Faculty Collected Scholarship and Works | American University Washington College of Law
American University WCL faculty produce scholarship and research in a wide range of formats, collected here. These may include articles in law reviews and other academic journals, books, contributions to books, book reviews, amicus briefs, legal studies research papers, and other publications.


Submissions from 2009


International Climate Negotiations: Opportunities and Challenges for the Obama Administration, David Hunter

The Implications of Climate Change Litigation for International Environmental Law-Making, David Hunter


Racial Exhaustion, Darren Hutchinson


Racial Exhaustion, Darren Hutchinson


Sexual Politics and Social Change, Darren L. Hutchinson

Copyright in Transition, Peter Jaszi


The Right Remedy for the Wrongly Convicted: Judicial Sanctions for Destruction of DNA Evidence, Cynthia E. Jones


Sit Down and Count the Cost: A Framework for Constitutionally Enforcing the 501(C)(3) Campaign Intervention Ban, Benjamin Leff


Whistle...and You've Got an Audience, Amanda Leiter


Multiple Families, Multiple Goals, Multiple Failures: The Need for Limited Equalization as a Theory of Child Support, Adrienne Lockie


Multiple Families, Multiple Goals, Multiple Failures: The Need for “Limited Equalization” as a Theory of Child Support, Adrienne Jennings Lockie


Experiential Education and the Rule of Law: Teaching Values through Clinical Education in China, Elliott Milstein

Title Experiential Education and the Rule of Law: Teaching Values through Clinical Education in China, Elliott Milstein


Promises of Accession: Reassessing the Trade Relationship Between Turkey and the European Union, Fernanda G. Nicola

Human Rights, 2d, Diane F. Orentlicher


How the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Changed HIPAA’s Privacy Requirements, Corrine Parver


Patient-Tailored Medicine, Part Two: Personalized Medicine and the Legal Landscape, Corrine Parver


Feminist Theory in the Context of International Conflict, Teresa G. Phelps

Truth Commissions, Teresa G. Phelps


Brief of Law Professors as Amici Curiae in Support of the Petitioners, Harjo v. Pro-Football Inc., Victoria Phillips and Christine Haight Farley


Testimony before the D.C. Council on Marriage Equality & Domestic Partnerships, Nancy Polikoff

Beyond (Straight and Gay) Marriage: Valuing All Families under the Law, Nancy D. Polikoff

Rediscovering Lone Pine, Andrew F. Popper

Immigrant Labor and the Occupational Safety & Health Regime; Part I: A New Vision for Workplace Regulation, Jayesh Rathod

Electronic Evidence: Law and Practice, 2d, Paul Rice

Evidence: The Common Law and Federal Evidence, 6d, Paul Rice


Managing the Unmanageable: A Brief Accounting of a Special Master’s Thirty Years of Experience in Complex Litigation, Paul Rice


Patient Negligence: The Unreasonableness of Relying on Trust, Song Richardson


When Human Experimentation is Criminal, Song Richardson

Ignorance Is Effectively Bliss: Collateral Consequences, Silence, and Misinformation in the Guilty-Plea Process, Jenny M. Roberts

Basic Facts of the Individual Complaint Procedure of the Inter-American Human Rights System, Diego Rodriguez-Pinzon

La Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, Diego Rodríguez-Pinzon


On Becoming ‘Professor’: A Semi-Serious Look in the Mirror, Ezra Rosser

The Confirmation of Charges Process at the International Criminal Court, Susana SáCouto

Training Lawyers for Transnational Practice: Building Dual Degree Programs in Law, Macarena Saez


Brief of American Medical Association et al. as Amici Curiae in Support of Plaintiffs’ Opposition to Defendants’ Motion to Dismiss and in Support of Plaintiffs’ Motion for Summary Judgment, Association for Molecular Pathology v. U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Joshua Sarnoff


Submission of American Patent and Health Law Professors on Australian Senate Community Affairs Committee Inquiry into Gene Patents, Joshua Sarnoff


Brief of Eleven Law Professors and AARP As Amici Curiae in Support of Respondent, Bilski v. Kappos, 130 S. Ct. 3218 (2010) (No. 08-964), Joshua Sarnoff, Lori Andrews, Andrew Chin, Ralph Clifford, Christine Farley, Sean Flynn, Debra Greenfield, Peter Jaszi, Charles McManis, Lateef Mtima, and Malla Pollack

Flexible Application of Injunctive Relief in Intellectual Property Enforcement (with Reference to Lessons from the Emerging U.S. Jurisprudence, Joshua D. Sarnoff


Offspring and Bodies: Dependency and Vulnerability in the Constitutional Jurisprudence of Reproductive Rights, Ann Shalleck

Prisons the World Over, Rita J. Simon

Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship the World Over, Rita J. Simon


Legal Responses to Sexual Violence in Custody: State Criminal Laws Prohibiting Staff Sexual Abuse of Individuals under Custodial Supervision, Brenda V. Smith and Jaime M. Yarussi


No Reason to Wait: Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions through the Clean Air Act, William Snape

The Role of the State ESAs, William Snape


Hunting Promissory Estoppel, David V. Snyder


Article 124, War Crimes, and the Development of the Rome Statute, Shana Tabak


Constitutional Borrowing, Robert L. Tsai


Langston Hughes: The Ethics of Melancholy Citizenship, Robert L. Tsai


Toward a Broadband Public Interest Standard, Anthony E. Varona