Faculty Collected Scholarship and Works | American University Washington College of Law
American University WCL faculty produce scholarship and research in a wide range of formats, collected here. These may include articles in law reviews and other academic journals, books, contributions to books, book reviews, amicus briefs, legal studies research papers, and other publications.


Books from 2011

Investor-State Disputes: Prevention and Alternatives to Arbitration II - Proceedings of the Washington and Lee University and UNCTAD Joint Symposium on International Investment and Alternative Dispute Resolution, held on 29 March 2010 in Lexington, Virginia, United States of America, N. Jeremi Duru

Grand Jury 2.0: Modern Perspectives on the Grand Jury, Roger Fairfax


Brief of AARP and the National Legislative Association on Prescription Drug Prices as Amici Curiae in Support of Petitioners, Sean Flynn


Supreme Court Amicus Brief of AARP and the National Legislative Association on Petition Drug Prices in Support of Petitioners, William H. Sorrell v. IMS Health, Inc., No. 10-779 (Filed March 1, 2011), Sean Flynn, Meredith Jacob, and Stacy Canan


Through the Looking Glass: Understanding Social Science Norms for Analyzing International Investment Law, Susan Franck, Calvin Garbin, and Jenna Perkins

Banks, Governments, and Debt Crises, Anna Gelpern


Sovereignty, Accountability, and the Wealth Fund Governance Conundrum, Anna Gelpern


Comment on Prof. Stephen Powell's paper - Managing the rule of law in the Americas, Claudio Grossman


Remarks - Enhancing Visits to Places of Detention Promoting Collaboration, Claudio Grossman


Promoting Safeguards Through Detention Visits, Claudio Grossman, Brenda V. Smith, Ariela Peralta, Suzanne Jabbour, and Alison A. Hillman de Velasquez

Arbitration Costs: Myths and Realities in Investment Treaty Arbitration, Rebecca Hamilton

Securitization and Suburbia, Heather Hughes

Presentación, David B. Hunter

Yearbook of International Environmental Law, Vol. 20, Iss. 1, David B. Hunter

Racial Exhaustion, Darren Hutchinson

Sexual Politics and Social Change, Darren Hutchinson

Copyright Law, 11d, Peter Jaszi and Patricia Aufderheide

International Financial Institutions and International Law, Peter Jaszi, Mario Biagioli, and Martha Woodmansee


Cohabitation and the Restatement (Third) of Restitution & Unjust Enrichment, Candace Kovacic-Fleischer

Cohabitation and the Restatement (Third) of Restitution & Unjust Enrichment, Candace S. Kovacic-Fleischer


Federal Regulation of Nonprofit Board of Independence: Focus on Independent Stakeholders as a "Middle Way", Benjamin Leff


Regulatory Hide and Seek: What Agencies Can (and Can't) Do to Limit Judicial Review, Amanda Leiter

A Survey of Federal Agency Rulemakers' Attitudes About E-Rulemaking, Jeffrey Lubbers

Give Them Back Their Lives: Recognizing Client Narrative in Case Theory, Binny Miller

A Signature Pedagogy for Clinical Legal Education?, Elliot Milstein and Susan J. Bryant

'Creatures of the State': Regulatory Federalism, Local Immunities, and EU Waste Regulation, Fernanda Nicola

Prophetic Litigation: The Symbolic and Communicative Function of International Criminal Tribunals, Teresa G. Phelps


In Defense of Deterrence, Andrew Popper


Capping Incentives, Capping Innovation, Courting Disaster: The Gulf Oil Spill and Arbitrary Limits on Civil Liability, Andrew F. Popper


The Two-Trillion Dollar Carve-Out: Foreign Manufacturers of Defective Goods and the Death of H.R. 4678 in the 111th Congress, Andrew F. Popper

Beyond the Chilling Effect: Immigrant Workers and the Regulation of Occupational Safety & Health, Jayesh Rathod

Protecting Immigrant Workers Through Interagency Cooperation, Jayesh Rathod


Arrest Efficiency and the Fourth Amendment, Song Richardson


Proving Prejudice, Post-Padilla, Jenny M. Roberts


Why Misdemeanors Matter: Defining Effective Advocacy in the Lower Criminal Courts, Jenny M. Roberts

Clinical Contexts: Theory and Practice in Law and Supervision, Ann Shalleck

Appendiciles I-IV, Brenda Smith, Ayelet Waldman, and Robin Levi


High temperature ReCOB piezocrystals: Recent developments, David Snyder, Fapeng Yu, Shujun Zhang, Ru Xia, Yiting Fei, Eric Frantz, Xian Zhao, Durong Yuan, Bruce H.T. Chai, and Thomas R. Shrout


False Dichotomies of Transitional Justice: Gender, Conflict and Combatants in Colombia, Shana Tabak


The Ethics of Melancholy Citizenship, Robert L. Tsai


Whistleblower Protection and the Challenge to Public Employment Law, Robert Vaughn


The New Habeas Revisionism, Stephen I. Vladeck


Lawfare: A War Worth Fighting, Paul Williams

Beyond Legal Imperialism: U.S. Clinical Legal Education and the New Law and Development, Richard J. Wilson

Contributor, Richard J. Wilson