Home > WCL Journals & Law Reviews > TMA > Vol. 3 > Iss. 2
Volume 3, Issue 2 (2010) Summer-Fall 2007
Entire Issue
Volume 3, Issue 2
The Modern American
Letter from the Executive Board & Staff
Letter from the Executive Board
The Modern American
The Irrationality of a Rational Basis: Denying Benefits to the Children of Same-Sex Couples
Sam Castic
Pencil Me In: The Use of Title IX and s.1983 to Obtain Equal Treatment in High School Athletics Scheduling
Leigh E. Ferrin
Reflections of a Community Lawyer
Luz E. Herrera
Immigration Policy and Immigration Flows: A Comparative Analysis of Immigration Law in the U.S. and Argentina
Adela de la Torre and Julia Mendoza
Putting Thoughts Into Action: The Creation of the Latino/a Alumni Association of the Washington College of Law
Carlos Quintana
"White Latino" Leaders: A Foregone Conclusion or Mischaracterization of Latino Society
Eric M. Gutierrez
Book Review: Lesbian and Transgender Issues in Education: Programs, Policies, and Practices
Justin K. Terres
Book Reviews and Book Essays
Equal Marriage Rights for Transgendered Individuals
Parker Thoeni
The First Cuban-Born President of the Florida Bar Association: Spotlight of Francisco Angones
Juan Fernandez-Barquin
Legislative Updates