia Al-Khatib
Practice and Fitness Making Writing Perfection More Nearly Attainable, Heather Ridenour and David Spratt
A Deadly Pair: Conflicts of Interest Between Death Investigators and Prosecutors, Ira P. Robbins
"And/Or" and the Proper Use of Legal Language, Ira P. Robbins
Guns N' Ganja: How Federalism Criminalizes the Lawful Use of Marijuana, Ira P. Robbins
The Innocence Movement and Misdemeanors, Jenny M. Roberts
Property, Race, Segregation, and the State Property, Ezra Rosser
Narrative Understanding: Revisiting the Stories of Lay Lawyering, Ann Shalleck
Take Time to Wander Outside Your Comfort Zone, David Spratt
Racial Purges, Robert Tsai
Defamation and Privacy in the Social Media Age: What Would Justice Brennan Think?, Stephen Wermiel
The Ongoing Challenge to Define Free Speech, Stephen Wermiel
Thwarting Speech on College Campuses, Stephen Wermiel
Health Care Federalism and Next Steps in Health Reform, Lindsay Wiley
Medicaid for All?: State-Level Single-Payer Health Care, Lindsay Wiley
What We Talk About When We Talk About Health Reform, Lindsay Wiley
The Peace vs. Justice Debate and the Syrian Crisis, Paul Williams, Lisa Dicker, and C. Danae Paterson
Submissions from 2017
Experiential Learning and Assessment in the Era of Donald Trump, Jamie Abrams
The Polarization of Reproductive and Parental Decision-Making, Jamie Abrams
Changing Dynamics in Global Trade Negotiations, Padideh Ala'i
$=Euro=Bitcoin, Hilary Allen
Transactional Clinics as Change Agents in the Trump Era: Lessons from Two Contexts, Priya Baskaran and Michael Haber
Coming of Age on $2 a Day, Evicted: What CED Has to Say to Today's Untethered Poverty, Susan Bennett
Teaching and Practicing Community Development Poverty Law: Lawyers and Clients as Trusted Neighborhood Problem Solvers, Susan Bennett, Alicia Alvarez, Louise Howells, and Hannah Lieberman
Using a Shield as a Sword: Are International Organizations Abusing Their Immunity?, Daniel D. Bradlow
Analyzing Social Impairments under Title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act, Susan Carle
Using Global Migration Law to Prevent Human Trafficking, Janie Chuang
Freeing the Law, Khelani Clay
Freeing the Law, Khelani Clay
Access to Data Across Borders: The Critical Role for Congress to Play Now, Jennifer Daskal
Notice and Standing in the Fourth Amendment: Searches of Personal Data, Jennifer Daskal
Tales from a Supportive Guardianship, Robert Dinerstein
Did Trump’s tweet make it safer for NFL players to kneel for the anthem?, N. Jeremi Duru and Tracy Jan
Civil Rights Remedies in Higher Education: Jurisprudential Limitations and Lost Moments in Time, Lia Epperson
"Guilty Enough": The Supreme Court Reinforces the Presumption of Innocence, Roger Fairfax
The Grand Jury's Role in the Prosecution of Unjustified Police Killings - Challenges and Solutions, Roger Fairfax
No Trademark, No Problem, Christine Farley
No Trademark, No Problem, Christine Haight Farley