Faculty Collected Scholarship and Works | American University Washington College of Law
American University WCL faculty produce scholarship and research in a wide range of formats, collected here. These may include articles in law reviews and other academic journals, books, contributions to books, book reviews, amicus briefs, legal studies research papers, and other publications.


Books from 2014


Federal Administrative Procedure Sourcebook, 5d, Elizabeth Boals


The G20 and Africa: A Critical Assessment, Daniel D. Bradlow


Lawyers and Clients: Critical Issues in Interviewing and Counseling, Susan Bryant, Elliot Milstein, and Ann Shalleck

Discovery Problems in Civil Cases, Barlow Burke


Brief for Amicus Curiae Law Professors and Scholars in Support of Apellee, in Authors Guild v. Google, Inc., Michael W. Carroll, Brandon C. Butler, and Meredith Jacob

U.S. Women's Legal History, Mary L. Clark


The Future Now: Canada's Libraries, Archives, and Public Memory, Patricia Demers, Guylaine Beaudry, Pamela Bjornson, Michael Carroll, Carol Couture, Charlotte Gray, Judith Hare, Ernie Ingles, Eric Ketelaar, Gerald McMaster, and Ken Roberts

Learning to Be a Lawyer: Embracing Indeterminacy and Uncertainty, Robert Dinerstein and E. Milstein

The Pan-American Trademark Convention of 1929: A Bold Vision of Extraterritorial Meets Current Realities, Christine Farley


Stabilizing Morality in Trademark Law, Christine Haight Farley


Territorial Exclusivity in U.S. Copyright and Trademark Law, Christine Haight Farley


The Protection of Geographical Indications in the Inter-American Convention, Christine Haight Farley

Transforming the Education of Lawyers: The Theory and Practice of Clinical Pedagogy, Andrew Guthrie Ferguson, Maryam Ahranjani, and Jamin B. Raskin

Evidence Law and Practice, 6d, Steven I. Friedland, Paul Bergman, and Andrew E. Taslitz


Foreword, The Future of International Criminal Justice, Claudio Grossman

Implementing Human Rights in Closed Environments through the United Nations Convention Against Torture, Claudio Grossman


Mastering Criminal Procedure, Volume 1: The Investigative Stage, 2d, Cynthia Jones, Andrew E. Taslitz, Peter J. Henning, Margaret L. Paris, and Ellen S. Podogor


Environment, Energy, and Resources Law, Amanda Leiter

Fracking, Federalism, and Private Governance, Amanda Leiter


Utility Air Regulatory Group v. EPA: A Shot Across the Bow of the Administrative State, Amanda Leiter


Enhancing the Use of Negotiated Rulemaking by the U.S. Department of Education, Jeffrey Lubbers

Transparency in Policymaking - The (Mostly) Laudable Example of the U.S. Rulemaking System, Jeffrey Lubbers

Holes in the Safety Net: Federalism and Poverty, Claudia Martin and Diego Rodriguez-Pinzon


Collateral Damage: America's Failure to Forgive or Forget in the War on Crime: A Roadmap to Restore Rights and Status After Arrest or Conviction, National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers and Jenny M. Roberts


Missing the Point: The Real Impact of Native Mascots and Team Names on American Indian and Alaska Native Youth, Victoria Phillips and Erik Stegman


More than the Sum of All Parts: Taking on IP and IT Theft Through a Global Partnership, Andrew F. Popper


Maryland Practice Materials: A Selective Annotated Bibliography, Adeen Postar and Khelani Clay


The Burger Years: Rights and Wrongs in the Supreme Court, 1969-1986, Jamin Raskin


Amicus Curiae ante la Honorable Corte Constitucional de Colombia, Macarena Saez


Amicus Curiae ante la Honorable Corte Constitucional de Colombia, Macarena Saez


AMICUS CURIAE ante la Honorable Corte Constitucional de Yucatán, México, Macarena Saez


Quick Reference Guide: Confidentiality and Privilege Exceptions and Mandatory Reporting Obligations of Rape Crisis Counselors, Brenda V. Smith


Sam Survives, Brenda V. Smith and Jaime M. Yarussi


The New Wigmore: A Treatise on Evidence - Expert Evidence, 3d, David Snyder and Martin Davies


LGBTI Migrants in Immigration Detention: A Global Perspective, Shana Tabak and Rachel Levitan

The Law of International Organizations: Problems and Materials, 3d, Stephen Wermiel and Lee Levine


Military Intervention and Diplomatic Engagement in Libya: A Collage of Policy, Force, and Law, Paul Williams and Anna Triponel