WIPs/TIPs SESSION 1 (C1) Colloquium C1A: WIP Grouping - Property & Development: Commenting on Omari Simmons (Wake Forest)'s "Urban Removal: Reshaping Urban Landscapes Through a Responsive Communitarian Lens"

Document Type


Publication Date


Conference / Event Title

4th National People of Color (NPOC) Legal Scholarship Conference

Conference / Event Location

Washington, D.C.

Hosting Organization

American University, Washington College of Law


The combined effects of federal, state, and local programs, policies, practices as well as private interests in shaping racial segregation, displacement, discrimination, and poverty in urban communities nationwide are well-documented. Yet the lessons of this important history are discounted in current academic and policy conversations involving modern-day gentrification. This article employs a case study of Tampa, Florida’s Urban Renewal, interstate highway construction, and housing policies between 1950-1965. It utilizes multiple sources such as academic literature, Tampa city records, the NAACP archives at the United States Library of Congress, and interviews with longstanding Tampa residents to capture a more contextual illustration of these exclusionary practices and their impact. The Tampa story is not simply history, it has salience to existing discussions of gentrification patterns impacting cities nationwide. Tampa is a cautionary tale of great value that, instead of being forgotten, should inform present and future efforts by regulators, private interests, and especially community residents in their quest to mobilize and reshape urban environments across the country. Ultimately, this article proposes a more balanced approach to modern gentrification efforts rooted in the philosophy of responsive communitarianism.

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