Reports | Scholarship & Research | American University Washington College of Law


Submissions from 2024


Russian Irregular Forces: Pursuing Accountability, Susana L. SaCouto

Submissions from 2022


Guide on Multisectional Responses for the Protection of Migrants, Refugees, and Internally Displaced Persons During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic, Diego Rodriguez-Pinzon and Claudia Martin

Submissions from 2021


The Bottom Line: Law School Need to Get Serious About the Work of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Lisa Sonia Taylor and Belinda Dantley

Submissions from 2019

ILC Report on Prevention and Punishment of Crimes Against Humanity and Enforced Disappearance, Claudio Grossman

Submissions from 2018

Open Science by Design: Realizing a Vision for 21st Century Research


Emerging Best Practices for the Management and Treatment of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, and Intersex Youth in Juvenile Justice Settings, Brenda V. Smith, Hayley Gorenberg, J. Rhodes Perry, Lisa Belmarsh, Shaena Johnson, Steven Jett, Rebecca Walters, Macarena Saez, Dana Shoenberg, Terry Schuster, Josh Delaney, Karen Bachar, Mykel Selph, Mark Seymour, Sharita Gruberg, Chris Daley, and Mark Yarhouse

Submissions from 2016


Protecting Juveniles in Adult Facilities from Sexual Abuse: Best Practices for Implementing the Youthful Inmate Standard, Brenda V. Smith


Policy Review and Development Guide: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, and Intersex Persons in Custodial Settings, 3rd ed., Brenda V. Smith and Jaime M. Yarussi

Submissions from 2015


Gender Perspectives on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment: Expert Consultation, Brenda V. Smith

Submissions from 2014


The U.N. Committee Against Torture and Eradication of Torture in Health Care Settings, Claudio Grossman


Enhancing the Use of Negotiated Rulemaking by the U.S. Department of Education, Jeffrey Lubbers


Collateral Damage: America's Failure to Forgive or Forget in the War on Crime: A Roadmap to Restore Rights and Status After Arrest or Conviction, National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers and Jenny M. Roberts


Missing the Point: The Real Impact of Native Mascots and Team Names on American Indian and Alaska Native Youth, Victoria Phillips and Erik Stegman


Fifty State Survey of Mandatory Reporting Statutes, Brenda V. Smith


An End to Silence: Inmate's Handbook on Identifying and Addressing Sexual Abuse, 3rd Edition, Brenda V. Smith

Frequently Asked Questions on Confidentiality and Privilege Considerations for Medical and Mental Health Professionals, Rape Crisis Counselors and Other Professionals Working in Corrections, Brenda V. Smith


Quick Reference Guide: Confidentiality and Privilege Exceptions and Mandatory Reporting Obligations of Rape Crisis Counselors, Brenda V. Smith


Ending Silence: Demanding Safety from Sexual Assault - Don't touch me, Brenda V. Smith, Caleb J. Bess, Rebecca I. Heinsen, Jaime M. Yarussi, and Michael J. Auger


Ending Silence: Demanding Safety from Sexual Assault - I reported, Brenda V. Smith, Caleb J. Bess, Rebecca I. Heinsen, Jaime V. Yarussi, and Michael J. Auger


Policy Review and Development Guide: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, and Intersex Persons in Custodial Settings, 2nd ed., Brenda V. Smith and Jaime M. Yarussi


Training Curriculum: Responding to Sexual Abuse of Youth in Custody: Addressing the Needs of Boys, Girls, and Gender Nonconforming Youth - Notification of Curriculum Use (Facilitator’s Guide), Brenda V. Smith, Jaime M. Yarussi, Rebecca Heinsen, Melissa C. Loomis, Caleb J. Bess, Tonya Davis, Lisa Capers, Kevin DuBose, Takiya Wheeler, and Dr. Robert Bidwell


Training Curriculum: Human Resources and Administrative Investigations (Facilitator’s Guide), Brenda V. Smith, Jaime M. Yarussi, Rebecca Heinsen, Melissa C. Loomis, Caleb J. Bess, Tonya Davis, Kathy Dennehy, A.T. Wall, Lorie Brisbin, Susan Carle, Richard Ugelow, Lisa Capers, and Aaron Aldrich

Training Curriculum: Responding to Sexual Abuse of Inmates in Custody: Addressing the Needs of Men, Women, and Gender Nonconforming Populations - Notification of Curriculum Use (Facilitator’s Guide), Brenda V. Smith, Jaime M. Yarussi, Rebecca Heinsen, Melissa C. Loomis, Caleb J. Bess, Tonya Davis, Kathy Dennehy, A.T. Wall, Lorie Brisbin, Marion Morgan, T.J. Parsell, and Larry Fergusson

Submissions from 2013


Fifty State Survey of Criminal Laws Prohibiting Sexual Abuse of Individuals in Custody, Brenda V. Smith


Frequently Asked Questions For Juvinile Defenders, Brenda V. Smith


Cross-gender Searches: A Case Law Study, Brenda V. Smith, Melissa C. Loomis, and Amy Gordon


