Faculty Collected Scholarship and Works | American University Washington College of Law
American University WCL faculty produce scholarship and research in a wide range of formats, collected here. These may include articles in law reviews and other academic journals, books, contributions to books, book reviews, amicus briefs, legal studies research papers, and other publications.


Submissions from 2013


The Role of the Ombuds in a Knowledge-Intensive Corporation: A Partner for Conflict Prevention and Mitigation, David P. Clark


Hamdan v. United States: A Death Knell for Military Commissions?, Jennifer Daskal


The Geography of the Battlefield: A Framework for Detention and Targeting Outside the 'Hot' Conflict Zone, Jennifer Daskal

There But For the Grace of God Go I, Angela J. Davis

Community Economic Development Law: A Text for Engaged Learning, N. Jeremi Duru, Matthew Mitten, Timothy Davis, and Rodney Smith


Corporate Governance: Principles and Practices, 2d, Walter A. Effross


Supreme Court Amicus Brief of Law Professors in Support of Petitioner, Abraham v. Alpha Chi Omega, Christine Farley


Using Problems to Teach Quantitative Damages in a First Year Torts Class, Paul F. Figley

Managing Expectations: Beyond Formal Adjudication, Susan Franck


Extraterritorial Application of the Human Rights to Life and Personal Liberty, Including Habeas Corpus, During Situations of Armed Conflict, Robert K. Goldman


Introduction - The Future of the Inter-American System of Human Rights, Claudio Grossman

Climate Change and the Law, 2d, David Hunter


"Give Us Free": Addressing Racial Disparities in Bail Determinations, Cynthia E. Jones


"I AM Ronald Cotton": Teaching Wrongful Convictions in a Criminal Law Class, Cynthia E. Jones

International Environmental Law and Policy, 4d, Cynthia E. Jones

Public Health Law: Power, Duty, Restraint, 3d, Richard Merrill, Peter Hutt, and Lewis Grossman


Extending and Customizing Content Discovery for the Legal Academic Community with Innovative Interfaces' Pathfinder Pro: The Pence Law Library Approach, Sima Mirkin


Gender and Sexuality in Latin America - Cases and Decisions, Christina Motta and Macarena Saez

Colonial Optics: Dancehall and Legal Imperatives Against the "Unnatural", Camille Nelson


In Personam and Beyond the Grasp: In Search of Jurisdiction and Accountability for Foreign Defendants, Andrew Popper

Effective Plea Bargaining Counsel, Jenny M. Roberts

Self-Determination, the Trust Doctrine, and Congressional Appropriations: Promise and Pitfalls of Federal Disentanglement from Indian Healthcare, Ezra Rosser


After Dothard: Female Correctional Workers and the Challenge to Employment Law, Brenda V. Smith and Melissa C. Loomis

After Dothard: Female Correctional Workers and the Challenge to Employment Law, Brenda V. Smith and Melissa C. Loomis


Legal Responses to Sexual Violence in Custody: Protections Provided by Vulnerable Persons Statutes, Brenda V. Smith and Mary Beth Pavlik


Legal Responses to Sexual Violence in Custody: Using Existing State Mandatory Reporting Statutes to Improve Disclosure of Sexual Violence in Correctional Settings, Brenda V. Smith, Loren Ponds, and Melissa Loomis

Handbook for Community Corrections Leaders on Addressing Sexual Violence Against Individuals Under Supervision, Brenda V. Smith and Jaime M. Yarussi

How Will You Use Your Twenty Minutes?, William Snape


Untitled Chapter, William Snape

The Progeny: Justice William J. Brennan's Fight to Preserve the Legacy of New York Times v. Sullivan, William J. Snape III

Climate Change Adaptation and Public Health Law, Lindsay Wiley


International Law & the Resolution of Central and East European Transboundary Environmental Disputes, Paul Williams and Michael P. Scharf

Submissions from 2012


From De Novo Review to Informal Deference: An Historical, Empirical, and Normative Analysis of the Standard of Appellate Review for Patent Claim Construction, Jonas Anderson and Peter S. Menell

Civil Society: Do NGOs Have Too Much Power?, Kenneth Anderson


Efficiency in Bello and Ad Bellum: Making the Use of Force Too Easy?, Kenneth Anderson


Reclaiming Global Environmental Leadership: Why the United States Should Ratify Ten Pending Environmental Treaties, Mary Jane Angelo, Rebecca M. Bratspies, David Hunter, John H. Knox, Noah Sachs, and Sandra B. Zellmer

Research Topics in Unilateral Effects Analysis, Jonathan Baker and David Reitman


Community Economic Development Law: A Text For Engaged Learning, Susan D. Bennett, Brenda Bratton Blom, Louise A. Howells, and Deborah S. Kenn


How Well Does the G20 Reflect African Interests and Priorities?: Some Thoughts Following the Los Cabos, Mexico Summit, Daniel Bradlow


The Reform of the Governance of the IFIs: A Critical Assessment, Daniel Bradlow


How Well Does the G20 Reflect African Interests and Priorities?: Some Thoughts Following the Los Cabos, Mexico Summit, Daniel D. Bradlow


General Reports of the XVIIIth Congress of the International Academy of Comparative Law/Rapports Généraux du XVIIIème Congrès de l’Académie Internationale de Droit Comparé, Karen B. Brown and David V. Snyder


Copyright's Creative Hierarchy in the Performing Arts, Michael Carroll

The Use of Indicators to Measure Government Responses to Human Trafficking, Janie Chuang and Anne T. Gallagher


Implementing Procedural Safeguards for the Development of Bioinformatics Interoperability Standards, Jorge Contreras


Open Access Scientific Publishing and the Developing World, Jorge Contreras


Rethinking RAND: SDO-Based Approaches to Patent Licensing Commitments, Jorge Contreras


Rethinking RAND: SDO-Based Approaches to Patent Licensing Commitments, Jorge Contreras


Standards and Related Intellectual Property Issues for Climate Change Technology, Jorge Contreras


Standards, Patents, and the National Smart Grid, Jorge Contreras