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Volume 2, Issue 2 (2010) Summer 2006 Commemorative Sylvania Woods Issue
Entire Issue
Volume 2, Issue 2
The Modern American
Letter from the Executive Board & Staff
A Phenomenal Man: Judge Sylvania Woods
Pamela Mitchell-Crump
Children of Incarcerated Mothers and the Struggle for Stability
Nekima Levy-Pounds
A Case for Reparations: The Plight of the African-American World War II Veteran Concerning Federal Discriminatory Housing Practices
LaDavia S. Hatcher
Where the Streets Have Many Names: Zoning, Community Power, and the Future of Shaw, Washington, D.C.
Parag Khandhar
Narrowing Racial Disparities in Sentencing Through a System of Mandatory Downward Departures
Douglas Smith
Reparations Conference Keynote Speech: Should America Pay?
Raymond Winbush
White Money/Black Power
Cecily Chambliss
Conference Highlights
Conference Highlight-Rising Star Award: Commentary
Lydia Edwards
Conference Highlight-Northstar Award: Spotlight on Angela Davis
Jamin Raskin and Cynthia Jones
Legislative Updates
Legislative Updates
Daniel Raposa