Anti-Fraternization Polices and their Utility in Preventing Staff Sexual Abuse in Custody, Brenda V. Smith, Melissa C. Loomis, and Takiya Wheeler


Sexual Abuse in Custody: A Case Law Study, Brenda V. Smith, Melissa C. Loomis, and Takiya Wheeler


Addressing Sexual Violence Against Youth in Custody: Youth Workers’ Handbook on Identifying and Addressing Sexual Violence in Juvenile Justice Settings, Brenda V. Smith and Jaime M. Yarussi

Handbook for Community Corrections Leaders on Addressing Sexual Violence Against Individuals Under Supervision, Brenda V. Smith and Jaime M. Yarussi

Instructor’s Guide: Responding to Inmate on Inmate Sexual Violence, Brenda V. Smith and Jaime M. Yarussi

Participant Notebook: Responding to Inmate on Inmate Sexual Violence, Brenda V. Smith and Jaime M. Yarussi

Submissions from 2012


Fifty State Survey of Child Exploitation Laws, Brenda V. Smith


A Quick Guide for LGBTI Policy Development for Adult Prisons and Jails, Brenda V. Smith


A Quick Guide for LGBTI Policy Development for Youth Confinement Facilities, Brenda V. Smith


Ending Silence: Youth Speaking Up about Sexual Abuse in Custody - Billy Speaks Out, Brenda V. Smith, Stephanie A. Kinard, Jaime M. Yarussi, and Michael J. Auger


Ending Silence: Youth Speaking Up about Sexual Abuse in Custody - Carol’s Question, Brenda V. Smith, Stephanie A. Kinard, Jaime M. Yarussi, and Michael J. Auger


Ending Silence: Youth Speaking Up about Sexual Abuse in Custody - Charlie’s Report, Brenda V. Smith, Stephanie A. Kinard, Jaime M. Yarussi, and Michael J. Auger


Ending Silence: Youth Speaking Up about Sexual Abuse in Custody - Mary’s Friend, Brenda V. Smith, Stephanie A. Kinard, Jaime M. Yarussi, and Michael J. Auger


Ending Silence: Youth Speaking Up about Sexual Abuse in Custody - Sheila’s Dilemma, Brenda V. Smith, Stephanie A. Kinard, Jaime M. Yarussi, and Michael J. Auger

Submissions from 2011


Domestic Violence in the United States: A Preliminary Report prepared for Rashida Manjoo, U.N. Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women, Brenda V. Smith, Caroline Bettinger-Lopez, Farrah Elchahal, Miraisy Rodriguez, Monika Siwiec, Christina Brandt-Young, Kirsten Carlson, Gabrielle Davis, Margaret Drew, Rebecca Landy, Adam Dubin, Rachel Natelson, Sandra Park, Ana Romes, Jessica Rubenstein, Cynthia Soohoo, Cheryl Thomas, Sandra Jezierski, and Casey R. Schultz


Violence Against Women in the United States and the State’s Obligation to Protect: Civil Society briefing papers on community, military and custody submitted to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women, Rashida Manjoo, in advance of her Mission to the United States of America, Brenda V. Smith, Ashley Prather, and Jaime M. Yarussi

Submissions from 2010


Japan’s Legal Education Reforms from an American Law Professor’s Perspective, Jeffrey Lubbers


Picked Apart: The Hidden Struggles of Migrant Worker Women in the Maryland Crab Industry., Jayesh Rathod and Adrienne Lockie


Fifty State Survey of Juvenile Sex Offender Registration Statutes, Brenda V. Smith


Curriculum: Investigating Allegations of Staff Sexual Misconduct with Offenders (Facilitator's Guide), Brenda V. Smith, Morris L. Thigpen, Thomas Beauclair, Dee Halley, Jaime M. Yarussi, Marcia Morgan, Aaron Aldrich, Darrell Alley, Roy Austin, Diane Berman, Susan Carle, Wally Carmichael, Deborah Connor, Dan Dunne, Karen Giannakoulias, Katherine Huffman, Madeleine LaMarre, Susan McCampbell, Andie Moss, Mary Pinn, Susan Poole, Keith Reid, Jo Sterns, Melissa Turner, and A.T. Wall

Participant Notebook: Addressing Sexual Abuse of Youth in Custody, Brenda V. Smith and Jaime M. Yarussi

Participant notebook: Investigating Allegations of Staff Sexual Misconduct with Offenders, Brenda V. Smith and Jaime M. Yarussi

