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NIC/WCL Project on Addressing Prison Rape, National Institute of Corrections (NIC),


Investigating Allegations of Staff Sexual Misconduct with Offenders is a 36-hour educational program that addresses the complex issues in investigations of staff on offender sexual abuse in correctional settings. It is primarily designed for investigators, prosecutors, human resource administrators, and high-level correctional administrators, but can be adapted for other audiences.

Before the lesson plans begin on page 31, you will find background information for the instructor. First you will find the proposed program agenda for the training, a list of topics and break times. This provides the instructor with a snapshot of the entire training; each module, topic and time allowed for that module.

Next, is the “Teaching Tips” section that offers suggestions for the instructor on:

  1. Selecting trainers and guest speakers
  2. Things to do prior to the training
  3. Setting up the training room
  4. Knowing your audience
  5. Using the curriculum
  6. Team teaching
  7. Teaching to maximize effectiveness
  8. Handling challenging people
  9. Responding to questions

The rest of the curriculum organizes the 15 modules into lesson plans. Each module is located behind a tab and can be used as lecture notes.

The goal of the training is to educate legal and correctional professionals on how to identify:

  1. The external and internal linkages that need to be made to ensure effective investigations and dispositions for staff involved staff sexual misconduct with offenders.
  2. The impact of training on successful investigations.

  3. The impact of training on all actors within the system including (administrators, line-staff, volunteers, contractors, and investigators, law enforcement and prosecutors).

The objectives of the training are to ensure that participants are able to:

  1. Review the Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (PREA) and identify its impact on investigations of staff sexual misconduct with persons under correctional supervision.
  2. Understand a comprehensive approach to addressing and investigating allegations of staff sexual misconduct with offenders- - policy, training and operational practices.

  3. Understand legal and investigative implications and strategies to responding to staff sexual misconduct with offenders.

  4. Understand the role of the prosecutor and review the legal tools for prosecuting staff sexual misconduct with offenders–their content, importance and relevance to investigations.

  5. Demonstrate and model how integrated relationships between police, prosecutors, investigators, and correctional personnel can help to ensure successful investigations and convictions of staff sexual misconduct with persons under correctional supervision.
