Faculty Collected Scholarship and Works | American University Washington College of Law
American University WCL faculty produce scholarship and research in a wide range of formats, collected here. These may include articles in law reviews and other academic journals, books, contributions to books, book reviews, amicus briefs, legal studies research papers, and other publications.


Submissions from 2010


Outsiders Inside the Beltway: Latcrit XIV - Critical Outsider Theory and Praxis in the Policymaking of the New American Regime, Anthony E. Varona


Taking Initiatives: Reconciling Race, Religion, Media and Democracy in the Quest for Marriage Equality, Anthony E. Varona

Common-Law Habeas and the Seperation of Powers, Stephen I. Vladeck

Clay v. United States, Stephen I. Vladeck

Foreword: National Security's Distortion Effects, Stephen I. Vladeck

Justice Jackson, the Memory of Internment, and the Rule of Law After the Bush Administration, Stephen I. Vladeck


Prepared Statement to the House Committee on the Judiciary on The Espionage Act and the Legal and Constitutional Issues Raised by WikiLeaks, Stephen I. Vladeck


State Sovereign Immunity and the Roberts Court, Stephen I. Vladeck

Terrorism Trials and the Article III Courts After Abu Ali, Stephen I. Vladeck

The Laws of War as a Constitutional Limit on Military Jurisdiction, Stephen I. Vladeck

The Laws of War as a Constitutional Limit on Military Jurisdiction, Stephen I. Vladeck

The Unreviewable Executive: Kiyemba, Maqalehm, and the Obama Administration, Stephen I. Vladeck

Justice Brennan: Liberal Champion, Stephen Wermiel

Moving Global Health Law Upstream: A Critical Appraisal of Global Health Law as a Tool for Health Adaptation to Climate Change, Lindsay F. Wiley


Shaping Foreign Policy in Times of Crisis: The Role of International Law and the State Department Legal Adviser, Paul Williams and Michael P. Scharf


A Brief Reflection on the Stages of the Clinical Year: Group Process with Existentialist Roots, Richard J. Wilson


Clinical Legal Education in Dutch Legal Culture: Clashes of Tradition, Tolerance, and Progress in Global Law's Capital, Richard J. Wilson


The Role of Practice in Legal Education, Richard J. Wilson

Submissions from 2009

From the Periphery to the Center? The Evolving WTO Jurisprudence on Transparency and Good Governance, Padideh Ala'i


Targeted Killing in U.S. Counterterrorism Strategy and Law, Kenneth Anderson


The Rise of International Criminal Law: Intended and Unintended Consequences, Kenneth Anderson

Empirical Methods in Merger Analysis: Econometric Analysis of Pricing in FTC v. Staples, Jonathan B. Baker


Expert Testimony: A Guide For Expert Witnesses and the Lawyers Who Examine Them, 3d, Elizabeth Boals


Developing Country Debt Crises, International Financial Institutions, and International Law: Some Preliminary Thoughts, Daniel Bradlow


Materials for a 4-Part On-Line Course on Global Financial Governance Offered by United Nations Institute on Training and Research (UNITAR), Daniel Bradlow


Reforming the Global Financial Architecture: Is Real Change Coming?, Daniel Bradlow


Reconciliation Financing: An Innovative Approach to Poverty, Inequality, and Social Conflict, Daniel D. Bradlow


The G20 and Sustainable IMF Reform, Daniel D. Bradlow


Law and Regulation of Mining: Minerals to Energy, Barlow Burke and Robert Beck


Law of Title Insurance, 3d, Barlow Burke and Robert Beck


Debunking the Myth of Civil Rights Liberalism: Visions of Racial Justice in the Thought of T. Thomas Fortune, 1880-1890, Susan D. Carle

Fair Use and Creative Commons Licenses, Michael W. Carroll

Arbitrary Justice: The Power of the American Prosecutor, Angela J. Davis

A Guide to Consent, 1st Edition, Robert Dinerstein, Stephen Ellmann, Isabelle Gunning, Katherine R. Kruse, and Ann Shalleck

Lawyers and Clients: Critical Issues in Interviewing and Counseling, Stephen Ellmann, Robert Dinerstein, Isabelle Gunning, Katherine Kruse, and Ann Shalleck

Home, Community, Property: Crimes of Displacement and the Evolution in Focus from Sovereign Interests to Victim Rights-Holder, Mary D. Fan


Convergence and Incongruence: Trademark Law and ICANN's Introduction of New Generic Top-Level Domains, Christine Haight Farley


Understanding the Federal Tort Claims Act: A Different Metaphor, Paul F. Figley


Brief of AARP, The National Legislative Association on Prescription Drug Prices, Community Catalyst, and Prescription Policy Choices, as Amici Curiae in Support of Appellees, IMS Health Inc. v. Sorrell, Sean Flynn


Reforming the State Secrets Privilege, Amanda Frost


The Limits of Advocacy, Amanda Frost


Financial Crisis Containment, Anna Gelpern


Feel-Good Formalism, Anna Gelpern and G. Mitu Gulati


Innovation after the Revolution: Foreign Sovereign Bond Contracts Since 2003, Anna Gelpern and G. Mitu Gulati


Rewriting Frankenstein Contracts: The Workout Prohibition in Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities, Anna Gelpern and Adam J. Levitin


History and Action: the Inter-American Human Rights System and the Role of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, Robert K. Goldman

The Normative Value of the Istanbul Protocol, Claudio Grossman

The Benefits and Evils of Competition: James Coolidge Carter’s Supreme Court Advocacy, Lewis Grossman


'From Savigny through Sir Henry Maine': Roscoe Pound’s Flawed Portrait of James Coolidge Carter’s Historical Jurisprudence, Lewis A. Grossman

Bringing Climate Change Claims to the Accountability Mechanisms of International Financial Institutions, David Hunter