Submissions from 2009


Fifty State Survey of Official Misconduct Statutes, Brenda V. Smith


Fifty State Survey of Vulnerable Persons Statutes, Brenda V. Smith


National Prison Rape Elimination Commission (NPREC) Report, Brenda V. Smith; Reggie B. Walton; John A. Kaneb; James E. Aiken; Jamie Fellner; Pat Nolan; Gustavus A. Puryear IV; Cindy Struckman-Johnson; Margaret M. Chiara; Jenni Trovillion; Julia Dempewolf; Sobha Ketterer; Joya Taft-Dick; The Moss Group, Inc.; National Academy of Public Administration; Palladian Partners, Inc.; The Raben Group; Vera Institute of Justice; Sarah Alexander; Justin Barasky; Isra Bhatty; Amanda Bosquez; Michela Bowman; Angela Browne; Sharon Brett; Taavona Brooks; Christopher Britten; Alexander Busansky; Alissa Cambier; Christopher Campbell; Sherry Carroll; Kathleen Dennehy; Mara Dodson; Erica Drucker; Robert Dumond; Christopher Erlewine; Kathryn Fanlund; Rachel Farbiarz; Nicole Garnett; Mark Glaze; Tara Graham; Haley Griffin; Gabrielle Guzzardo; Allison Hastings; Jennifer Haymes; Kristen Henning; Jane Hereth; Richard Hoffman; Meaghan Hohl; Katharine Huffman; Henry Huggins; Leonard Jackson; Juliene James; Anita Khashu; Jessie Kirchner; Christy Lopez; Tony Marks; Pamala Micheaux; Marcia Morgan; Anadora Moss; Steven Newman; Emily Niedzwiecki; Robert Raben; Thomas Santaniello; Margo Schlanger; Kerri Sherlock Talbot; Jeff Shorba; Nina Siulc; Jessica St. John; Richard Tewksbury; L. Jackson Thomas II; Jennifer Trone; Jaime Yarussi; and Jason Zeidenberg

Submissions from 2008

Supra-national Governance and the WTO, NYU School of Law, Institute for International Law & Justice (2008)., Padideh Ala'i


Shrinking the Space for Denial: The Impact of the ICTY in Serbia, Diane Orentlicher


Sexual Victimization in Prisons: Moving Toward Elimination, Brenda V. Smith, A.T. Wall, Barbara Owen, and Allen Beck

Submissions from 2007


The Cost of Confusion: Resolving Ambiguities in Detainee Treatment, Kenneth Anderson

The Impact of The Prison Rape Elimination Act on Jails and Lock-ups, Brenda V. Smith, Jaime M. Yarussi, and Nairi M. Simonian


Breaking the Code of Silence: Correction Officers' Handbook on Identifying and Addressing Sexual Misconduct, Brenda V. Smith, Jaime M. Yarussi, Morris L. Thigpen, Thomas Beauclair, Larry Solomon, and Dee Halley

Submissions from 2006

Addressing Staff Sexual Misconduct With Offenders Curriculum (Instructor’s Guide: Staff Sexual Misconduct With Offenders)_2006, Brenda V. Smith

Participant Notebook: Addressing Staff Sexual Misconduct With Offenders Curriculum_2006, Brenda V. Smith

Submissions from 2005


Report of the Independent Expert on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms While Countering Terrorism, Robert K. Goldman

Submissions from 2004


Independent study on best practices, including recommendations, to assist states in strengthening their domestic capacity to combat all aspects of impunity, by Professor Diane Orentlicher, Diane Orentlicher

Participant Notebook: Addressing Staff Sexual Misconduct With Offenders Curriculum_2004, Brenda V. Smith

The Health Concerns of Imprisoned Women, Brenda V. Smith


Addressing Staff Sexual Misconduct With Offenders Curriculum (Instructor’s Guide: Staff Sexual Misconduct With Offenders)_2004, Brenda V. Smith, Morris L. Thigpen, Allen Ault, Anadora Moss, Dee Halley, Jaime M. Yarussi, Marcia Morgan, and Susan McCampbell

Submissions from 2002

An End To Silence: Prisoners’ Handbook On Identifying And Addressing Sexual Misconduct, 2nd Ed., Brenda V. Smith


Pathways to Juvenile Detention Reform: Reducing Racial Disparities in Juvenile Detention, Brenda V. Smith, Eleanor Hinton Hoytt, Vincent Schiraldi, and Jason Ziedenberg

Submissions from 2001


That Someone Guilty Be Punished: The Impact of the ICTY in Bosnia, Diane Orentlicher

Submissions from 2000


Report on the Situation of Roma and Sinti in the OSCE Area, Diane Orentlicher

Submissions from 1999


Children of Criminal Offenders & Foster Care, I, Brenda V. Smith

Submissions from 1998


USA: Rights for All, Brenda V. Smith


An End To Silence: Women Prisoners’ Handbook On Identifying And Addressing Sexual Misconduct, 2nd Ed., Brenda V. Smith, Marcia Greenberger, Nancy Duff Campbell, Deborah Brake, Joanna Grossman, Kathie Donnelly, Laura Cutiletta, Christina Davis, Marelisa Fabrega, Kristin Flynn, Kristin Holman, Jessica Jackson, Heather Lamberg, Kimberly Harris, Shauna Helton, Alvin Stith, Aurie Hall, Jonathan Smith, Andie Moss, Theresa Hunt Katsel, Drs. Elaine Carmen, and Shelley Neiderbach

Submissions from 1994

Report on the Current Legal Political Structures of West Bank and Gaza, Padideh Ala'i

Submissions from 1988

The Paradoxical Nature of the “Shari’ah” or Islamic law: A Guide to Human Nature, Padideh Ala'i